齋藤 知栄(サイトウ チエ)
- 論文
- The efficacy and safety of mizoribine for maintenance therapy in patients with myeloperoxidase anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (MPO-ANCA)-associated vasculitis: the usefulness of serum mizoribine monitoring
Mase Kaori; Saito Chie; Usui Joichi; Arimura Yoshihir...
CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEPHROLOGY/26(11)/pp.1092-1099, 2022-07-30 - Cerebral and renal hemodynamics: similarities, differences, and associations with chronic kidney disease and aortic hemodynamics
Kosaki Keisei; Tarumi Takashi; Mori Shoya; Matsui Masahi...
Hypertension Research/45(8)/pp.1363-1372, 2022-06 - 日立総合病院における維持透析導入数の変遷とその季節性 -半世紀の経験より
永井 恵; 植田 敦志; 岩瀬 茉未子; 後藤 達宏; 斎藤 知栄; 川島 秀雄; 山縣 邦弘
日立医学会誌/56(1)/pp.33-38, 2022-07 - 日立総合病院における腎生検の臨床的変遷と展望 -45年間の経験より-
永井 恵; 植田 敦志; 岩瀬 茉未子; 後藤 達宏; 斎藤 知栄; 山縣 邦弘
日立医学会誌/56(1)/pp.18-23, 2022-07 - Long-term Effectiveness of a Primary Care Practice Facilitation Program for Chronic Kidney Disease Management: An Extended Follow-up of a Cluster-Randomized FROM-J Study
Imasawa Toshiyuki; Saito Chie; Kai Hirayasu; Iseki Ku...
NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION/Epub, 2022-02-23 - Sedentary behavior is associated with reduced cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity in healthy adults
Mori Shoya; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahiro; Takahashi ...
Hypertension Research/45(7)/pp.1193-1202, 2022-04 - 特集:糖尿病患者の心・腎・肝を診る11のポイント 6. DKDの生活・食事指導
斎藤知栄; 山縣 邦弘
月刊糖尿病/14(3)/pp.43-49, 2022-03 - Association of circulating calciprotein particle levels with skeletal muscle mass and strength in middle-aged and older adults
Yoshioka Masaki; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahiro; Okabe...
Hypertension Research/45(5)/pp.900-910, 2022-03 - 腹膜透析カテーテル灌流障害に対しReduced port surgeryにて解除を行った1例
鈴木 秀平; 河原 貴史; 星 昭夫; 田中 隆造; 野中 遥奈; 柳橋 亮太; 千原 尉智蕗; 新田 聡; 古城...
泌尿器科紀要/36(11)/p.493, 2021-11 - Daily behavioral and sleep patterns are associated with aging-induced male-specific disorders in individuals with reduced renal function
Masaki Yoshioka; Keisei Kosaki; Shunta Noma; Masahiro Ma...
Experimental Gerontology/161/p.111717, 2022-05 - Effects of the number of sit-stand maneuver repetitions on baroreflex sensitivity and cardiovascular risk assessments
Mori Shoya; Tarumi Takashi; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahi...
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology/322(5)/pp.R400-R410, 2022-05 - Behaviour modification intervention for patients with chronic kidney disease could provide a mid- to long-term reduction in public health care expenditure: budget impact analysis
Okubo Reiko; Kondo Masahide; Hoshi Shu-Ling; Kai Hirayas...
Clinical and experimental nephrology/26(6)/pp.601-611, 2022-06 - Circulating fibroblast growth factor 21 links hemodynamics with kidney function in middle-aged and older adults: A mediation analysis
Matsui Masahiro; Kosaki Keisei; Kuro-o Makoto; Saito ...
Hypertension Research/45(1)/pp.125-134, 2021-10 - Association Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness And Baroreflex Sensitivity In Middle-aged And Older Adults
Mori Shoya; Tarumi Takashi; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahi...
MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE/53(8::S)/pp.70-70, 2021-08 - Replacing sedentary time for physical activity on bone density in patients with chronic kidney disease
Yoshioka Masaki; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahiro; Shibata ...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism/39(6)/pp.1091-1100, 2021-07 - Physical functioning in patients with chronic kidney disease stage G3b-5 in Japan: the Reach-J CKD cohort study
Okubo Reiko; Kondo Masahide; Tsunoda Ryoya; Nagai Kei...
Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.)/26(12)/pp.981-987, 2021-07 - Sedentary behavior and estimated nephron number in middle-aged and older adults with or without chronic kidney disease
Kosaki Keisei; Takahashi Kanako; Matsui Masahiro; Yoshiok...
Experimental Gerontology/154/p.111531, 2021-10 - Association of blood pressure and renal outcome in patients with chronic kidney disease; a post hoc analysis of FROM-J study
Tsuchida-Nishiwaki Mariko; Uchida Haruhito A; Takeuchi H...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/11(1)/p.14990, 2021-07 - Ratio of serum creatinine to cystatin C is related to leg strength in predialysis CKD patients
Shiomi Kohei; Saito Chie; Nagai Kei; Kosaki Keisei; Kawam...
Clinical and Experimental Nephrology/25(10)/pp. 1079-1086, 2021-08 - Renal hemodynamics across the adult lifespan: Relevance of flow pulsatility to chronic kidney disease
Kosaki Keisei; Tarumi Takashi; Sugawara Jun; Tanahashi K...
Experimental Gerontology/152, 2021-09 - 透析患者の新型コロナウイルス感染症対策-都道府県透析医会(支部)におけるこれまでの状況と今後の課題- 茨城県における透析患者の新型コロナウイルス感染症対策 これまでの状況と今後の課題
山縣 邦弘; 斎藤 知栄; 海老原 至; 前田 益孝
日本透析医会雑誌/35(3)/pp.575-576, 2020-12 - FROM-J10研究の目的と今後
山縣 邦弘; 斎藤知栄
臨床栄養/137(7)/pp.928-929, 2020-12 - 高齢CKD G3患者(Cr1mγ/dL前後)への食事療法と生活指導のポイント
斎藤知栄; 山縣 邦弘
腎と透析/89(4)/pp.563-565, 2020-10 - Unusual ischemic kidney injury presenting as slowly declining graft function and successful use of oral desmopressin in a kidney transplant recipient with subclinical central diabetes insipidus
Kaneko Shuzo; Usui Joichi; Kawanishi Kunio; Ishii Ryota; ...
Clinical nephrology/95(4)/pp.208-214, 2021-04 - Literature review of allograft adenovirus nephritis and a case presenting as mass lesions in a transplanted kidney without symptoms of urinary tract infection or acute kidney injury
Megumi Watanabe; Shuzo Kaneko; Joichi Usui; Kazuhiro Tak...
Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society/23(2)/p.e13468., 2021-04 - さらに表示...
- The efficacy and safety of mizoribine for maintenance therapy in patients with myeloperoxidase anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (MPO-ANCA)-associated vasculitis: the usefulness of serum mizoribine monitoring