大藏 倫博(オオクラ トモヒロ)


  • 介護予防・健康づくりにおける身体運動の意義(介護予防・健康づくり事業の充実に向けた体育人の取り組み,シンポジウム,介護福祉・健康づくり,専門分科会企画,ひろしま発 ひとを育む体育・スポーツ)
    大藏 倫博; 田中 喜代次
    日本体育学会大会予稿集/0(60)/p.63, 2009-08
  • 特定高齢者の体力を把握するためのテストバッテリ
    清野 諭; 藪下 典子; 金 美芝; 根本 みゆき; 松尾 知明; 深作 貴子; 奥野 純子; 大藏 倫博; 田中...
    日本公衆衛生雑誌/56(10)/pp.724-736, 2009-10
  • 高齢者における認知機能と身体機能の関連性の検討
    尹 智暎; 大藏 倫博; 角田 憲治; 辻 大士; 鴻田 良枝; 三ッ石 泰大; 長谷川 千紗; 金 勳
    体力科学/59(3)/pp.313-322, 2010-01
  • 運動教室開始時と終了3ヵ月目の血清 25-hydroxyvitamin D_3 濃度は, 体力改善に影響するのか?
    奥野 純子; 深作 貴子; 堀田 和司; 金 美芝; 藪下 典子; 大藏 倫博; 田中 喜代次; 戸村 成男; 柳...
    プライマリ・ケア = Japanese journal of primary care/33(1)/pp.35-41, 2010-03
  • 自治体と大学が共同で取り組んだ減量教室事業の成果 : Sodegaura Weight Management Study
    松尾 知明; 室武 由香子; 中田 由夫; 清野 諭; 大藏 倫博; 田中 喜代次
    日本公衆衛生雑誌/57(5)/pp.390-402, 2010-05
  • 地域での転倒予防介入で焦点となる転倒関連要因
    清野 諭; 藪下 典子; 金 美芝; 松尾 知明; 鄭 松伊; 深作 貴子; 奥野 純子; 大藏 倫博; 田中 喜代次
    体力科學/59(4)/pp.415-426, 2010-08
  • 08測-1A-K06 日本版PASEを活用した高齢者の身体活動に影響を与える因子の検索(08.測定評価,一般研究発表抄録)
    大藏 倫博
    日本体育学会大会予稿集/0(61)/p.195, 2010-09
  • 14介-2A-P04 長期にわたるスクエアステップが高齢者の体力に及ぼす効果(14.介護福祉・健康づくり,一般研究発表抄録)
    重松 良祐; 大藏 倫博; 中垣内 真樹
    日本体育学会大会予稿集/0(61)/p.305, 2010-09
  • S-II-4 Relationship between cognitive function and physical performance in community-dwelling older adults(The Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meetings of Japan Society Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 31 August 1, (Kagoshima))
    YOON Ji-Yeong; OKURA Tomohiro
    Advances in exercise and sports physiology/16(2)/p.39, 2010-11
  • Effects of the interaction between lean tissue mass and estrogen receptor alpha gene polymorphism on bone mineral density in middle-aged and elderly Japanese
    Kitamura Itsuko; Fujiko Ando; Koda Michiko; Tomohiro Oku...
    BONE/40(6)/pp.1623-1629, 2007-06
  • Effects of aerobic exercise on metabolic syndrome improvement in response to weight reduction
    Okura Tomohiro; Nakata Yoshio; Ohkawara Kazunori; Numao ...
    OBESITY/15(10)/pp.2478-2484, 2007-10
  • The influence of physical activity-induced energy expenditure on the variance in body weight change among individuals during a diet intervention
    Matsuo Tomoaki; Okura Tomohiro; Nakata Yoshio; Yabushita ...
    OBESITY RESEARCH & CLINICAL PRACTICE/1(2)/pp.109-117, 2007-05
  • Plasma fat concentration increases in visceral fat obese men during high-intensity endurance exercise
    Numao Shigeharu; Hayashi Yoichi; Katayama Yasutomi; Matsu...
    OBESITY RESEARCH & CLINICAL PRACTICE/1(4)/pp.273-279, 2007-12
  • Effect of weight reduction on concentration of plasma total homocysteine in obese Japanese men
    Okura Tomohiro; Nakata Yoshio; Ohkawara Kazunori; Numao ...
    OBESITY RESEARCH & CLINICAL PRACTICE/1(3)/pp.213-221, 2007-10
  • Relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D-3 concentration and walking ability, leg strength, or balance in community-dwelling Japanese frail elderlies
    Okuno J.; Tomura S.; Yanagi H.; Yabushita N.; Okura T.; Tanaka K.
    JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH/22(Suppl. 1)/pp.S500-S500, 2007-09
  • Effects of additional resistance training during diet-induced weight loss on bone mineral density in overweight premenopausal women
    Nakata Yoshio; Ohkawara Kazunori; Lee Dong Jun; Okura To...
    JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL METABOLISM/26(2)/pp.172-177, 2008-03
  • Square-stepping exercise versus strength and balance training for fall risk factors
    Shigematsu Ryosuke; Okura Tomohiro; Sakai Tomoaki; Rantan...
  • Square-stepping exercise and fall risk factors in older adults: A single-blind, randomized controlled trial
    Shigematsu Ryosuke; Okura Tomohiro; Nakagaichi Masaki; Ta...
  • Requirements for improving metabolic syndrome via weight-loss intervention: An explorative approach for overweight Japanese women
    Nakata Y.; Okura T.; Matsuo T.; Tanaka K.
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY/32(Suppl. 1)/pp.0-0, 2008-05
  • Different fluctuations between coronary heart disease risk factors and regional body fat during moderate weight reduction
    Ohkawara Kazunori; Nakata Yoshio; Katayama Yasutomi; Mats...
    JOURNAL OF AGING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/16(Suppl. S)/pp.0-0, 2008-07
  • Functional fitness test battery for Japanese prefrail older adults
    Seino Satoshi; Yabushita Noriko; Kim Mi-Ji; Okuno Junko; ...
    JOURNAL OF AGING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/16(Suppl. S)/pp.0-0, 2008-07
  • Effects of square-stepping exercise on health-related physical fitness in middle-aged Japanese women
    YeongYoon Ji; Shima Koichiro; Minobe Kie; Tanioka Ayuko; ...
    JOURNAL OF AGING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/16(Suppl. S)/pp.0-0, 2008-07
  • Dietary variety is associated with physical function in community-dwelling elderly individuals
    Fukasaku Takako; Okuno Junko; Tomura Shigeo; Yanagi Hisa...
    JOURNAL OF AGING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/16(Suppl. S)/pp.0-0, 2008-07
  • Association between abdominal fat and metabolic syndrome components in pre- and postmenopausal obese women
    Numao Shigeharu; Suzuki Masashige; Matsuo Tomoaki; Kataya...
    JOURNAL OF AGING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/16(Suppl. S)/pp.0-0, 2008-07
  • Effects of a novel "Square-Stepping Exercise" on cognitive function in older adults
    Okura Tomohiro; Yoshikawa Sachiko; Sakai Tomoaki; Yoon J...
    JOURNAL OF AGING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/16(Suppl. S)/pp.0-0, 2008-07
  • さらに表示...