高木 英樹(タカギ ヒデキ)
- 論文
- Effects of muscle cooling on kinetics of pulmonary oxygen uptake and muscle deoxygenation at the onset of exercise
Wakabayashi Hitoshi; Osawa Mizuki; Koga Shunsaku; Li Ke; ...
Physiological Reports/6(21)/p.e13910, 2018-11 - Effect of leg kick on active drag in front-crawl swimming: Comparison of whole stroke and arms-only stroke during front-crawl and the streamlined position
Narita Kenzo; Nakashima Motomu; Takagi Hideki
Journal of biomechanics/76/pp.197-203, 2018-06 - 多段階の泳速度におけるクロール泳中の自己推進時抵抗とストリームライン姿勢中の受動抵抗の比較
成田 健造; 中島 求; 仙石 泰雄; 本間 三和子; 椿本 昇三; 高木 英樹
体育学研究/63(2)/pp.505-515, 2018 - The effect of paddles on pressure and force generation at the hand during front crawl
Tsunokawa Takaaki; Tsuno Tempei; Mankyu Hirotoshi; Takagi...
Human movement science/57/pp.409-416, 2017-10 - Kinematic and EMG data during underwater dolphin kick change while synchronizing with or without synchronization of kick frequency with the beat of a metronome
Yamakawa Kobayashi Keisuke; Shimojo Hirofumi; Takagi ...
Data in brief/14/pp.28-31, 2017-10 - Effect of increased kick frequency on propelling efficiency and muscular co-activation during underwater dolphin kick
Yamakawa Kobayashi Keisuke; Shimojo Hirofumi; Takagi ...
Human movement science/54/pp.276-286, 2017-08 - 「けのび」動作における準備局面の姿勢変換に着目した指導法に関する実証的研究
中島きよ; 高木英樹
体育学研究/62(2)/pp.465-474, 2017-06 - A method of improving the measurement of kinematic parameters above and under water in swimming start
Takagi Hideki; Tatsumoto Takuma; Sakai Shin
Conference proceedings 35th conference of the international society of biomechanics in sports/pp.484-487, 2017-06 - 競泳キックスタートにおけるバックプレート位置がスタート・ パフォーマンスに与える影響
酒井 紳; 武田 剛; 佐藤 智俊; 椿本 昇三; 高木 英樹
体育学研究/62(1)/pp.133-144, 2017 - Developing a methodology for estimating the drag in front-crawl swimming at various velocities
Narita Kenzo; Nakashima Motomu; Takagi Hideki
Journal of biomechanics/54/pp.123-128, 2017-03 - Activation pattern of trunk, thigh and lower leg muscles during underwater dolphin kick in skilled female
Kobayashi Keisuke; Takagi Hideki; Tsubakimoto Shozo; S...
ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive, 2016-07 - Kinetic analysis of start motion on starting block in competitive swimming
Sakai Shin; Koike Sekiya; Takeda Tsuyoshi; Takagi Hideki
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, 2016-07 - 「けのび」動作指導法の違いによる学習効果の検証:壁に着壁するまでの姿勢変換に着目して
中島 きよ; 高木 英樹
体育学研究/61(1)/pp.229-243, 2016-05 - Numerical and experimental investigations of human swimming motions
Takagi Hideki; Motomu Nakashima; Yohei Sato; Kazuo Matsuuchi...
Journal of Sports Sciences/34(16)/pp.1564-1580, 2016 - Contribution of hand and foot force to take-off velocity for the kick-start in competitive swimming
Takeda Tsuyoshi; Sakai Shin; Takagi Hideki; Okuno Keisuk...
Journal of Sports Sciences/35(6)/pp.565-571, 2016-04 - エリート女性競泳選手の水中ドルフィンキックにおける体幹,大腿,下腿の筋活動様式
小林 啓介; 下門 洋文; 高木 英樹; 椿本 昇三; 仙石 泰雄
体育学研究/61(1)/pp.185-195, 2016 - Use of pressure distribution analysis to estimate fluid forces around a foot during breaststroke kicking
Tsunokawa Takaaki; Nakashima Motomu; Takagi Hideki
SPORTS ENGINEERING/18(3)/pp.149-156, 2015-09 - Optimizing simulation for lower limb motion during throwing in water polo
Mechanical Engineering Journal/2(4)/pp.1-12, 2015-06 - Lumber Alignment and Trunk Muscle Activity during the Underwater Streamline Position
Kobayashi Keisuke; Kanekoka Koji; Sengoku Yasuo; Takagi Hide...
Journal of Swimming Research/23/pp.33-43, 2015-05 - Lumbar Alignment and Trunk Muscle Activity during the Underwater Streamline Position in Collegiate Swimmers
Kobayashi Kesuke; Kaneoka Koji; Takagi Hideki; Sengoku...
Journal of Swimming Research/23(1)/pp.33-43, 2015-04 - 競泳用水着における先端繊維素材の活用
高木 英樹
繊維学会誌/71(8)/pp.P-398-P-402, 2015 - スタート姿勢によって生じる競泳用水着のひずみエネルギーに関する研究
修行 雄大; 松田 昭博; 高木 英樹
日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集/2015(21)/pp.10316-1-10316-2, 2015-03 - 平泳ぎキック動作中に働く非定常流体力と足部表面の圧力分布の関係
角川隆明; 仙石 泰雄; 椿本 昇三; 高木英樹
体育学研究/60(1)/pp.165-175, 2015-03 - Unsteady hydrodynamic forces acting on a hand and its flow field during sculling motion
Takagi Hideki; Shimada Shohei; Miwa Takahiro; Kudo Shige...
Human Movement Science/38/pp.133-142, 2014-12 - Effect of imposing changes in kick frequency on kinematics during undulatory underwater swimming at maximal effort in male swimmers
Shimojyo Hirofumi; Sengoku Yasuo; Miyoshi Tasuku; Tsubaki...
Human Movement Science/38/pp.94-105, 2014-12 - さらに表示...
- Effects of muscle cooling on kinetics of pulmonary oxygen uptake and muscle deoxygenation at the onset of exercise