西山 博之(ニシヤマ ヒロユキ)
- 論文
- Discrepancy between clinical stage and pathological stage based on the tumor location of urothelial carcinoma: A hospital-based cancer registry in Japan
Nagumo Yoshiyuki; Kojima Takahiro; Kojo Kosuke; Kimura T...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY/38(6::S), 2020-02 - Molecular mechanism of FGFR activation and resulting differences in the tumor-immune environment of bladder cancer
Kawahara Takashi; Kojima Takahiro; Shiga Masanobu; Tanaka...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY/38(6::S), 2020-02 - The third national Japanese antimicrobial susceptibility pattern surveillance program: Bacterial isolates from complicated urinary tract infection patients
Kobayashi Kanao; Yamamoto Shingo; Takahashi Satoshi; Ishi...
JOURNAL OF INFECTION AND CHEMOTHERAPY/26(5)/pp.418-428, 2020-05 - Clinical Practice Guidelines for Bladder Cancer 2019 edition by the Japanese Urological Association: Revision working position paper
Matsumoto Hiroaki; Shiraishi Koji; Azuma Haruhito; Ino...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UROLOGY/27(5)/pp.362-368, 2020-05 - Impact of centralization in primary retroperitoneal sarcoma treatment: analysis using hospital-based cancer registry data in Japan
Kimura Tomokazu; Kawai Koji; Kandori Shuya; Nitta Satosh...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY/25(9)/pp.1687-1694, 2020-05 - KEYNOTE-676: Phase III study of BCG and pembrolizumab for persistent/recurrent high-risk NMIBC
Kamat Ashish M.; Shore Neal; Hahn Noah; Alanee Shahee...
FUTURE ONCOLOGY/16(10)/pp.507-516, 2020-04 - 筑波大学における小児がんサバイバードック.
福島紘子; 鈴木涼子; 八牧愉二; 穂坂 翔; 稲葉正子; 新開統子; 増本幸二; 室井 愛; 鶴淵隆夫; 水本斉志; 櫻井英幸; ...
日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌(第61回日本小児血液・がん学会)/56(4)/pp.252-252, 2019-10 - A Phase 3, Randomized, Open-Label, Multicenter, Global Study of Efficacy and Safety of Durvalumab in Combination with Gemcitabine plus CiSPLATiN (G plus C) for Neoadjuvant Treatment Followed By Durvalumab Alone for Adjuvant Treatment in Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer (MiBC) (NiAGARA)
Kuebler Hubert Rudolf; Powles Thomas; Meeks Joshua I.; ...
ONCOLOGY RESEARCH AND TREATMENT/43(1)/pp.82-82, 2020-02 - [Screening of Deep Vein Thrombosis Prior to Surgery Using D-dimer Testing and Venous Ultrasonography of Lower Extremities]
Joraku Akira; Nitta Satoshi; Tanaka Ken; Ichioka Daishi; ...
Hinyokika kiyo. Acta urologica Japonica, 2017-06 - Characteristics of penile cancer in Japan: An analysis of nationwide hospital-based cancer registry data
Tanaka Ken; Kandori Shuya; Nitta Satoshi; Chihara Ichiro...
International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association, 2020-04 - 孤発性の膀胱転移を来たした嫌色素性腎細胞癌の1例
新田 聡; 末富 崇弘; 古城 公佑; 志賀 正宣; 及川 祥生; 黒部 匡広; 市岡 大士; 吉野 喬之; 高岡...
泌尿器科紀要, 2016-02 - [Metachronous Bilateral Testicular Tumors with Frequently Recurrent Hydrocele : A Case Report]
Nitta Satoshi; Sakka Shotaro; Endo Tsuyoshi; Komine Mana...
Hinyokika kiyo. Acta urologica Japonica, 2017-03 - Impact of hemoglobin levels on hemoglobin-adjusted carbon monoxide diffusion capacity after chemotherapy for testicular cancer
Nitta Satoshi; Kawai Koji; Nagumo Yoshiyuki; Kandori Shu...
