石津 智子(イシヅ トモコ)
- 論文
- Dynamic 3-dimensional echocardiographic assessment of mitral valve in patients with functional mitral regurgitation caused by lone atrial fibrillation
Machino T.; Seo Y.; Sato K.; Sugano A.; Yamamoto M.; Harimura ...
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL/36(1)/pp.595-595, 2015-08 - Is DPP-4 Inhibitor for Heart Failure Beneficial or Harmful? Research on Teneligliptin in Heart Failure Model Rats
Yamamoto Masayoshi; Ishizu Tomoko; Kawamatsu Naoto; Sato Kim...
JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE/21(10::S)/pp.S177-S178, 2015-10 - Elevated Central Venous Pressure Estimated by Echocardiography Associates with Increased Neurohumoral Activity and Renal Insufficiency in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure
Yamada Yu; Yamamoto Masayoshi; Nakagawa Daishi; Satou Kimi; S...
JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE/21(10::S)/pp.S192-S192, 2015-10 - Intra-renal Doppler Profile in Chronic Heart Failure: A Link with Central Venous Pressure and Renal Function
Seo Yoshihiro; Yamamoto Masayoshi; Sai Seika; Machino Tomoko...
JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE/21(10::S)/pp.S156-S156, 2015-10 - Clinical Significance of Sequential Evaluations of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction During Hospitalizations for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure
Nakatsukasa Tomofumi; Yamamoto Masayoshi; Harimura Yoshie; I...
JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE/21(10::S)/pp.S193-S193, 2015-10 - Diversity of Clinical Courses in Patients with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure and Cold
Nakagawa Daishi; Seo Yoshihiro; Harimura Yoshie; Sugano Akin...
JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE/21(10::S)/pp.S166-S166, 2015-10 - Reliability of measurement of endothelial function across multiple institutions and establishment of reference values in Japanese
Tomiyama Hirofumi; Kohro Takahide; Higashi Yukihito; T...
ATHEROSCLEROSIS/242(2)/pp.433-442, 2015-10 - Prognostic significance of persistent restrictive filling pattern after cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Yamamoto M; Seo Y; Ishizu T; Kawamatsu N; Sato K; Sugano ...
J Echocardiogr/13(1)/pp.20-26, 2015-03 - Left bundle branch block and echocardiography in the era of CRT.
Seo Y; Ishizu T; Sakamaki F; Yamamoto M; Aonuma Kazutaka
J Echocardiogr/13(1)/pp.6-14, 2015-03 - The Speckle Tracking Imaging for the Assessment of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (START) study.
Maruo T; Seo Y; Yamada S; Arita T; Ishizu T; Shiga T; Dohi K; To...
Circ J/79(3)/pp.613-622, 2015-03 - Prognostic value of paradoxical low-gradient severe aortic stenosis in Japan: Japanese Multicenter Aortic Stenosis Study, Retrospective (JUST-R) Registry
Yamashita Eiji; Takeuchi Masaaki; Seo Yoshihiro; Izumo M...
JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY/65(5-6)/pp.360-368, 2015-05 - 新型インフルエンザ心筋炎に多発筋炎を併発した1例
山本 昌良; 石津 智子; 吉田 健太郎; 瀬尾 由広; 山口 哲人; 中馬越 清隆; 玉岡 晃; 青沼 和隆
心臓/44(6)/pp.707-714, 2012-06 - Rationale and design of a study to evaluate the effects of sitagliptin on atherosclerosis in patients with diabetes mellitus: PROLOGUE study
Ishizu Tomoko
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, 2014-06 - ファロー四徴症根治術施行年齢が遠隔期不整脈発生率に及ぼす影響
中村 昭宏; 堀米 仁志; 加藤 愛章; 林 立申; 高橋 実穂; 須磨崎 亮; 石津 智子; 関口 幸夫; 瀬尾 由広
日本成人先天性心疾患学会雑誌/1(1)/p.69, 2012-01 - Left atrial stiffness relates to left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and recurrence after pulmonary vein isolation for atrial fibrillation.
Machino-Ohtsuka Tomoko; Seo Yoshihiro; Tada Hiroshi; Ishi...
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 2011-09 - Senning手術後の完全大血管転位での右室不全に対する心臓再同期療法
加藤 愛章; 石津 智子; 中村 昭宏; 菅野 昭憲; 高橋 実穂; 林 立申; 瀬尾 由広; 堀米 仁志; 青沼 和隆
日本成人先天性心疾患学会雑誌/2(1)/p.74, 2013-01 - 新しい3D心エコー法を用いたFallot四徴症術後の右室容積と肺動脈弁逆流の評価
中村 昭宏; 堀米 仁志; 石津 智子; 瀬尾 由広; 青沼 和隆
日本成人先天性心疾患学会雑誌/3(1)/p.69, 2014-01 - 3次元エコースペックルトラッキング法による新しい右室機能評価 MRIとの比較
石津 智子; 瀬尾 由広; 渥美 安紀子; 中村 昭宏; 堀米 仁志; 川上 康; 青沼 和隆
日本成人先天性心疾患学会雑誌/4(1)/p.111, 2015-01 - 修正大血管転位に合併した房室結節リエントリー性頻拍の治療にCARTOが有用であった症例
蔡 榮鴻; 関口 幸夫; 加藤 愛章; 堀米 仁志; 石津 智子; 野上 昭彦; 青沼 和隆
日本成人先天性心疾患学会雑誌/4(1)/p.166, 2015-01 - Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in a Patient With a Failing Systemic Right Ventricle
Sugano Akinori; Ishizu Tomoko; Nakamura Akihiro; Kawam...
CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY/31(6), 2015-06 - Subendocardial Systolic Dysfunction in Asymptomatic Normotensive Diabetic Patients.
Enomoto M; Ishizu T; Seo Y; Yamamoto M; Suzuki H; Shimano Hito...
Circulation Journal/79(8)/pp.1749-1755, 2015-08 - 3次元スペックルトラッキング心エコー図法による心臓壁運動の解析 (レビュー)
瀬尾 由広; 石津 智子; 渥美 安紀子; 川村 龍; 青沼 和隆
超音波医学/41(2)/pp.155-163, 2014-3 - The Speckle Tracking Imaging for the Assessment of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (START) Study
Maruo Takeshi; Seo Yoshihiro; Yamada Satoshi; Arita T...
CIRCULATION JOURNAL/79(3)/pp.613-622, 2015-03 - Assessment and Treatment of Systemic Right Ventricular Dyssynchrony
Ishizu Tomoko; Horigome Hitoshi
CIRCULATION JOURNAL/79(3)/pp.519-521, 2015-03 - Three-Dimensional Propagation Imaging of Left Ventricular Activation by Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography to Predict Responses to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Seo Yoshihiro; Ishizu Tomoko; Kawamura Ryo; Yamamoto Mas...
- Dynamic 3-dimensional echocardiographic assessment of mitral valve in patients with functional mitral regurgitation caused by lone atrial fibrillation