小林 幹佳(コバヤシ モトヨシ)


  • Homo- and Hetero-aggregation between Oppositely-Charged Particles: Charge reversal effects
    SUGIMOTO Takuya; Tianchi Cao Istvan Szilagyi Grgor Tref...
    The 7th Asian Conference on Colloid & Interface Science/2017-08-08--2017-08-11
  • 分散・凝集を理解するためのゼータ電位
    Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    日本油化学会 界面実践講座2017/2017-07-13--2017-07-14
  • Hetero-aggregation of oppositely-charged particles in the presence of multivalent anions
    Sugimoto Takuya; Cao Tianchi; Szilagyi Istvan; Trefalt G...
    16th European Student Colloid Conference/2017-06-19--2017-06-22
  • Effect of Hydrophobic Counter-ion and Surface Charge Density on Charge Reversal of Sulfate Latex
    HAKIM Azizul NISHIYA Manami; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    16th European Student Colloid Conference/2017-6-19--2017-6-22
  • Hetero-aggregation of oppositely-charged particles in the presence of multivalent anions
    SUGIMOTO Takuya; Tianchi Cao Istvan Szilagyi Grgor Tref...
    16th European Student Colloid Conference/2017-06-19--2017-06-22
  • Colloidal properties of cellulose nanocrystal suspensions for ink jet printing
    Lin Kuan-Hsuan; Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Cha...
  • Colloidal properties of cellulose nanocrystal suspensions for ink jet printing
    LIN Kuan-Hsuan Lin; SUGIMOTO Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi...
  • Effect of Shear Strength on Shear Aggregation Rates in the presence of Repulsive Electrical Double Layer Forces
    Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    20th Swiss Soft Days Geneva/2017-02-10--2017-02-10
  • Effect of Shear Strength on Shear Aggregation Rates in the presence of Repulsive Electrical Double Layer Forces
    Takuya SUGIMOTO; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    20th Swiss Soft Days Geneva/2017-02-10--2017-02-10
  • 分散凝集と界面動電現象入門
    小林 幹佳
  • リゾチーム存在下におけるシリカの帯電および凝集挙動
    黄 逸; 山口敦史; 小林 幹佳
  • シリカ・リゾチーム混合懸濁液の降伏値: ゼータ電位はどこまで有効なのか
    山口 敦史; 小林 幹佳
  • 水溶液中の微粒子の帯電と凝集挙動
    小林 幹佳
    The 10th Mini-Symposium on Liquids (MSL2016)/2016-10-15--2016-10-15
  • Rheological properties of cellulose nanocrystals dispersions
    Lin Kuan-Hsuan; Sugimoto Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Cha...
    The 2016 Asian Symposium on Printing Technology/2016-10-05--2016-10-08
  • Rheological properties of cellulose nanocrystals dispersions
    Lin Kuan-Hsuan; SUGIMOTO Takuya; Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Cha...
    The 2016 Asian Symposium on Printing Technology/2016-10-05--2016-10-08
  • コロイドの凝集分散をゼータ電位から考える
    小林 幹佳
  • Electrophoretic mobility of carboxyl latex particles: Effects of counter-ions on charge reversal
    NISHIYA Manami; 小林 幹佳
    International Symposium, 67th Divisional Meeting on Colloid & Interface Chemistry/2016-09-22--2016-09-24
  • コロイド粒子の等電点と凝集挙動
    小林 幹佳
  • Investigation of interparticle force between silica particles covered with lysozymes by yield stress measurement
    YAMAGUCHI Atsushi; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    International Agricultural Education for Sustainable Development Symposium (Ag-ESD 2016)/2016-09-19--2016-09-19
  • Adsorptive removal of ammonium ion from aqueous solution using surfactant-modified alumina
    Pham Tien Duc; Do Thi Trang; Ha Van Lau; Doan Thi Hai...
    9th International Conference on Interfaces Against Pollution (IAP) - Environmental Challenges and Opportunities/2016-09-04--2016-09-07
  • Adsorptive removal of organic and inorganic pollutants from aqueous solution by surfactant modified alumina
    PHAM Tien Duc; Thi Thuy Tran; Thi Trang Do; Van Lau Ha; Thi A...
    International Conference on the Interface Against Pollution 2016/2016-09-04--2016-09-07
  • Initial deposition rate of colloidal silica in unsaturated sand column
    Kobayashi Motoyoshi; FUJITA Yosuke
    The 30th Conference of the European Colloid Interface Society (ECIS2016)/2016-09-04--2016-09-09
  • Yield stress of the suspension of silica particles with lysozymes
    YAMAGUCHI Atsushi; Kobayashi Motoyoshi
    The 30th Conference of the European Colloid Interface Society (ECIS2016)/2016-09-04--2016-09-09
  • モデルコロイド粒子の電気泳動移動度:疎水性イオンの効果
    西谷 麻菜美; 杉本 卓也; 小林 幹佳
    平成28年度 農業農村工学会 大会講演会/2016-08-30--2016-09-01
  • シリカ・リゾチーム混合懸濁液の降伏値: ゼータ電位および吸着量の影響
    山口 敦史; 小林 幹佳
    平成28年度 農業農村工学会 大会講演会/2016-08-30--2016-09-01
  • さらに表示...