Japanese journal of clinical oncology, 2019-07 - 尿道ブジー後にBCG膀胱内注入療法を施行し, 発熱, 肝機能障害, 間質性肺炎を認めた1例
Nitta Satoshi; Sakka Shotaro; Endo Tsuyoshi; Komine Mana...
泌尿器科紀要, 2017-10 - Machine learning methods can more efficiently predict prostate cancer compared with prostate-specific antigen density and prostate-specific antigen velocity
Nitta Satoshi; Tsutsumi Masakazu; Sakka Shotaro; Endo Ts...
PROSTATE INTERNATIONAL, 2019-09 - Predictors of venous thromboembolism development before and during chemotherapy for advanced germ cell tumor
Nitta Satoshi; Kawai Koji; Kimura Tomokazu; Kawahara ...
Japanese journal of clinical oncology/50(3)/pp.338-343, 2020-03 - Risk for intravesical recurrence of bladder cancer stratified by the results on two consecutive UroVysion fluorescence in situ hybridization tests: a prospective follow-up study in Japan
Ikeda Atsushi; Kojima Takahiro; Kawai Koji; Hinotsu Shir...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY/25(6)/pp.1163-1169, 2020-03 - Co-Morbidity Among Childhood Cancer Survivors at "The Comprehensive Medical Checkup for CCS at University of Tsukuba Hospital"
Fukushima Hiroko; Suzuki Ryoko; Yamaki Yuni; Hosaka Sho; ...
PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER/66(5:SI)/pp.S90-S90, 2019-12 - 膀胱癌に対するAtezolizumab併用放射線療法:第Ⅱ相医師主導多施設共同治験プロトコル
関野 雄太; 石川 仁; 木村友和; 東治人; 吉田謙; 影山幸雄; 齋藤吉弘; 都築豊徳; 西山博之
日本放射線腫瘍学会第32回学術大会報文集/pp.276-267, 2019-11 - The impact of histologic variants of urothelial carcinoma on clinical outcomes following trimodal bladder-preserving therapy.
Nagumo Yoshiyuki; Kandori Shuya; Kimura Tomokazu; Kawahar...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY/37(7::S), 2019-03 - Keynote-676: Phase 3 study of bacillus calmette-guerin (BCG) with or without pembrolizumab (pembro) for high-risk (HR) non muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) that is persistent or recurrent following BCG induction.
Kamat Ashish M.; Shore Neal D.; Hahn Noah M.; Alanee Sha...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY/37(7::S), 2019-03 - The role of adjuvant chemotherapy for pT2-4 upper urinary tract urothelial cancer: Exploratory analysis of large multi-institutional study (JCOG1110A).
Inokuchi Junichi; Kuroiwa Kentaro; Nishiyama Hiroyuki; Ko...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY/37(7::S), 2019-03 - A phase II, randomized study of nivolumab (nivo) or nivo plus BMS-986205 with or without intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) in BCG-unresponsive, high-risk, non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC): CheckMate 9UT.
Hahn Noah M.; Chang Sam S.; Meng Maxwell; Shore Neal D.; ...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY/37(7::S), 2019-03 - A phase Ill, randomized, open-label, multicenter, global study of durvalumab and bacillus calmette-guerin (BCG) versus BCG alone in high-risk, BCG-naive non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) patients (POTOMAC).
De Santis Maria; Abdrashitov Ramil; Hegele Axel; Kolb Ma...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY/37(7::S), 2019-03 - Keynote 057: Phase II trial of Pembrolizumab (pembro) for patients (pts) with high-risk (HR) nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) unresponsive to bacillus calmette-guerin (BCG).
Balar Arjun Vasant; Kulkarni Girish S.; Uchio Edward M.; ...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY/37(7::S), 2019-03 - さらに表示...
- Discrepancy between clinical stage and pathological stage based on the tumor location of urothelial carcinoma: A hospital-based cancer registry in Japan