石津 智子(イシヅ トモコ)
- 論文
- 100)SLEに合併した右房内腫瘤の一例
小形 岳寛; 石光 敏行; 石津 智子; 鈴木 章弘; 瀬尾 由広; 山口 巌; 杉下 靖朗
Japanese circulation journal/63(2)/p.712, 1999-08 - 30)無症候性下壁心筋梗塞に伴った嚢状心室中隔瘤穿孔の1例
仁科 秀崇; 大塚 定徳; 笹原 康義; 鈴木 章弘; 石津 智子; 森山 直子; 山口 巌; 榊原 謙
Japanese circulation journal/63(2)/p.716, 1999-08 - 81)両心室心尖部に球状血栓を認め, その消失過程を観察しえた産褥性心筋症の1症例
石光 敏行; 上野 幸廣; 鈴木 章広; 石津 智子; 瀬尾 由広; 飯田 啓治; 山口 巌
Japanese circulation journal/63(3)/p.845, 1999-10 - Prediction and mechanism of frequent ventricular premature contractions related to haemodynamic deterioration
Kuroki Kenji; Tada Hiroshi; Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomoko; Iga...
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEART FAILURE/14(10)/pp.1112-1120, 2012-10 - Tissue Doppler Imaging Dyssynchrony Parameter Derived From the Myocardial Active Wall Motion Improves Prediction of Responders for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
SAKAMAKI Fumiko; SEO Yoshihiro; ISHIZU Tomoko; YANAKA Sa...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/76(3)/pp.689-697, 2012-02 - Impact of unstable carotid plaque for prediction of coronary vulnerable plaque in asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus
Kimura T.; Sato A.; Adachi T.; Kakefuda Y.; Ojima E.; Watabe H...
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL/33(1)/pp.527-528, 2012-08 - The impacts of conventional echocardiographic parameters for the prediction of the recurrence of chronic atrial fibrillation after pulmonary vein isolation
Nakano E.; Harada T.; Ishizu T.; Seo Y.; Aonuma K.; Miyake F.
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL/33(1)/pp.406-406, 2012-08 - A Multicenter Study Design to Assess the Clinical Usefulness of Semi-Automatic Measurement of Flow-Mediated Vasodilatation of the Brachial Artery
Tomiyama Hirofumi; Kohro Takahide; Higashi Yukihito; Taka...
INTERNATIONAL HEART JOURNAL/53(3)/pp.170-175, 2012-05 - Isolated Cardiac Involvement of B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Mimicking Acute Myocardial Infarction With Persistent Broad ST-Segment Elevationc
Kakefuda Yuki; Sato Akira; Hoshi Tomoya; Ishizu Tomoko; Tada ...
CIRCULATION/125(22)/pp.E979-E982, 2012-06 - An Increase in Right Atrial Magnetic Strength Is a Novel Predictor of Recurrence of Atrial Fibrillation After Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation
Sato Yoko; Yoshida Kentaro; Ogata Kuniomi; Inaba Takeshi...
CIRCULATION JOURNAL/76(7)/pp.1601-1608, 2012-07 - Impact of Coronary Plaque Composition on Cardiac Troponin Elevation After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Stable Angina Pectoris A Computed Tomography Analysis
Watabe Hiroaki; Sato Akira; Akiyama Daiki; Kakefuda Yuki...
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY/59(21)/pp.1881-1888, 2012-05 - Transmural Compensation of Myocardial Deformation to Preserve Left Ventricular Ejection Performance in Chronic Aortic Regurgitation
Iida Noriko; Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomoko; Nakajima Hide...
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY/25(6)/pp.620-628, 2012-06 - Tissue Doppler Imaging Dyssynchrony Parameter Derived From the Myocardial Active Wall Motion Improves Prediction of Responders for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Sakamaki Fumiko; Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomoko; Yanaka Satomi...
CIRCULATION JOURNAL/76(3)/pp.689-697, 2012-03 - Utility of 320-Slice Multi-Detector Computed Tomography for the Diagnosis and Evaluation of Cardiac Structures in a Patient With a Double-Chambered Right Ventricle
Harimura Yoshie; Tada Hiroshi; Ishizu Tomoko; Watabe Hir...
CIRCULATION JOURNAL/75(11)/pp.2711-2713, 2011-11 - Initial Experience of Tolvaptan in Patients with Refractory Heart Failure
Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomoko; Sakai Satoshi; Kawano Sato...
JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE/17(9::Suppl. 1)/pp.S155-S155, 2011-09 - The Efficacy and Safety of Tolvaptan Treatment in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure
Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomoko; Sakai Satoshi; Kawano Sato...
JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE/17(9::Suppl. 1)/pp.S155-S155, 2011-09 - Left Atrial Stiffness Relates to Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction and Recurrence After Pulmonary Vein Isolation for Atrial Fibrillation
Machino-Ohtsuka Tomoko; Seo Yoshihiro; Tada Hiroshi; Ishizu ...
JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY/22(9)/pp.999-1006, 2011-09 - B-flow imaging による頸動脈プラーク内血管の描出頸動脈内膜剥離術施行症例での検討
瀬尾 由広; 石津 智子; 鶴田 和太郎; 田口 夏美; 鈴木 謙介; 松村 明; 青沼 和隆
Japanese journal of medical ultrasonics = 超音波医学/37(4)/pp.463-467, 2010-07 - Impaired Subendocardial Wall Thickening and Post-Systolic Shortening Are Signs of Critical Myocardial Ischemia in Patients With Flow-Limiting Coronary Stenosis
Ishizu Tomoko; Seo Yoshihiro; Baba Masako; Machino Tomok...
CIRCULATION JOURNAL/75(8)/pp.1934-1941, 2011-08 - Impact of carotid intima-media thickness for prediction of coronary artery disease in asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus
Sato A.; Kakefuda Y.; Ojima E.; Adachi T.; Atsumi A.; Ish...
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL SUPPLEMENTS/13(A)/p.127, 2011-04 - Endocardial Surface Area Tracking for Assessment of Regional LV Wall Deformation With 3D Speckle Tracking Imaging
Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomoko; Enomoto Yoshiharu; Sugimori...
JACC-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING/4(4)/pp.358-365, 2011-04 - Usefulness of area tracking imaging in assessing regional left ventricular deformation; a comparison study with one-dimensional strain analysis
Seo Y.; Ishizu T.; Enomoto T.; Aonuma K.
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL/31(Suppl. 1)/pp.1064-1064, 2010-09 - Prognostic impact of plaque echolucency in combination with inflammatory biomarkers on cardiovascular outcomes of coronary artery disease patients receiving optimal medical therapy
Ishizu Tomoko; Seo Yoshihiro; Machino Tomoko; Kawamura R...
ATHEROSCLEROSIS/216(1)/pp.120-124, 2011-05 - OE-068 Comparison of Clinical Implication between the Echolucent Carotid Plaques and Plaque Score in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome.(Acute Coronary Syndrome, Basic/Clinical 3 (IHD) : OE9)(Oral Presentation (English))
Seo Yoshihiro; Ishimitsu Toshiyuki; Ishizu Tomoko; Moriya...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/68(0)/pp.157-158, 2004-03 - PE-249 Current parental smoking and irregularities of the carotid arterial intima-media thickness in healthy children(Smoking 1 (H) : PE43)(Poster Session (English))
Ishizu Tomoko; Ishimitsu Toshiyuki; Yanagi Hisako; Seo Y...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/68(0)/p.423, 2004-03 - さらに表示...
- 100)SLEに合併した右房内腫瘤の一例