柳川 徹(ヤナガワ トオル)
- 論文
- 第20回「喘息で,最近まで薬を使ってました,という患者さんが歯科医院に来たら…」
森島祐子; 酒井俊; 柳川徹
補綴臨床/51(3)/pp.329-344, 2018-05 - 第19回「患者さんが高血圧で倒れた!?どう対処すればいいの……」
酒井俊; 柳川徹
補綴臨床/51(2)/pp.193-207, 2018-03 - 第18回「えっ、補綴装置を誤飲した?しかも、その患者さんにピロリ菌が……!?」
鈴木英雄; 長谷川正午; 酒井俊; 柳川徹
補綴臨床/51(1)/pp.66-80, 2018-01 - 頸動脈洞症候群による失神発作を繰り返した舌がん頸部再発の1例
山縣 憲司; 生井 友農; 内田 文彦; 菅野 直美; 柳川 徹; 武川 寛樹
日本口腔科学会雑誌/67(1)/p.23, 2018 - 妊娠初期および後期に外科治療を行った舌癌の1例
高岡 昇平; 山縣 憲司; 伊藤 寛之; 内田 文彦; 柳川 徹; 武川 寛樹
日本口腔科学会雑誌/67(1)/p.41, 2018 - 第17回「膠原病でステロイド?!ステロイドということは…」
坪井洋人; 小野由湖; 住田 孝之; 酒井俊; 柳川徹
補綴臨床/50(6)/pp.652-667, 2017-11 - Molecular mechanisms of Streptococcus pneumoniae-targeted autophagy via pneumolysin, Golgi-resident Rab41, and Nedd4-1 mediated K63-linked ubiquitination
Ogawa Michinaga; Matsuda Ryuta; Takada Naoki; Tomokiyo...
Cellular microbiology/20(8), 2018-03 - Exercise habituation is effective for improvement of periodontal disease status: a prospective intervention study
Omori Shoei; Uchida Fumihiko; Oh Sechang; So Rina; Ts...
Therapeutics and clinical risk management/14/pp.565-574, 2018-04 - A case of brain abscess caused by medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw
Yamagata K; Nagai H; Baba O; Uchida F; Kanno N; Hasegawa ...
Case Reports in Dentistry, 2016 - A clinical study of metachronous multiple cancers within the oral cavity
Yamagata K; Ito H; Uchida F; Kanno N; Yamatoji M; Hasegaw...
Oral Science in Japan, 2014 - Parotid lymph node metastasis in a patient with tongue cancer
Yamagata K; Kanno I N; Ito H; Hasegawa S; Yanagawa T; Oni...
Case Reports in Clinical Medicine/13/pp.23-27, 2014 - Cheilitis glandularis: two case reports of asian-Japanese men and literature review of Japanese cases
Toru Yanagawa; Yamaguchi A; Harada H; Kenji Yamagata; ...
ISRN Dentistry, 2011 - Cystadenocarcinoma arising in the oral floor, a case of effective use of fine-needle aspiration cytology and biopsy.
Naomi Ishibashi-Kanno; Hiromichi Akizuki; Toru Yanagawa; ...
Oral Health and Dental Management/15(1)/pp.14-17, 2016-02 - A Rare Case of Synchronous Squamous Cell Carcinoma on the Body of the Tongue and Malignant Lymphoma of the Neck
Arihito Katou; Hiromi Hirohata; Fumihiko Uchida; Yasutosh...
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine, 2018-02 - Synaptic-Adhesion Molecules Neurexin 1 and Neuroligin 1 as Novel Prognostic Factors in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Hiromi Hirohata; Toru Yanagawa; Shohei Takaoka; Fumihiko ...
Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine, 2018-03 - 舌背部に生じた平滑筋腫性過誤腫の1例
石橋 直美; 山縣 憲司; 鬼澤浩司郎; 米本 芽衣; 柳川 徹; 吉田 廣
日本口腔外科学会雑誌, 2008 - 舌癌頸部郭清標本から胃癌の頸部リンパ節転移が発見された1例
菅野 直美; 山縣 憲司; 馬場 脩; 長井 宏樹; 柳川 徹; 武川 寛樹
日本口腔外科学会雑誌/59(8)/pp.550-554, 2013-08 - 閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群に対する口腔内装置治療の有用性に関する検討
内田 文彦; 鬼澤浩司郎; 馬場 脩; 菅野 直美; 伊藤 寛之; 長谷川正午; 山縣 憲司; 柳川 徹; 佐藤 誠...
日本口腔外科学会雑誌/62/pp.395-403, 2016 - Basal cell adenoma arising in a minor salivary gland of the palate.
Ishibashi Naomi; Yanagawa Toru; Yamagata Kenji; Karube R...
Oral Maxillofac Surg./16(1)/pp.111-114, 2012-03 - Usefulness of esophagogastroduodenoscopy and (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron-emission tomography in detecting synchronous multiple primary cancers with oral cancer
Ishibashi-Kanno Naomi; Yamagata Kenji; Uchida Fumihiko; H...
Oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2017-12 - A Case of Primary Combined Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Neuroendocrine (Atypical Carcinoid) Tumor in the Floor of the Mouth
Yamagata Kenji; Terada Kazuhiro; Uchida Fumihiko; Kanno ...
CASE REPORTS IN DENTISTRY, 2016-12 - Presurgical Nasoalveolar Molding Orthopedic Treatment Improves the Outcome of Primary Cheiloplasty of Unilateral Complete Cleft Lip and Palate, as Assessed by Naris Morphology and Cleft Gap
Sasaki Hiroyoshi; Togashi Shinji; Karube Rei; Yanagawa T...
JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY, 2012-11 - Presurgical orthopedic treatment ameliorates postoperative nasal deformity after cheiloplasty
Adach K; Togashi S; Yanagawa T; Ishibashi N; Goto T; Yamagata ...
ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY, 2013-08 - MicroRNA-205-5p suppresses the invasiveness of oral squamous cell carcinoma by inhibiting TIMP‑2 expression
Nagai Hiroki; Hasegawa Shogo; Uchida Fumihiko; Terabe Ta...
International journal of oncology/52(3)/pp.841-850, 2018-03 - Expression of autophagy-related markers at the surgical margin of oral squamous cell carcinoma correlates with poor prognosis and tumor recurrence
Terabe Takehito; Uchida Fumihiko; Nagai Hiroki; Omori Sh...
Human pathology/73/pp.156-163, 2017-12 - さらに表示...
- 第20回「喘息で,最近まで薬を使ってました,という患者さんが歯科医院に来たら…」