安梅 勅江(アンメ トキエ)


  • 高齢者の口腔と運動器の機能との関連-地域保健活動における一次予防の視点から-
    奥村理加; 伊藤澄雄; 田中笑子; 冨崎悦子; 平野真紀; 渡辺多恵子; 篠原亮次; 澤田優子; 森田健太郎; 徳竹健太郎; 望月由妃...
  • 地域在住高齢者の抑うつリスクに関連する要因の検討
    安梅 勅江
  • 共生・共感のパワーを活用するコミュニティ・エンパワメント
    安梅 勅江
  • 共生・共感のパワーを活用するコミュニティ・エンパワメント
    安梅 勅江
  • 思春期用主観的幸福感尺度の信頼性・妥当性の検討
    渡辺多恵子; 田中笑子; 冨崎悦子; 望月由妃子; 徳竹健太郎; 伊藤澄雄; 呉柏良; 有岡栞; 奥村理加; 安梅 勅江
  • 幼児期の発育・発達に即した運動支援の介入が思春期の精神的健康にもたらす効果
    伊藤澄雄; 奥村理加; 渡辺多恵子; 田中笑子; 冨崎悦子; 徳竹健太郎; 望月由妃子; 有岡栞; 安梅 勅江
  • 幼児期の発育・発達に即した運動支援の介入が思春期の精神的健康にもたらす効果
    伊藤澄雄; 奥村理加; 渡辺多恵子; 田中笑子; 冨崎悦子; 徳竹健太郎; 望月由妃子; 有岡栞; 安梅 勅江
  • 思春期用主観的幸福感尺度の信頼性・妥当性の検討
    渡辺多恵子; 田中笑子; 冨崎悦子; 望月 由妃子; 徳竹健太郎; 伊藤澄雄; 呉柏良; 有岡栞; 奥村理加; 安梅 勅江
  • 認知症高齢者への安全に向けた介護老人保健施設のケアの特徴―看護師の自己評価から
    長井栄子; 田中笑子; 渡辺多恵子; 安梅 勅江
  • 認知症高齢者への安全に向けた介護老人保健施設のケアの特徴―看護師の自己評価から
    長井栄子; 田中笑子; 渡辺多恵子; 安梅 勅江
  • Fitness habits and fall prevention: A six-year follow-up study
    Taeko Watanabe; Sumio Ito; Ryoji Shinohara; Yuka Sugisaw...
    21st World Conference on Health Promotion and Education/2013-08-27
  • Relationship between preschoolers' social skills and child abuse
    Mochizuki Y; Emiko Tanaka; Shinohara R; Watanabe T; Etsuk...
    21st World Conference on Health Promotion and Education/2013-08-27
  • Interaction Rating Scale between Children (IRSC) as Evidence Based Tool for Health Promotion: Using Motion Capture Analysis of Head
    Tokie Anme; Sugisawa Y; Shinohara R; Misako Matsumoto; Wa...
    21st World Conference on Health Promotion and Education/2013-08-27
  • The influence of mother's parenting behavior in infancy on assertion in preschoolers: A five-year follow-up
    Emiko Tanaka; Shinohara R; Tomisaki E; Sugisawa Y; Tong ...
    21st World Conference on Health Promotion and Education/2013-08-27
  • Fitness habits and fall prevention: A six-year follow-up study
    Watanabe T; Sumio Ito; Shinohara R; Sugisawa Y; Emiko Ta...
    21st World Conference on Health Promotion and Education/2013-08-27
  • Criterion-related validity of the interaction rating scale advanced(IRSA): A self-rated questionaire used as an index of social competence in adults
    Kentaro Tokutake; Ryoji Shinohara; Yuka Sugisawa; Emiko ...
    21st World Conference on Health Promotion and Education/2013-08-27
  • Interaction Rating Scale between Children (IRSC) as Evidence Based Tool for Health Promotion: Using Motion Capture Analysis of Head
    Tokie Anme; Yuka Sugisawa; Ryoji Shinohara; Misako Matsu...
    21st World Conference on Health Promotion and Education/2013-08-27
  • Relationship between preschoolers' social skills and child abuse
    Yukiko Mochizuki; Emiko Tanaka; Ryoji Shinohara; Taeko W...
    21st World Conference on Health Promotion and Education/2013-08-27
  • Interaction Rating Scale between Children (IRSC) as Evidence Based Tool for Health Promotion: Using Motion Capture Analysis of Head Movement
    Tokie Anme; Yuka Sugisawa; Ryoji Shinohara; Misako Matsu...
    21st World Conference on Health Promotion and Education/2013-08-27--2013-08-27
  • The influence of mother's parenting behavior in infancy on assertion in preschoolers: A five-year follow-up
    Emiko Tanaka; Ryoji Shinohara; Etsuko Tomisaki; Yuka Sug...
    21st World Conference on Health Promotion and Education/2013-08-27
  • Criterion-related validity of the interaction rating scale advanced(IRSA): A self-rated questionaire used as an index of social competence in adults
    Kentaro Tokutake; Shinohara R; Sugisawa Y; Emiko Tanaka; ...
    21st World Conference on Health Promotion and Education/2013-08-27
  • Wood Products Improve the Quality of Life of Elderly People in Assisted Living
    Tokie Anme
    13rd International GeoScience Conference/2013-06-21
  • Wood Products Improve the Quality of Life of Elderly People in Assisted Living
    Tokie Anme; Tanaka E; Watanabe T; Tokutake K; Mochizuki ...
    13rd International GeoScience Conference/2013-06-21--2013-06-21
  • "Intergenerational activities for Healthy Longevity: Plasticity, Environment, and Culture"
    Tokie Anme
    "Systems Sciences in Health Social Services 13"/2013-06-12
  • Validity and Reliability of the Interaction Rating Scale betweenChildren (IRSC) by Using Motion Capture Analysis of Head Movement
    Tokie Anme; Yuka Sugisawa; Ryoji Shinohara; Misako Matsu...
    International Conference of Society of Research in Child Development/2013-04-16
  • さらに表示...