冨所 康志(トミドコロ ヤスシ)
- 論文
- Accumulation of NACP/ α-synuclein in Lewy body disease and multiple system atrophy.
Shoji M; Harigaya Y; Sasaki A; Ueda K; Ishiguro K; Matsub...
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry./68/p.605-608, 2000-01 - Brain Aβ amyloidosis in APPSW mice induces accumulation of presenilin-1 and tau.
Tomidokoro Y; Harigaya Y; Matsubara E; Ikeda M; Kawarabay...
J Pathol./194/p.500-506, 2001-01 - The levels of cerebrospinal fluid Aβ40 and Aβ42(43) are regulated age-dependently.
Shoji M; Kanai M; Matsubara E; Tomidokoro Y; Shizuka M; I...
Neurobiol Aging./22/p.209-215, 2001-01 - Aβ amyloidosis induces the initial stage of tau accumulation in APP(Sw) mice.
Tomidokoro Y; Ishiguro K; Harigaya Y; Matsubara E; Ikeda ...
Neurosci Lett./299/p.169-172, 2001-01 - Complement activation in chromosome 13 dementias. Similarities with Alzheimer's disease.
Rostagno A; Revesz T; Lashley T; Tomidokoro Y; Magnotti ...
J Biol Chem./277/p.49782-49790, 2002-01 - Cerebrospinal fluid tau in dementia disorders: a large scale multicenter study by a Japanese study group.
Shoji M; Matsubara E; Murakami T; Manabe Y; Abe K; Kanai ...
Neurobiol Aging./23/p.363-370, 2002-01 - Generation of amyloid beta protein from a presenilin-1 and βAPP complex.
Shizuka-Ikeda M; Matsubara E; Ikeda M; Kanai M; Tomidokor...
Biochem Biophys Res Commun./292/p.571-578, 2002-01 - Systemic catabolism of Alzheimer's Aβ40 and Aβ42.
Ghiso J; Shayo M; Calero M; Ng D; Tomidokoro Y; Gandy S; ...
J Biol Chem./279/pp.45897-45908, 2004-01 - Soluble Aβ homeostasis in AD and DS: impairment of anti-amyloidogenic protection by lipoproteins.
Matsubara E; Sekijima Y; Tokuda T; Urakami K; Amari ...
Neurobiol Aging./25/pp.833-841, 2004-01 - Decreased level of brain acetylcholine and memory disturbance in APPSW mice.
Ikarashi Y; Harigaya Y; Tomidokoro Y; Kanai M; Ikeda M; M...
Neurobiol Aging./25/p.483-490, 2004-01 - Familial Danish dementia: co-existence of Danish and Alzheimer amyloid subunits (ADan and Aβ) in the absence of compact plaques.
Tomidokoro Y; Lashley T; Rostagno A; Neubert T; Bojse...
J Biol Chem./280/p.36883-36894, 2005-01 - Accumulation of filamentous tau in the cerebral cortex of human tau R406W transgenic mice.
Ikeda M; Shoji M; Kawarai T; Kawarabayashi T; Matsubara ...
Am J Pathol./166/p.521-531, 2005-01 - Type-specific evolution of amyloid plaque and angiopathy in APPSW mice.
Harigaya Y; Tomidokoro Y; Ikeda M; Sasaki A; Kawarabayash...
Neurosci Lett./395/p.37-41, 2006-01 - Human chorionic gonadotropin (a luteinizing hormone homologue) decreases spatial memory and increases brain amyloid-beta levels in female rats.
Berry A; Tomidokoro Y; Ghiso J; Thornton J.
Horm Behav./54(1)/p.143-152, 2008-06 - SDS-PAGE/immunoblot detection of Abeta multimers in human cortical tissue homogenates using antigen-epitope retrieval.
Rosen RF; Tomidokoro Y; Ghiso JA; Walker LC.
J Vis Exp./23(38), 2010-04 - Iowa variant of familial Alzheimer's disease: accumulation of posttranslationally modified AbetaD23N in parenchymal and cerebrovascular amyloid deposits.
Tomidokoro Y; Rostagno A; Neubert TA; Lu Y; Rebeck GW; Fr...
Am J Pathol./176(4)/p.1841-54, 2010-04 - Pyroglutamate Formation at the N-termini of ABri Molecules in Familial British Dementia is not Restricted to the Central Nervous System.
Tomidokoro Y; Tamaoka A; Holton JL; Lashley T; Frangione ...
Hirosaki Igaku/8(61(Suppl))/p.S262-S269, 2010-07 - Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and Alzheimer's Disease
Ghiso J; Tomidokoro Y; Revesz T; Frangione B; Rostagno A.
Hirosaki Igaku/8(61(Suppl)/p.S111-S124, 2010-07 - Familial British DenebtiaにおけるABriアミロイド分子N末端のピログルタミン酸生成は中枢神経系に限定されない
玉岡 晃; 冨所康志; Blas Frangione; Jorge Ghiso
厚生労働科学研究費補助金(難治性疾患克服研究事業)アミロイドーシスに関する調査研究.平成21年度総括・分担研究報告書/p.99-102, 2010-01 - トリヘキシフェニジルが有効であった首下がりの1例
塩谷 彩子; 冨所 康志; 石井 一弘; 石井 亜紀子; 玉岡 晃
日本内科学会雑誌/100(11)/pp.3325-3328, 2011-11 - <Symposium IV>Cerebral amyloid angiopathy and Alzheimer's disease
Ghiso Jorge; Tomidokoro Yasushi; Revesz Tamas; Frangione ...
弘前醫學/61(0)/pp.0-0, 2010-01 - <Poster>Pyroglutamate formation at the N-termini of ABri molecules in familial British dementia is not restricted to the central nervous system
Tomidokoro Yasushi; Tamaoka Akira; Holton Janice L.; Lash...
弘前醫學/61(0)/pp.0-0, 2010-01 - Regional brain differences in the degradation of deposited ADan species in familial Danish dementia
Tomidokoro Yasushi; Tamaoka Akira; Blas Frangione; Ghiso ...
NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH/61(Suppl. 1)/pp.0-0, 2008-01
- Accumulation of NACP/ α-synuclein in Lewy body disease and multiple system atrophy.