石津 智子(イシヅ トモコ)
- 論文
- Implication of Analysis of Strain Distribution on Left Ventricular Performance in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy(Echo/Doppler 9 (I), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
Seo Yoshihiro; Aonuma Kazutaka; Ohtsuka Sadanori; Kawano ...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/69(Suppl.I)/p.302, 2005-03 - 急性冠症候群における頚動脈超音波像の特徴
瀬尾 由広; 石光 敏行; 石津 智子; 森山 直子; 渡辺 重行; 山口 巖
Journal of medical ultrasonics = 超音波医学/32(0)/p.346, 2005-04 - 下肢挙上による弛緩障害型左室流入速度波形の層別化
石津 智子; 瀬尾 由広; 石光 敏行; 小原 健一; 森山 直子; 河野 了; 山内 孝義; 野口 祐一; 渡辺...
Journal of medical ultrasonics = 超音波医学/32(0)/p.363, 2005-04 - 急性冠症候群における頚動脈超音波像の特徴
瀬尾 由広; 石光 敏行; 石津 智子; 森山 直子; 渡辺 重行; 山口 巖
Japanese journal of medical ultrasonics = 超音波医学/32(0)/p.346, 2005-04 - 下肢挙上による弛緩障害型左室流入速度波形の層別化
石津 智子; 瀬尾 由広; 石光 敏行; 小原 健一; 森山 直子; 河野 了; 山内 孝義; 野口 祐一; 渡辺...
Japanese journal of medical ultrasonics = 超音波医学/32(0)/p.363, 2005-04 - 症候性脳血管障害例における僧帽弁輪石灰化の存在と頸動脈硬化重症度との関係
瀬尾 由広; 石光 敏行; 石津 智子; 坂根 みち子; 前田 裕史; 藤田 圭史; 亀崎 高夫; 渡辺 重行; ...
Journal of cardiology/46(1)/pp.17-24, 2005-07 - OE-006 Echolucent Carotid Plaque is a Useful Surrogate Marker for Identifying High Risk Patients for Coronary Arterial Vulnerability(Acute coronary syndrome, basic/clinical-1 (IHD) OE1,Oral Presentation (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
Seo Yoshihiro; Watanabe Shigeyuki; Ishizu Tomoko; Moriyam...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/70(0)/p.149, 2006-03 - OE-093 Serum Levels of Malondialdehyde-Modified LDL Associate with Systemic Atherosclerotic Instability in Patients with Coronary Artery Diseases(Atherosclerosis, clinical-1 (H) OE16,Oral Presentation (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
Seo Yoshihiro; Watanabe Shigeyuki; Ishizu Tomoko; Moriyam...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/70(0)/p.172, 2006-03 - PJ-052 Stratification of Impaired Relaxation Filling Pattern by Leg Lifting in Patients with Normal Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction(Heart failure, clinical-17 (M) PJ9,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
Ishizu Tomoko; Seo Yoshihiro; Obara Kenichi; Moriyama Na...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/70(0)/p.502, 2006-03 - 拡張期心不全
河野 了; 瀬尾 由広; 石光 敏行; 石津 智子; 小原 健一; 渡辺 重行; 山口 巖
心電図 = Electrocardiology/26(0)/pp.2-39, 2006-03 - Echolucent Carotid Plaques as a Feature in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome
Seo Yoshihiro; Watanabe Shigeyuki; Ishizu Tomoko; Moriyam...
Circulation Journal/70(12)/pp.1629-1634, 2006-11 - Effect on Hemodynamics and Dyssynchrony by Equilateral Triangle Ventricular Pacing in Patients with Advanced Heart Failure
Seo Yoshihiro; Yoshida Kentaro; Yamazaki Hiroshi; Tanoue Kaz...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/71(Suppl.1)/p.91, 2007-03 - Propagation Delay of Active Myocardial Movement Determined By Speckle Tracking Identifies Responders of Cardiac Resynchronization
Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomoko; Yoshida Kentaro; Tanoue Ka...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/71(Suppl.1)/pp.147-148, 2007-03 - OE-344 Dyssynchrony Deteriorate Left Ventricular Twist in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy(Heart failure, clinical-03, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
Ishizu Tomoko; Seo Yoshihiro; Iida Noriko; Sakamaki Fumi...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/71(0)/p.237, 2007-03 - OJ-113 Feasibility and Utility of M-mode Septal to Posterior Wall Motion Delay as a Screening Method of Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony(Echo/Doppler-05, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
Sakamaki Fumiko; Seo Yoshihiro; Uno Kiyoko; Ishizu Tomok...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/71(0)/p.281, 2007-03 - Utility of 3-Dimensional Echocardiography in Evaluation of Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation due to Pacemaker or Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Leads
Nakajima Hideki; Seo Yoshihiro; Yoshida Kentaro; Tanoue Kazu...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/71(Suppl.1)/p.282, 2007-03 - Left Atrial Volumes Assessed by Echocardiography Compared to Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Uno Kiyoko; Seo Yoshihiro; Misaki Masako; Yoshida Ikuo; Oyake...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/71(Suppl.1)/p.407, 2007-03 - CRTおよびPTMCにおけるカテ室内心エコーの有用性
瀬尾 由広; 宇野 希世子; 石津 智子; 河野 了; 渡辺 重行; 青沼 和隆; 石光 敏行
Journal of medical ultrasonics = 超音波医学/34(0)/p.233, 2007-04 - 左室同期不全を有する拡張型心筋症例における左室捻れ運動の検討
飯田 典子; 石津 智子; 瀬尾 由広; 酒巻 文子; 中島 英樹; 稲葉 武; 川村 龍; 宇野 希世子; 青沼...
Journal of medical ultrasonics = 超音波医学/34(0)/p.359, 2007-04 - Predictive factors of the responders for the cardiac resynchronization therapy with triple-site pacing
Yamasaki Hiro; Seo Yoshihiro; Machino Takeshi; Machino T...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/72(Suppl.I)/pp.159-159, 2008-03 - OE-104 Utility of Modified Septal-to-Posterior Wall Motion Delay with Anatomical M-Mode Echocardiography as a Predictor of Responders of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy(Echo/Doppler(01)(I),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
Sakamaki Fumiko; Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomoko; Machino T...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/72(0)/p.206, 2008-03 - OE-359 Impaired Subendocardial and Compensated Subepicardial Wall Thickening at Rest in Patients with Severe Coronary Stenosis but Visually Normal Wall Motion.(Echo/Doppler(02)(I),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
Ishizu Tomoko; Seo Yoshihiro; Shiotsuka Junji; Nakajima ...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/72(0)/p.270, 2008-03 - Aging of Venous Thrombosis - Comparison between histological and tissue elasticity imaging
Uno Kiyoko; Tonomura Akiko; Yamakawa Makoto; Ishizu Tomoko; S...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/72(0)/pp.329-330, 2008-03 - Importance of Assessing Septal Tissue Velocity during Preejection Period in Identifying Dyssynchrony in Patients with Left Bundle Branch Block
山本 昌良; Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomoko; Machino Tomoko; Sakamaki...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/72(0)/p.351, 2008-03 - PE-081 Relationship between Systolic Septal Wall Contraction and Responsiveness to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Patients with Left Bundle Branch Block(Echo/Doppler(05)(I),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomoko; Machino Tomoko; Nakajima H...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/72(0)/p.380, 2008-03 - さらに表示...
- Implication of Analysis of Strain Distribution on Left Ventricular Performance in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy(Echo/Doppler 9 (I), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)