安梅 勅江(アンメ トキエ)
- 会議発表等
- The application of IRS in Japan in childcare practices, clinics, and research
Tokie Anme
Parent-child Interaction Assessment and Responsive care/2020-09-19 - 乳幼児期のかかわりが3歳時のHarmonyに及ぼす影響の検討
田中笑子; 冨崎悦子; 安梅 勅江
保健福祉学会/2020-10-31--2020-10-31 - 地域住民のコミュニティ・エンパワメントを核とした持続可能な地域共生社会づくり
園田 和江; 安梅 勅江
日本公衆衛生学会学術集会/2020-10-20--2020-10-22 - Community Nurses Roles in Empowering Community to Deal with The New Normal
Tokie Anme
International Conference of Community Nursing,Indonesia/2020-07-08--2020-07-08 - Bridge between Science and Practice for Childcare and education: Using the Cloud Computing-Based Support System and Longitudinal Cohort Study
Tokie Anme
2019 Asian Forum on Children's Development in the New Era/2019-11-22--2019-11-22 - エンパワメント.アプローチによる多職種連携プログラムの開発と評価生涯発達の観点から
田中笑子; 冨崎 悦子; 渡邉多恵子; 安梅 勅江
日本保健福祉学会学術集会/2019-10-19--2019-10-19 - 新人看護師の精神的健康維持 を 目指した支援に関する質的研究
厚澤博美; 田中笑子; 渡邊久実; 安梅 勅江
日本公衆衛生学会学術集会/2019-10-23--2019-10-25 - 潜在クラス分析による高齢者の社会関係の特徴と生命予後との関連
渡邊久実; 田中笑子; 渡邉多恵子; 澤田優子; 丹羽一絵; 奥村咲; 奥村理加; 伊藤澄雄; 安梅 勅江
日本公衆衛生学会学術集会/2019-10-23--2019-10-25 - 経済連携協定(EPA)によるフィリピン人 介護福祉士候補者エンパワメントに関する質的分析: 多文化共生社会に向けて
渡邊 久実; 酒寄学; 宇留野功一; 宇留野光子; 安梅 勅江
日本保健福祉学会学術集会/2019-10-19--2019-10-19 - 認知症サポーターの地域での活動意欲を高めるための介護体験学習プログラムの有用性の検討
荒川博美; 安梅 勅江
日本保健福祉学会学術集会/2019-10-19--2019-10-19 - Change Differences between Favorable and Unfavorable Eating Habits in Japanese Adults and Elderly over 15 Years
Boutefnouchet Sana; Kumi Watanabe; Emiko Tanaka; Hiromi ...
Tsukuba Global Scientific Week Conference/2019-10-03--2019-10-04 - The effect of social interaction on Japanese elderly with depressive tendency
Xiao Cui; Emiko Tanaka; Kumi Watanabe; Hiromi Atsuzawa; D...
Tsukuba Global Scientific Week Conference/2019-10-03--2019-10-04 - The influence of sleep conditions on health-related quality of life among Japanese adolescents three years later
Chen Xiaoyu; Emiko Tanaka; Kumi Watanabe; Hiromi Arakawa...
Tsukuba Global Scientific Week Conference/2019-10-03--2019-10-04 - Longitudinal Relationship between eating habits in pre-school children and social-emotional development six years later
Ajma Ammara; Kumi Watanabe; Hiromi Arakawa; Yoko Onda; Ji...
Tsukuba Global Scientific Week Conference/2019-10-03--2019-10-04 - The relationship between social interaction and health-related quality of life among middle school students in China
Tao Xiao yue; Emiko Tanaka; Chen Panpan; Kumi Watanabe; T...
Tsukuba Global Scientific Week Conference/2019-10-03--2019-10-04 - The association between home-rearing environment and child development among Japanese children aged 0-6 years old
Li Xiang; Emiko Tanaka; Kumi Watanabe; Hiromi Arakawa; Ji...
Tsukuba Global Scientific Week Conference/2019-10-03--2019-10-04 - Longitudinal relationship between changes in social relationship and physical function among older adults
Jiao DanDan; Kumi Watanabe; Emiko Tanaka; Hiromi Arakawa...
Tsukuba Global Scientific Week Conference/2019-10-03--2019-10-04 - Association Between home-rearing environment and social skills among 6-year-old children in China
Chen Panpan; Emiko Tanaka; Tokie Anme
Tsukuba Global Scientific Week Conference/2019-10-03--2019-10-04 - A web-based application for interprofessional collaboration
安梅 勅江
Second Forum of Child Care and Education/2019-09-28--2019-09-28 - Evidence based Child Care using Interaction Ration Scale
安梅 勅江
Second Forum of Child Care and Education/2019-09-28--2019-09-28 - Evidence based Child Care Practice
安梅 勅江
Second Forum of Child Care and Education/2019-09-28--2019-09-28 - Comprehensive Evidence Based Child Care and Education
安梅 勅江
Second Forum of Child Care and Education/2019-09-28--2019-09-28 - 認知症サポーターの地域での活動意欲を高めるための介護体験学習プログラムの有用性の検討
安梅 勅江
保健福祉学会/2019-10-19--2019-10-19 - Decision-making and student motivation for careers in nursing: a pre-employment focus group interview
厚澤 博美; 田中 笑子; 渡邉 久実; 安梅 勅江
国際キャリア学会/2019-9-11--2019-9-13 - Community Empowerment with “Dynamic Synergy Model”
安梅 勅江
Systems Sciences for Health Social Services (Sweden, Jonkoping)/2018--2018 - さらに表示...
- The application of IRS in Japan in childcare practices, clinics, and research