中井 啓(ナカイ ケイ)


  • Manganese-metalloporphyrin (ATN-10) as a tumor-localizing agent: Magnetic resonance imaging and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy study with experimental brain tumors.
    Yamamoto T; Matsumura A; Shibata Y; Fujimori H; Nakai K; ...
    Neurosurgery/42/p.1332-1338, 1998-01
  • Cell cycle dependency of porphyrin uptake in glioma cell line: Flow cytometry analysis.
    Shibata Y; Matsumura A; Yoshida F; Yamamoto T; Nakai K; N...
    Cancer Letter/129/p.72-76, 1998-01
  • A new boronated porphyrin (STA-BX909) for neutron capture thrapy: AN in vitro survival assay and in vivo tissue uptake study.
    Matsumura A; Shibata Y; Yamamoto T; Yoshida F; Isobe T; N...
    Cancer Letters/141/p.203-209, 1999-01
  • An autopsy case report of a glioblastoma case after boron neutron capture therapy. comparison of MRI and Autoposy findings .
    Nakai K; Matsumura A; Shibata Y; Yamamoto T; Takano S; No...
    Frontiers in Neutron capture Therapy/1/p.133-139, 2001-01
  • 冠動脈狭窄と無症候性頸動脈狭窄の合併に対する一期的手術の3症例.
    小松 洋治; 中井 啓; 青木 一泰; 上村 和也; 柴田 智行; 吉澤 卓; 小林 栄喜; 小石沢 正; 榊原 ...
    脳神経外科/29/p.65-69, 2001-01
  • 再発をきたした頭皮下海綿状血管腫の一例.
    中井 啓; 榎本 貴夫; 能勢 忠男.
    小児の脳神経/26/p.68-71, 2001-01
  • Competitive uptake of prophyrin and LDL via the LDL receptor in glioma cell lines: flow cytometric analysis.
    Shibata Y; Matsumura A; Yoshida F; Yamamoto T; Nakai K; N...
    Cancer Letters/166/p.79-87, 2001-01
  • Failure pattern in the patients who underwent intraoperative boron neutron capture therapy (IOBNCT).
    Nakai K; Matsumura A; Yamamoto T; Shibata Y; Zhang T; Aku...
    Research and Development in Neutron Capture Therapy./p.1135-1138, 2002-01
  • Recwesible holocord edema associated with intramedullary spinal abscess secondary to an infected dermoid cyst.
    Tsurubuchi T; Matsumura A; Nakai K; Fujita K; Enomoto T; ...
    Pediatric Neurosurgery/37/p.282-286, 2002-01
  • Brain Abscess following intracerebral haemorrhage.
    Nakai K; Yamamoto T; Yasuda S; matsumura A.
    J Clin Neurosurg/13/p.1047-1051, 2006-01
  • Development of Boron Nano Capsules for Neutron Capture Therap
    Nakamura H; Ueno M; S H; B; Nakai K; Tsuruta K; Kaneda Y; ...
    In: Zonta, A., Altieri, S., Roveda, L. and Barth, R. (eds). 13th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy "A new option against cancer"/p.152-155, 2008-01
  • Current practices and future directions of therapeutic strategy in glioblastoma. Survival benefit and indication of BNCT: a pilot study in Tsukuba.
    Matsumura A; Yamamoto T; Tsurubuchi T; Matsuda M; Shiraka...
    Proceedings of 13th International Congress of Neutron Capture Therapy (Eds)Zonta A, Altieri S, Roveda L, Barth R. “A new opinion against cancer”/p.9-12, 2008-01
  • Dose distribution and clinical response of glioblastoma treated with external beam boron neutron capture therapy.
    Matsuda M; Yamamoto T; Kumada H; Nakai K; Shirakawa M; Ts...
    Proceedings of 13th International Congress of Neutron Capture Therapy (Eds)Zonta A, Altieri S, Roveda L, Barth R. “A new opinion against cancer”/p.91-94, 2008-01
  • ホウ素中性子捕捉療法(BNCT)の現状とこれからの展開
    松村 明; 中井 啓
    DIGITAL MEDICINE/7(6)/p.32-34, 2010-01
  • ヘルシンキ大学・脳神経外科滞在記
    中井 啓
    脳神経外科速報/21(11)/p.1280-3, 2011-11
  • Planning of BNCT using a new medical irradiation facility at JRR4
    Matsumura A; Sakurai F; Shibata Y; Yamamoto T; Nakai K; T...
    Clinical Physics/18/p.289, 1998-01
  • The capabilities and limitations in the analysis of boron micro-ditribution in tumor cells using PIGE. Proceedings of 13th International Congress of Neutron Capture Therapy (Eds)Zonta A, Altieri S, Roveda L, Barth R. “A new opinion against cancer”
    Endo K; Shibata Y; Yamamoto T; Nakai K; Matsumura A; Sato...
    *EMPTY*/p.258-260, 2008-01
  • Synthesis and evaluation of a novel lipisome containing BPA-peptide conjugate for BNCT. Proceedings of 13th International Congress of Neutron Capture Therapy (Eds)Zonta A, Altieri S, Roveda L, Barth R. “A new opinion against cancer”
    Shirakawa M; Yamamoto T; Nakai K; Aburai K; Kawatobi S; T...
    *EMPTY*/p.212-214, 2008-01
  • Boron neutron capture therapy combined with fractionated photon irradiation for glioblastoma
    Nakai K; Yamamoto T; Kageji T; Kumada H; Endo K; Matsuda ...
    Proceedings of 14th International congress on neutron capture therapy, (Ed) Liberman S/p.19, 2010-01
  • The status of Tsukuba BNCT trial: BPA-based boron neutron capture therapy combined with X-ray irradiation
    Yamamoto T; Nakai K; Nariai T; Kumada H; Okumura T; Mizum...
    Proceedings of 14th International congress on neutron capture therapy, (Ed) Liberman S/p.7, 2010-01
  • 脳神経外科領域におけるPDD・PDT 脳腫瘍手術における術中蛍光診断の臨床的意義と今後の課題(会議録)
    松村 明; 山本哲哉; 鶴淵隆夫; 松田真秀; 中井 啓; 石川栄一; 木村 泰; 高野晋吾
    日本レーザー医学会誌/31(3)/p.308, 2010-01
  • Meningioma associated with Werner syndrome--case report--.
    Tsurubuchi T; Yamamoto T; Tsukada Y; Matsuda M; Nakai K; ...
    Neurologia medico-chirurgica/48(10)/pp.470-473, 2008-01
  • 放射線照射後二次性小脳膠芽腫・髄膜腫の一剖検例
    津田恭治; 阿久津博義; 山本哲哉; 石川栄一; 中井 啓; 斎藤厚志; 里見介史; 高野晋吾; 松村 明
    Brain Tumor Pathology./28/p.89, 2010-01
  • JRR-4 facility for animal irradiation experiments.
    Endo K; Yamamoto T; Nakai K; Kumada H; Shibata Y; Matsumu...
    Proceedings of 14th International congress on neutron capture therapy, (Ed) Liberman S/p.427, 2010-01
  • BNCT and other emerging treatments for malignant glioma.
    Matsumura A; Yamamoto T; Ishikawa E; Nakai K; Endo K; Tak...
    Proceedings of 14th International congress on neutron capture therapy, (Ed) Liberman S/p.3, 2010-01
  • さらに表示...