松本 功(マツモト イサオ)
- 会議発表等
- 間質性肺炎合併全身性強皮症におけるCD161陽性V𝛿1陽性𝛾𝛿T細胞の解析
松本 功
厚生労働省科学研究補助金 平成25年度佐藤班班会議/2014-01 - TIARP suppresses the migration of neutrophils and the proliferation of fibroblast-like synoviocytes via regulation of CXCL2/CXCR2 pathway.
松本 功
The 42th Annual Meeting of the Japanease Society for Immunology/2013-12 - Overexpression of RORγt in T cells induced spontaneous sialadenitis like Sjögren’s syndrome.
Matsumoto Isao
The 42th Annual Meeting of the Japanease Society for Immunology/2013-12 - RORgt overexpression regulates anti-CII antibodies and collagen induced arthritis.
Matsumoto Isao
The 42th Annual Meeting of the Japanease Society for Immunology/2013-12 - The suppressive ability of altered peptide ligands to M3R reactive
Matsumoto Isao
The 42th Annual Meeting of the Japanease Society for Immunology/2013-12 - Involvement of TCR Vdelta1+ NKT cells in systemic sclerosis patients
Matsumoto Isao
The 42th Annual Meeting of the Japanease Society for Immunology/2013-12 - Systemic inflammation in the PD-1 deficiency of T-bet transgenic mice.
Matsumoto Isao
The 42th Annual Meeting of the Japanease Society for Immunology/2013-12 - 関節炎におけるFormyl peptide rexeptor 2(FPR2)発現T細胞サブセットの解析に関する研究
松本 功
平成25年度厚生科研山本班班会議(東京)/2013-12 - シェーグレン症候群患者に関する全国疫学調査(一次調査、二次調査)
松本 功
平成25年度厚生労働科学研究費住田班班会議(東京)/2013-12 - M3Rを分子標的とした自己免疫性唾液腺炎に関する研究
松本 功
平成25年度厚生労働科学研究費住田班班会議(東京)/2013-12 - 血球貪食リンパ組織球症により発症し、多彩な病態を呈した全身性エリテマトーデスの1例
松本 功
第24回日本リウマチ学会関東支部学術集会(東京)/2013-12 - 関節リウマチ
松本 功
第41回日本臨床免疫学会総会(下関)/2013-11 - The regulatory role of TNFα-induced protein9(TNFAIP9) in arthritis with mice and humans
Matsumoto Isao
Autoimmunity Congress Asia 2013 Satellite Symposium/2013-11 - 眼窩内炎症と大動脈周囲炎を合併したIgG4関連疾患の1例
松本 功
第19回茨城リウマチ(つくば)/2013-11 - Evaluation of abatacept on arthritis by low field compact magnetic resonance imaging in patients with rheumatoid arthritis complicated with Sjögren's syndrome
Matsumoto Isao
12th International Sjögren’s Syndrome Synposium (Kyoto)/2013-10 - Validation of diagnostic criteria for IgG4-related Mikulicz's disease
Matsumoto Isao
12th International Sjögren’s Syndrome Synposium (Kyoto)/2013-10 - Clinical analysis of patients with IgG4-related disease complicated with perivascular lesions
松本 功
12th International Sjögren’s Syndrome Synposium (Kyoto)/2013-10 - Clinical and pathological significance of anti-M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antibodies in patients with Sjögren’s syndrome
Matsumoto Isao
12th International Sjögren’s Syndrome Synposium (Kyoto)/2013-10 - Analysis of the suppressive ability of altered peptide ligands to M3R reactive T cells in M3R induced autoimmune sialadenitis
Matsumoto Isao
12th International Sjögren’s Syndrome Synposium (Kyoto)/2013-10 - Primary and secondary surveys on epidemiology of Sjögren's syndrome in all Japan
Matsumoto Isao
12th International Sjögren’s Syndrome Synposium (Kyoto)/2013-10 - Comparison of IgG4-related disease with Sjögren's syndrome by DNA microarray analysis of labial salivary glands
Matsumoto Isao
12th International Sjögren’s Syndrome Synposium (Kyoto)/2013-10 - DNA microarray analysis of Sjögren's syndrome: Comparison with IgG4-related disease
Matsumoto Isao
12th International Sjögren’s Syndrome Synposium (Kyoto)/2013-10 - Usefulness of MR imaging of the parotid glands in patients with Sjögren's syndrome.
Matsumoto Isao
12th International Sjögren’s Syndrome Synposium (Kyoto)/2013-10 - Clinical and pathological analysis of patients with IgG4-related disease complicated with orbital involvements
Matsumoto Isao
12th International Sjögren’s Syndrome Synposium (Kyoto)/2013-10 - The role of RORγt in the development of sialadenitis like Sjögren's syndrome
Matsumoto Isao
12th International Sjögren’s Syndrome Synposium (Kyoto)/2013-10 - さらに表示...
- 間質性肺炎合併全身性強皮症におけるCD161陽性V𝛿1陽性𝛾𝛿T細胞の解析