石津 智子(イシヅ トモコ)
- 論文
- Features of Lead-Induced Tricuspid Regurgitation in Patients With Heart Failure Events After Cardiac Implantation of Electronic Devices ― A Three-Dimensional Echocardiographic Study ―
Nakajima Hideki; Ieda Masaki; Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomo...
Circulation Journal/84(12)/pp.2302-2311, 2020-12 - Clinical Usefulness of the HFA-PEFF Diagnostic Scoring System in Identifying Late Elderly Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction Patients
Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomoko; Ieda Masaki; Ohte Nobuy...
Circulation Journal/85(5)/p.604, 2020-11 - Direct oral anticoagulant use and outcomes in adult patients with Fontan circulation: A multicenter retrospective cohort study
Kawamatsu Naoto; Ishizu Tomoko; Machino-Ohtsuka Tomoko...
International journal of cardiology/327/pp.74-79, 2020-11 - Prognostic Impact of Changes in Intrarenal Venous Flow Pattern in Patients With Heart Failure
Yamamoto Masayoshi; Seo Yoshihiro; Iida Noriko; Ishizu...
Journal of cardiac failure/27(1)/pp.20-28, 2020-07 - Doppler-Derived Intrarenal Venous Flow Mirrors Right-Sided Heart Hemodynamics in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease
Seo Yoshihiro; Iida Noriko; Yamamoto Masayoshi; Ishizu...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/84(9)/pp.1552-1559, 2020-08 - Cardiology consultation in oncology practice: a 5-year survey
Tajiri Kazuko; Sekine Ikuo; Naito Hiroyuki; Murata Momok...
Japanese journal of clinical oncology/50(12)/pp.1419-1425, 2020-07 - Febuxostat does not delay progression of carotid atherosclerosis in patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia: A randomized, controlled trial
Tanaka Atsushi; Taguchi Isao; Teragawa Hiroki; Ishizak...
PLOS MEDICINE/17(4), 2020-04 - Comparison of Outcomes in Patients With Heart Failure With Versus Without Lead-Induced Tricuspid Regurgitation After Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices Implantations
Seo Yoshihiro; Nakajima Hideki; Ishizu Tomoko; Iida N...
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY/130/pp.85-93, 2020-09 - Dramatic Recovery From Cardiovascular Collapse: Paclitaxel as an Urgent Treatment for Primary Cardiac Angiosarcoma
Suzuki Toshio; Yamamoto Yoshiyuki; Sakamoto Noriaki; Suzu...
Internal Medicine/60(1)/pp.67-71, 2020-08 - Usefulness of the SAGE score to predict elevated values of brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity in Japanese subjects with hypertension
Tomiyama Hirofumi; Vlachopoulos Charalambos; Xaplanteri...
Sato Kimi; Albakaa Noor; Nakazawa Naomi; Yamamoto Masayo...
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY/75(11::1)/pp.1305-1305, 2020-03 - Right ventricular three-dimensional echocardiography: the current status and future perspectives
Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomoko; Ieda Masaki; Ohte Nobuyuki
JOURNAL OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY/18(3)/pp.149-159, 2020-04 - Elderly Japanese Standard Data of Echocardiography; From J-LONG study
Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomoko; Ieda Masaki; Ohte Nobuyuki
JOURNAL OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY/18(3)/pp.175-182, 2020-04 - Diagnostic Criteria of Flow-Mediated Vasodilation for Normal Endothelial Function and Nitroglycerin-Induced Vasodilation for Normal Vascular Smooth Muscle Function of the Brachial Artery
Maruhashi Tatsuya; Kajikawa Masato; Kishimoto Shinji; ...
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION/9(2), 2020-01 - Increased arterial stiffness and cardiovascular risk prediction in controlled hypertensive patients with coronary artery disease: post hoc analysis of FMD-J (Flow-mediated Dilation Japan) Study A
Maruhashi Tatsuya; Soga Junko; Fujimura Noritaka; Idei...
HYPERTENSION RESEARCH/43(8)/pp.781-790, 2020-03 - Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity Versus Its Stiffness Index beta-Transformed Value as Risk Marker for Cardiovascular Disease
Tomiyama Hirofumi; Ohkuma Toshiaki; Ninomiya Toshiharu...
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION/8(24), 2019-12 - Intervendor variability of carotid intima-media thickness measurement: validation study using newly developed ultrasound phantom
Ishizu Tomoko; Hamaguchi Hirotoshi; Nitta Naotaka; Seo...
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ULTRASONICS/47(2)/pp.155-165, 2020-02 - 成人期Fontan術後患者におけるDOACの有効性と安全性の検討
川松 直人; 石津 智子; 福田 旭伸; 木島 康文; 椎名由美; 立野 滋; 町野 智子; 堀米 仁志; 丹羽 公一郎...
日本成人先天性心疾患学会雑誌/9(1)/p.253, 2020-01 - The impact of right bundle branch block on right ventricular size and function assessed by three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography
N Nakazawa; T Ishizu; Y Seo; N Kawamatsu; K Sato; M Yama...
HEART AND VESSELS/35(4)/pp.576-585, 2019-10 - Left Ventricular Longitudinal Strain as a Marker for Point of No Return in Hypertensive Heart Failure Treatment
Ishizu Tomoko; Seo Yoshihiro; Namekawa Mikiko; Murakos...
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography/33(2)/pp.226-+, 2019-11 - What We Know and What We Don’t Know About the Adaptation to Pregnancy and Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction
Kawamatsu Naoto; Ishizu Tomoko; Kawakami Yasushi
Circulation Journal/83(11)/pp.2205-2207, 2019 - Clinical impacts of changes of renal function during hospitalization depend on grades of renal dysfunction in acute decompensated heart failure
Sai Seika; Seo Yoshihiro; Nakagawa Daishi; Nakatsukasa T...
Heart and vessels/35(4)/pp.509-520, 2019-09 - 成人期ファロー四徴症症例における運動耐容能と経胸壁心エコー図指標についての検討
石津 智子; 瀬尾 由広; 真樹 家田; 川松直人; 山本昌良; 小池 朗; 町野 智子; 堀米仁志; 青沼和隆
日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録/66/p.O-019, 2018-09 - 頸部放射線治療後の頸動脈超音波所見の特徴
太田 真希; 南木 融; 川上 康; 飯田 典子; 石津 智子; 町野 智子; 中山 霞; 丸田 友香; 藤田 佑莉; 中島 英樹; ...
超音波検査技術/44(2)/pp.213-220, 2019 - 心臓再同期療法のResponder予測におけるMWIの有用性
竹内 裕紀; 上牧 隆; 石津 智子; 瀬尾 由広; 中島 英樹; 笹村 瑠美; 椎名 亮揮; 中島...
超音波検査技術抄録集/44/pp.S174-S174, 2019 - さらに表示...
- Features of Lead-Induced Tricuspid Regurgitation in Patients With Heart Failure Events After Cardiac Implantation of Electronic Devices ― A Three-Dimensional Echocardiographic Study ―