檜澤 伸之(ヒザワ ノブユキ)
- 論文
- 茨城県における喘息診療の実態調査 専門医、非専門医間の比較
檜澤 伸之
アレルギー・免疫/19(6)/pp.960-967, 2012-5 - 両側多発肺結節および気管支内腔に多発ポリープを呈したシェーグレン症候群合併悪性リンパ腫の1例
檜澤 伸之
気管支学/34(1)/pp.64-70, 2012-1 - 縦隔リンパ節腫脹から気管内浸潤と心嚢水貯留をきたした肺クリプトコッカス症の1例
檜澤 伸之
気管支学/pp.456-461, 2012-9 - 増加するMAC症の制御を目指して 遺伝子改変マウスを用いた肺MAC症病態生理の解明
檜澤 伸之
結核/88(3)/pp.359-362, 2013-3 - Use of tiotropium in patients with COPD aged 80 years and older.
Satoh H; Kagohashi K; Ohara G; Sato S; Miyazaki K; Nakazawa K; ...
EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE/5(4)/pp.997-1000, 2013-04 - The search for common pathways underlying asthma and COPD
Kaneko Y; Yatagai Y; Yamada H; Iijima H; Masuko H; Sakamo...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE/8/pp.65-78, 2013-01 - The prevalence of rhinitis and its association with smoking and obesity in a nationwide survey of Japanese adults.
Konno S.; Hizawa Nobuyuki; Fukutomi Y.; Taniguchi M.; Kawagis...
Allergy/67(5)/pp.653-660, 2012-05 - Interleukin-33 induces interleukin-17F in bronchial epithelial cells.
Hizawa Nobuyuki
Allergy/67(6)/pp.744-750, 2012-6 - Genome-wide association study identifies eight new susceptibility loci for atopic dermatitis in the Japanese population.
Hirota T; Takahashi A; Kubo M; Tsunoda T; Tomita K; Sakas...
Nat Genet./44(11)/p.1222-6, 2012-11 - Asthma Phenotypes in Japanese Adults - Their Associations with the CCL5 and ADRB2 Genotypes.
Kaneko Y; Masuko H; Sakamoto T; Iijima H; Naito T; Yataga...
ALLERGOLOGY INTERNATIONAL/62(1)/pp.113-121, 2013-03 - Associating serum biomarkers with genetic susceptibility to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a step towards improved diagnosis and therapy?
Hizawa N.
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE/186(12)/pp.1201-1202, 2012-12 - 縦隔リンパ節腫脹から気管内浸潤と心嚢水貯留をきたした肺クリプトコッカス症の1例
沼田 岳士; 児玉 孝秀; 山田 英恵; 佐藤 信也; 小川 良子; 本間 晋介; 栗島 浩一; 坂本 透; 酒井 光昭; 佐藤 幸...
気管支学 : 日本気管支研究会雑誌/34(5)/pp.456-461, 2012-09 - Observational study on the efficacy and safety of erlotinib in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
Kaburagi Takayuki; Satoh Hiroaki; Hayashihara Kenji; Endo Ta...
ONCOLOGY LETTERS/5(2)/pp.435-439, 2013-02 - Lower FEV1 in non-COPD, nonasthmatic subjects: association with smoking, annualdecline in FEV1, total IgE levels, and TSLP genotypes.
Masuko H; Sakamoto T; Kaneko Y; Iijima H; Naito T; Noguch...
Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis./6/pp.181-189, 2011-01 - IL-17F Induces CCL20 in Bronchial Epithelial Cells.
Nozato K; Fujita J; Kawaguchi M; Ohara G; Morishima Y; Is...
J Allergy/(2011)/p.587204, 2011-10 - Bilateral Adrenal Metastasis from Lung Adenocarcinoma
Ano S; Satoh H; Ishikawa S; Nakazawa K; Hizawa N.
Endocr J/54(5)/p.829, 2007-12 - Characterization of phenotypes based on severity of emphysema in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Makita H; Nasuhara Y; Betsuyaku T; Onodera Y; Hizawa N; N...
Thorax/62(11)/p.932-937, 2007-01 - Adult Langerhans cell histiocytosis with independently relapsing lung and liver lesions that was successfully treated with etoposide
Konno S; Hizawa N; Betsuyaku T; Yasuo M; Yamamoto H; Koiz...
Intern Med/46(15)/p.1231-1235, 2007-01 - 慢性閉塞性肺疾患と中高年発症喫煙者喘息における血清総IgE値,末梢血好酸球数およびアトピー素因の比較
清水健一; 檜澤伸之; 牧田比呂仁; 今野 哲; 南須原康行; 別役智子; 西村正治
日本医師会雑誌/137(2)/p.326-331, 2008-05 - Spontaneous pneuomomediastinum after air travel.
Kikuchi N.; Ishii Y.; Satoh H.; Ohtsuka M.; Hizawa N.; Oh...
Am. J. Emarg. Med./26(1)/p.116.e1-116.e2, 2008-01 - Characteristics of a Large Cohort of Autoimmune Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis Patients in Japan
Inoue Y; Trapnell BC; Tazawa R; Arai T; Takada T; Hizawa ...
Am J Respir Crit Care Med./177(7)/p.752-762, 2008-01 - the Hokkaido COPD Cohort Study Group Functional SNPs of the CCL5 gene and non-emphysematous phenotype in patients with COPD.
Hizawa N Makita H Nasuhara Y Hasegawa M Nagai K Ito...
Eur Respir J./32(2)/p.372-378, 2008-01 - β2 アドレナリン受容体遺伝子(Arg16Gly)多型が気管支喘息患者のβ2刺激薬長期連用に与える影響
伊佐田朗; 檜澤伸之; 清水健一; 清水薫子; 高橋 歩; 服部健史; 前田由起子; 高橋大輔; 今野 哲; 西村正治
アレルギー/57(6)/p.713-721, 2008-01 - Role of interleukin-17F in asthma
Kawaguchi M; Kokubu F; Fujita J; Huang SK; Hizawa N
Inflammation & allergy drug targets/8(5)/pp.383-389, 2009-01 - Central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome due to surgical resection for bulbar hemangioblastoma
Matsuyama M; Nakazawa K; Katou M; Ota K; Masuko H; Iizuka...
Intern Med/48(11)/p.925-930, 2009-01 - さらに表示...
- 茨城県における喘息診療の実態調査 専門医、非専門医間の比較