水本 斉志(ミズモト マサシ)


  • 癌診療におけるハイパーサーミアの位置付けー放射線腫瘍科の立場から
    櫻井 英幸; 石川仁; 玉木義雄; 斎藤高; 沼尻晴子; 大西かよ子; 水本斉志; 福光延吉; 高田健太; 小林大輔; 奥村敏之
    Thermal Medicine=日本ハイパーサーミア学会 第32回大会/pp.58-58, 2015-09
  • O-138 Experience of primary proton beam therapy for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
    Kosei Miura; Toshiyuki Okumura; Nobuyoshi Fukumitsu; Masashi...
    日本放射線腫瘍学会第28回学術大会報文集/pp.207-207, 2015-11
  • P-116 Two cases of advanced thymic carcinoma treated with proton beam therpayTwo cases of advanced thymic carcinoma treated with proton beam therapy
    Noeru Shiraki; Hideyuki Sakurai; Koji Tsuboi; Toshiyuki Okum...
    日本放射線腫瘍学会第28回学術大会報文集/pp.300-300, 2015-11
  • O-141 proton beam therapy for metastatic liver tumors
    Nobuyoshi Fukumitsu; Toshiyuki Okumura; Daichi Takizawa; Har...
    日本放射線腫瘍学会第28回学術大会報文集/pp.208-208, 2015-11
  • P-111 Case report :Four years of local control of malignant fibrous histiocytoma by proton beam therapy combined with hyperthermia
    Takashi Iizumi; Shimizu Shousei; Haruko Numajiri; Masashi Mi...
    日本放射線腫瘍学会第28回学術大会報文集/pp.298-298, 2015-11
  • W3-3 Radiotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) 消化器癌の高精度放射線治療における包括的放射線治療戦略
    Masashi Mizumoto; Toshiyuki Okumura; Nobuyoshi Fukumitsu; Ha...
    日本放射線腫瘍学会第28回学術大会報文集/pp.143-143, 2015-11
  • O-123 Analysis of multiple-course of proton beam therapy for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
    Yoshiko Oshiro; Masashi Mizumoto; Toshiyuki Okumura; kuniaki...
    日本放射線腫瘍学会第28回学術大会報文集/pp.202-202, 2015-11
  • O-085 High-dose(74 GyE)Proton Beam Therapy with Concurrent Chemotherapy for Stage Ⅲ Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
    Kayoko Ohnishi; Toshiyuki Okumura; Hitoshi Ishikawa; Yoshiko...
    日本放射線腫瘍学会第28回学術大会報文集/pp.190-190, 2015-11
  • O-069 A comparative study of the dose distribution of PBT,and IMRT for pediatric abdominal tumors
    Daichi Takizawa; Masashi Mizumoto; Yoshiko Oshiro; Kaori Sug...
    日本放射線腫瘍学会第28回学術大会報文集/pp.184-184, 2015-11
  • O-132 Concurrent chemoradiotherapy using proton beams for esophageal cancer
    Hitoshi Ishikawa; Daichi Takizawa; Keiichi Tanaka; Kaori Sug...
    日本放射線腫瘍学会第28回学術大会報文集/pp.205-205, 2015-11
  • P-223 Overview of the BNCT clinical studies at the University of Tsukuba
    Teruhito Aihara; Hitoshi Ishikawa; Kayoko Ohnishi; Hideaki K...
    日本放射線腫瘍学会第28回学術大会報文集/pp.336-336, 2015-11
  • P-115 Two cases of unresectable adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea treated with proton beam therapy
    Daigo Miyauchi; Kayoko Ohnishi; Toshiyuki Okumura; Haruko Nu...
    日本放射線腫瘍学会第28回学術大会報文集/pp.300-300, 2015-11
  • Neuroendoscopy followed by radiotherapy in cystic craniopharyngiomas - a long-term follow up.
    Matsumura Akira; Takano S; Akutsu H; Mizumoto M; Yamamoto...
    World Neurosurg/84(5)/pp.1305-1315, 2015
  • Improvement of long-term results with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy for central nervous system germinoma
    Takano S; Yamamoto T; Ishikawa E; Akutsu H; Nakai K; Mats...
    World Neurosurg/84(3)/pp.846-854, 2015
  • 肝内胆管癌の陽子線治療
    奥村 敏之; 福光 延吉; 水本 斉志; 安部井 誠人; 福田 邦明; 石毛 和紀; 長谷川 直之; 石川 仁; ...
    肝胆膵/72(1)/pp.127-132, 2016-01
  • Long-term survival after treatment of glioblastoma multiforme with hyperfractionated concomitant boost proton beam therapy.
    Mizumoto M; Yamamoto T; Takano S; Ishikawa E; Matsumura Akira...
    Practical radiation oncology/5(1)/pp.e9-e16, 2015-01
  • Proton beam therapy combined with concurrent chemotherapy for esophageal cancer
    Ishikawa H; Okumura T; Ohno T; Makishima H; Ohnishi K; Mi...
  • Phase II study of proton beam therapy as a nonsurgical approach for mucosal melanoma of the nasal cavity or para-nasal sinuses.
    Zenda S.; Akimoto T.; Mizumoto M.; Hayashi R.; Arahira S.; Oku...
    Radiotherapy and Oncology/118(2)/pp.267-271, 2015-11
  • Long-term survival after treatment of glioblastoma multiforme with hyperfractionated concomitant boost proton beam therapy.
    Mizumoto M.; Yamamoto T.; Takano S.; Ishikawa E.; Matsumu...
    Practical Radiation Oncology/5(1)/pp.e9-16, 2015-01
  • Hyperfractionated high dose proton beam radiotherapy for clival chordomas after surgical removal
    Hayashi Y.; Mizumoto M.; Akutsu H.; Takano S.; Matsumura A.; O...
    The British Journal of Radiology/89(1063), 2016-04
  • 粒子線治療の適応疾患と世界動向
    櫻井 英幸; 奥村敏之; 石川 仁; 福光延吉; 粟飯原輝人; 大西かよ子; 水本斉志; 大城佳子; 沼尻晴子; 滝澤大地; 斉藤 高...
    カレントテラピー/34(5)/pp.418-423, 2016-05
  • Proton beam therapy for metastatic liver tumors
    Fukumitsu Nobuyoshi; Okumura Toshiyuki; Takizawa Daichi; Mak...
    RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY/117(2)/pp.322-327, 2015-11
  • 頭頸部癌に対する低侵襲性治療の新展開:―放射線治療―
    石川 仁; 大西 かよ子; 粟飯原 輝人; 熊田 博明; 水本 斉志; 斎藤 高; 奥村 敏之; 櫻井 英幸
    日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報/118(12)/pp.1399-1405, 2015
  • Neuroendoscopy Followed by Radiotherapy in Cystic Craniopharyngiomas-a Long-Term Follow-Up
    Takano Shingo; Akutsu Hiroyoshi; Mizumoto Masashi; Yam...
    WORLD NEUROSURGERY/84(5)/pp.1305-+, 2015-11
  • Proton beam therapy for a patient with large rhabdomyosarcoma of the body trunk
    Takizawa Daichi; Oshiro Yoshiko; Mizumoto Masashi; Fuk...
  • さらに表示...