佐藤 幸夫(サトウ ユキオ)
- 論文
- Stratifin regulates stabilization of receptor tyrosine kinases via interaction with ubiquitin-specific protease 8 in lung adenocarcinoma
Kim Yunjung; Shiba-Ishii Aya; Nakagawa Tomoki; Iemura Sh...
Oncogene/37(40)/pp.5387-5402, 2018-06 - Case report of three EGFR TKI naïve lung adenocarcinoma containing double EGFR mutations (L858R/T790M or Exon 19 Deletion/T790M) ; Comparing genetic information and histology.
Sakashita Shingo; Shiba-Ishii Aya; Murata Yoshihiko; Seki...
Pathology - Research and Practice/214(8)/pp.1224-1230, 2018-06 - Successful Surgical Closure of an Esophagobronchial Fistula Caused by a Foreign Body in the Esophagus of a Female Octogenarian with a Delayed Diagnosis: A Case Report
Yanagihara Takahiro; Ichimura Hideo; Kobayashi Keisuke; S...
Annals of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery : official journal of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Asia/27(2)/pp.126-131, 2018-06 - 気管原発glomus腫瘍の1例
佐伯 祐典; 佐藤 幸夫; 荒木 健太郎; 北沢 伸祐; 小林 尚寛; 神山 幸一
日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌/32(4)/pp.540-543, 2018 - Acquired T790M Mutation After Relapse Following EGFR-TKI Therapy: A Population-based Multi-institutional Study
Kaburagi Takayuki; Kiyoshima Moriyuki; Nawa Takeshi; Ichi...
Anticancer research/38(5)/pp.3145-3150, 2018-04 - 気管wedge resectionによる右肺全摘
菅井 和人; 後藤 行延; 小林 尚寛; 菊池 慎二; 佐藤 幸夫
日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌/32(2)/pp.256-260, 2018-03 - Influence of surface light scattering and glistenings of intraocular lenses on visual function 15 to 20 years after surgery
Oshika Tetsuro; Ando Hiroshi; Inoue Yasushi; Eguchi S...
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery/44(2)/pp.219-225, 2018-02 - Heterotopic production of ceruloplasmin by lung adenocarcinoma is significantly correlated with prognosis
Matsuoka Ryota; Shiba-Ishii Aya; Nakano Noriyuki; Togayac...
Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands)/118/pp.97-104, 2018-04 - 有瘻性膿胸開窓術後にEWSによる気管支充填とVAC療法の併用が有効であった1例
山岡 賢俊; 菊池 慎二; 柳原 隆宏; 酒井 光昭; 後藤 行延; 佐藤 幸夫
日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌/32(1)/pp.46-51, 2018-01 - Model of lung cancer surgery risk derived from a Japanese nationwide web-based database of 78 594 patients during 2014-2015
Endo Shunsuke; Ikeda Norihiko; Kondo Takashi; Nakajima J...
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery/52(6)/pp.1182-1189, 2017-12 - Cyclophilin A expression and its prognostic significance in lung adenocarcinoma
Nakano Noriyuki; Sakashita Shingo; Matsuoka Ryota; Murata...
Pathology international/67(11)/pp.555-563, 2017-10 - Computed tomography detection of stapled interlobar fissure facilitates diagnosing postoperative lobar torsion: A case report
Takahiro Yanagihara; Ichimura Hideo; Kobayashi Keisuke...
International journal of surgery case reports/41/pp.86-88, 2017-10 - Effects of ketanserin on systemic and regional haemodynamics in patients with essential hypertension
Ito Y; Isaka M; Noda H; Sato Y; Fujita T
Drugs/36 Suppl 1/pp.120-122, 1988-04 - [Management of Fluid and Nutrition after Lung Resection to Prevent Complications]
Sato Yukio
Kyobu geka. The Japanese journal of thoracic surgery/70(8)/pp.692-695, 2017-07 - Endobronchial dental prosthesis retrieval by a snare technique using a flexible bronchoscope and fluoroscopy: Two case reports and technical tips
Ichimura Hideo; Maeda Michihiro; Kikuchi Shinji; Ozawa...
Respiratory medicine case reports/19/pp.187-189, 2016-10 - Long-term pulmonary function after surgery for lung cancer
Kobayashi Naohiro; Kobayashi Keisuke; Kikuchi Shinji; Got...
Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery/24(5)/pp.727-732, 2017-02 - Three-dimensional computed tomographic volumetry precisely predicts the postoperative pulmonary function
Kobayashi Keisuke; Saeki Yusuke; Kitazawa Shinsuke; Kobay...
Surgery today/47(11)/pp.1303-1311, 2017-04 - Enlarged mediastinal air cyst in a patient with bronchial diverticula localized in the left main bronchus: a case report with surgical and bronchoscopic findings
Ichimura Hideo; Ozawa Yuichiro; Shiigai Masanari; Shio...
SURGICAL CASE REPORTS/3(1)/p.1, 2017-01 - 縦隔リンパ節郭清後の乳縻心膜症による心タンポナーデを発症した1例
北沢伸祐; 中岡浩二郎; 小林尚寛; 菊池慎二; 後藤行延; 佐藤 幸夫
日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery/31(2)/pp.49-54, 2017-03 - 嚥下機能低下を呈した要介護認定高齢者に対する呼吸トレーニングが呼吸機能,嚥下機能,QOL に与える効果
巻 直樹; 髙橋 大知; 仲田 敏明; 長谷川 大吾; 若山 修一; 坂本 晴美; 藤田 好彦; 高田 祐; 佐藤...
理学療法学/44(2)/pp.138-144, 2017 - 縦隔異所性副甲状腺腺腫の1手術例
柳原隆宏; 酒井光昭; 佐伯祐典; 北沢伸祐; 小林尚寛; 佐藤 幸夫
日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌/29(6)/pp.37-41, 2015-09 - Subscapularis muscle flap for reconstruction of posterior chest wall skeletal defect
Sakai Mitsuaki; Yamaoka Masatoshi; Goto Yukinobu; Sato...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY CASE REPORTS/10/pp.198-200, 2015 - The effect of respiratory rehabilitation for the frail elderly: a pilot study
Naoki Maki; Hirotomo Takahashi; Toshiaki Nakata ; Shuichi...
Journal of Gneral and Family Medicine/17(4)/pp.289-298, 2016-12 - Long-Term Survival after Pneumonectomy for Pulmonary Carcinosarcoma
Sinsuke Kitazawa; Keisuke Kobayashi; Mitsuaki Sakai; Sato...
Jacobs Publishers/3(2)/p.28, 2016-11 - Development of an annually updated Japanese national clinical database for chest surgery in 2014
Shunsuke Endo; Norihiko Ikeda; Takashi Kondo; Jun Nakaji...
Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg/64/pp.569-576, 2016-08 - さらに表示...
- Stratifin regulates stabilization of receptor tyrosine kinases via interaction with ubiquitin-specific protease 8 in lung adenocarcinoma