櫻井 英幸(サクライ ヒデユキ)
- 論文
- Olfactory Sensations During Proton and Photon Radiotherapy: A Multicenter Prospective Observational Study
Mizumoto Masashi; Oshiro Yoshiko; Sumiya Taisuke; Miya...
Cureus/14(3), 2022-03-01 - Analysis of diaphragm movements to specify geometric uncertainties of respiratory gating near end-exhalation for irradiation fields involving the liver dome
Tony Liang Hsiang-Kuang; Takei Hideyuki; Tomita Tetsuy...
Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology/171/pp.146-154, 2022-04-21 - Analysis of diaphragm movements to specify geometric uncertainties of respiratory gating near end-exhalation for irradiation fields involving the liver dome
Tony Liang Hsiang-Kuang; Takei Hideyuki; Tomita Tetsuy...
Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology/171/pp.146-154, 2022-04-21 - 高齢者初発肝細胞癌に対する陽子線治療患者の治療前コリンエステラーゼ値と予後予測との関連
飯泉 天志; 高橋 瑞季; 馬場 敬一郎; 村上 基弘; 清水 翔星; 斎藤 高; 牧島 弘和; 沼尻 晴子; 水...
第27回癌治療増感研究会(IASCT27)/pp.24-24, 2022-04 - 有害事象発生率は3%以下に、進歩する泌尿器腫瘍治療
櫻井 英幸
m3.com, 2021-09 - 早期肺がんの陽子線治療
櫻井 英幸
m3.com, 2022-02 - 線量に相関しIQ低下、長い人生を見据えた小児がん治療
櫻井 英幸
m3.com, 2021-10 - 骨軟部腫瘍に対する陽子線治療とスペーサーの活用
櫻井 英幸
m3.com, 2022-02 - 手術困難な肝細胞癌の低侵襲治療
櫻井 英幸
m3.com, 2021-08 - 多種モダリティと豊富な経験から提案する最適かつ安全な新たな放射線治療
櫻井 英幸
m3.com, 2021-07 - 2022年保険収載、手術不能な消化器腫瘍の陽子線治療
櫻井 英幸
m3.com, 2022-03 - A Case Report of Radiotherapy for Skull Lesions of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis With Dural Invasion
Hiroshima Yuichi; Tamaki Yoshio; Sawada Takuya; Muraka...
CANCER DIAGNOSIS & PROGNOSIS/2(2)/pp.258-262, 2022-03 - A novel method for skin marking in radiotherapy: first clinical use of temporary organic tatoo seal
Goto Masaaki; Oshiro Yoshiko; Tamaki Yoshio; Ishida Tosh...
Journal of Radiation Research/63(2)/pp.314-318, 2022-1 - 特集Ⅱ 改訂:肝癌診療ガイドライン 肝細胞癌に対する放射線治療
木部 優一; 佐貫 直子; 江里口 貴久; 竹中 亮介; 渋谷 圭; 井垣 浩; 水本 斉志; 武田 篤也; 櫻井...
消化器・肝臓内科/11(1)/pp.117-125, 2022-01 - Liver Cancer Study Group of Japan Clinical Practice Guidelines for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
Kubo S; Shinkawa H; Asaoka Y; Ioka T; Igaki H; Izumi N; I...
LIVER CANCER/11(4)/pp.290-314, 2022-02 - がんの放射線治療
櫻井 英幸; 秋元 哲夫; 神宮 啓一; 武田 篤也
手術数でわかるいい病院2022/275/pp.120-124, 2022-03 - Re-irradiation with interstitial brachytherapy in uterine cancer patients with vaginal recurrence after post-operative pelvic irradiation
Nemoto Murofushi Keiko; Tanaka Reiko; Ohkawa Ayako; Numaj...
Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy/14(1)/pp.60-65, 2022-02 - 私のがん治療
櫻井 英幸
統合医療でがんに克つ/163/pp.67-70, 2022-01 - A Recurrent Solitary Fibrous Tumor With an Exceptional Response to Low-Dose Radiotherapy: A Case Report and Literature Review
Ishida Toshiki; Ohno Toshiki; Saito Takashi; Hiroshima Y...
Cureus/14(1)/p.e21199, 2022-01 - Light flashes during proton and photon radiotherapy: A multicenter prospective observational study
Mizumoto Masashi; Oshiro Yoshiko; Miyamoto Toshio; Sumiya...
Technical innovations & patient support in radiation oncology/20/pp.41-45, 2021-11 - Status of clinical hyperthermia in Japan
Sakurai H.
RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY/161(1)/pp.S253-S254, 2021-08 - Long-term outcome of the oldest-old patients (85 years or older) underwent proton beam therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma
Iizumi T.; Okumura T.; Maruo K.; Baba K.; Murakami M.; Sh...
ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY/32(5)/pp.S824-S824, 2021 - Risk factor for Venous Thromboembolism Induced by Prolonged Bed Rest during Interstitial Brachytherapy for Gynecological Cancer: A Retrospective Study
Murofushi Keiko; Tomita Tetsuya; Ohnishi Kayoko; Nakai K...
Research Square/pp.1-17, 2021-01 - Analysis of the Association Between Low Dose Bone, Lung, and Heart Irradiation and Survival Rates for Patients Who Received High-dose Proton Beam Therapy With Concurrent Chemotherapy for Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Nakamura Masatoshi; Ishikawa Hitoshi; Ohnishi Kayoko; Mor...
Research Square/pp.1-22, 2021-05 - Proton Beam Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma after the Fontan Procedure
Numajiri Haruko; Mizumoto Masashi; Okumura Toshiyuki; Fuk...
Journal of Cancer Therapy/12(10)/pp.554-562, 2021-10 - さらに表示...
- Olfactory Sensations During Proton and Photon Radiotherapy: A Multicenter Prospective Observational Study