小林 幹佳(コバヤシ モトヨシ)


  • Structure Stability of Longterm Cultivated Soils from Guder Watershed,Ethiopia: Effect of Soil Amendments
    藤巻 晴行; アムラク マメドフ; 小林 幹佳
    平成30年度 農業農村工学会大会講演会/2018-09-04--2018-09-06
  • 水中のコロイド粒子の底面近傍での拡散係数
    早川 員也; 小林 幹佳
    平成30年度 農業農村工学会大会講演会/2018-09-04--2018-09-06
  • ポリイオンコンプレックスの帯電・凝集分散特性と土壌保全効果
    島袋 智尋; 小林 幹佳; 藤巻 晴行
    平成30年度 農業農村工学会大会講演会/2018-09-04--2018-09-06
  • Turbulent hetero-aggregation rates of unequal-sized colloidal particles: Effect of size ratios
    Sugimoto Takuya; Lattuada Marco; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    32nd European Colloid and Interface Society Conference/2018-09-02--2018-09-07
  • Electrophoretic mobility of latex particles: Effect of trivalent ions
    Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Sugimoto Takuya; Nishiya Manami
    32nd European Colloid and Interface Society Conference/2018-09-02--2018-09-07
  • Experimental and Theoretical Study on Lysozyme Adsorption on Colloidal Silica
    YAMAGUCHI Atsushi; HUANG Yi; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    32nd European Colloid and Interface Society Conference/2018-09-02--2018-09-07
  • Turbulent hetero-aggregation rates of unequal-sized colloidal particles: Effect of size ratios
    SUGIMOTO Takuya; Lattuada Marco; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    32nd European Colloid and Interface Society Conference/2018-09-02--2018-09-07
  • Electrophoretic mobility of latex particles: Effect of trivalent ions
    Kobayashi Motoyoshi; SUGIMOTO Takuya; NISHIYA Manami
    32nd European Colloid and Interface Society Conference/2018-09-02--2018-09-07
  • Specific monovalent anion effects on aggregation of allophane nanoparticles
    TAKESHITA Chihiro; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    32nd European Colloid and Interface Society Conference/2018-09-02--2018-09-07
  • 分散・凝集を理解するためのゼータ電位
    小林 幹佳
    日本油化学会 界面実践講座 2018/2018-07-10--2018-07-11
  • Charge reversal of sulfate latex particles: Effects of trivalent counter-ions and its hydrolyzed forms
    Sugimoto Takuya; Nishiya Manami; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    The 12th MiniSymposium on Liquids/2018-06-30--2018-07-01
  • Diffusion coefficients of sphere and plate-like micro-particles near the bottom
    Hayakawa Kazuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    The 12th MiniSymposium on Liquids/2018-06-30--2018-07-01
  • Charge reversal of sulfate latex particles: Effects of trivalent counter-ions and its hydrolyzed forms
    Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    The 12th MiniSymposium on Liquids/2018-06-30--2018-07-01
  • Turbulent hetero-aggregation of unequal-sized particles: Size ratio effects
    Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    10th international conference “Interfaces Against Pollution”/2018-06-10--2018-06-13
  • Turbulent hetero-aggregation of unequal-sized particles: Size ratio effects
    Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    10th international conference “Interfaces Against Pollution”/2018-06-10--2018-06-13
  • Kinetics of heteroaggregation of unequal-sized particles in flow fields
    Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018/2018-05-21--2018-05-21
  • Kinetics of heteroaggregation of unequal-sized particles in flow fields
    Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting/2018-05-21--2018-05-21
  • Charge reversal and aggregation of humic substances: Effect of hydrophobic interactions
    Hakim Azizul; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting/2018-05-21--2018-05-21
  • An analysis of charging and aggregation of cellulose nanofibers in aqueous solutions as thin cylinders
    Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Sato Yusuke; Kusaka Yasuyuki
    International Conference of Layers, Films and Membranes for Green, Environmental and Biomedical Sciences/2018-05-14--2018-05-16
  • 界面動電現象の発見とその周辺
    小林 幹佳
  • 水溶液中でのコロイド粒子の電気泳動と凝集分散
    小林 幹佳
    ソフトマター・ハードマターにおける分散の学理と応用 -粉体とコロイドの"界面"を探る-/2018-03-05--2018-03-05
  • 微粒子の分散凝集とゼータ電位について知っておきたいこと
    Kobayashi Motoyoshi
  • Charge reversal and aggregation of humic substances induced by hydrophobic monovalent counter-ions
    Hakim Azizul; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    The 31st Australian colloid and surface science student conference/2018-01-29--2018-02-01
  • ポリエチレンオキサイドとシリカナノ粒子の混合系の流動性に関する研究
    川﨑,将吾; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    第 55 回高分子と水に関する討論会/2017-11-30--2017-11-30
  • コロイド粒子の帯電と凝集速度 -急速凝集と緩慢凝集―
    Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    第5回分散凝集科学技術講座 分散・凝集のすべて/2017-11-01--2017-11-02
  • さらに表示...