西山 博之(ニシヤマ ヒロユキ)
- 論文
- 膀胱全摘後の自然排尿可能な回腸新膀胱の1例
西村一男; 西山博之; 中村健一; 他
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西山博之; 中村健一; 西村昌則; 他
泌尿紀要/37(9)/p.1029-34, 1991-09 - 腎癌下大静脈腫瘍塞栓に対する下大静脈切除の経験 術中腎静脈圧測定の有用性について
西山博之; 中村健一; 西村昌則; 西村一男; 高橋陽一; 藤井一壽
泌尿紀要/37/p.1029-1034, 1991-01 - Continent reservoirにおける逆流防止尿管回腸吻合法-Le Duc-Camey法の経験
西村一男; 西山博之; 中村健一; 西村昌則; 大森孝平; 河村裕憲; 高橋陽一
泌尿紀要/37/p.999-1003, 1991-01 - <症例報告>男子膀胱平滑筋腫の1例
西山博之; 中村健一; 西村昌則; 西村一男; 高橋陽一
泌尿器科紀要/38(8)/p.949-52, 1992-08 - <症例報告>尿管結石による巨大な水腎症に発生した腎扁平上皮癌の1例 : 診断が困難であった1例
西村一男; 西山博之; 中村健一; 西村昌則; 河村裕憲; 高橋陽一
泌尿器科紀要/38(9)/p.1059-62, 1992-09 - 泌尿器科外来診療における光学顕微鏡下尿中赤血球形態観察の有用性
西村一男; 徳地弘; 西山博之; 西村昌則; 高橋陽一
泌尿紀要/41/p.9-13, 1995-01 - Change of cyclin D2 mRNA expression during murine testis development detected by fragmented cDNA subtraction method
Nakayama H; Nishiyama H; Higuchi T; Kaneko Y; Fukumoto M...
Develop Growth Differ./38(2)/p.141-151, 1996-04 - A novel hsp110-related gene, apg-1, that is abundantly expressed in the testis responds to a low temperature heat shock rather than the traditional elevated temperatures
Kaneko Y; Nishiyama H; Nonoguchi K; Higashitsuji H; Kishi...
J Biol Chem./272(5)/p.2640-5, 1997-01 - Expression of a novel isoform of Vav, Vav-T, containing a single Src homology 3 domain in murine testicular germ cells
Okumura K; Kaneko Y; Nonoguchi K; Nishiyama H; Yokoi H; H...
Oncogene/14(6)/p.713-20, 1997-02 - Developmentally regulated expression of APG-1, a member of heat shock protein 110 family in murine male germ cells
Kaneko Y; Kimura T; Nishiyama H; Noda Y; Fujita J
Biochem Biophys Res Commun./233(1)/p.113-6, 1997-04 - A glycine-rich RNA-binding protein mediating cold-inducible suppression of mammalian cell growth
Nishiyama H; Itoh K; Kaneko Y; Kishishita M; Yoshida O; F...
J Cell Biol./137(4)/p.899-908, 1997-05 - Increased transcript level of RBM3, a member of the glycine-rich RNA-binding protein family, in human cells in response to cold stress
Danno S; Nishiyama H; Higashitsuji H; Yokoi H; Xue JH; It...
Biochem Biophys Res Commun./236(3)/p.804-7, 1997-07 - Cloning and characterization of human CIRP (cold-inducible RNA-binding protein) cDNA and chromosomal assignment of the gene
Nishiyama H; Higashitsuji H; Yokoi H; Itoh K; Danno S; Ma...
Gene/204(1-2)/p.115-20, 1997-12 - Decreased expression of cold-inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRP) in male germ cells at elevated temperature
Nishiyama H Danno S Kaneko Y Itoh K Yokoi H Fukumot...
Am J Pathol./152(1)/p.289-96, 1998-01 - Transcript levels of aquaporin 1 and carbonic anhydrase IV as predictive indicators for prognosis of renal cell carcinoma patients after nephrectomy
Takenawa J; Kaneko Y; Kishishita M; Higashitsuji H; Nishi...
Int J Cancer./79(1)/p.1-7, 1998-02 - Diurnal change of the cold-inducible RNA-binding protein (Cirp) expression in mouse brain
Nishiyama H; Xue JH; Sato T; Fukuyama H; Mizuno N; Houtan...
Biochem Biophys Res Commun./245(2)/p.534-8, 1998-04 - Expression of human macrophage metalloelastase gene in hepatocellular carcinoma: correlation with angiostatin generation and its clinical significance
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Hepatology/28(4)/p.986-93, 1998-10 - A sequence-ready 840-kb PAC contig spanning the candidate tumor suppressor locus DBC1 on human chromosome 9q32-q33.
Nishiyama H; Hornigold N; Davies AM; Knowles MA
Genomics/59(3)/p.335-8, 1999-08 - Cloning of human cDNAs for Apg-1 and Apg-2, members of the Hsp110 family, and chromosomal assignment of their genes
Nonoguchi K; Itoh K; Xue JH; Tokuchi H; Nishiyama H; Kane...
Gene/237(1)/p.21-8, 1999-09 - Homozygous deletion at the 9q32-33 candidate tumor suppressor locus in primary human bladder cancer
Nishiyama H; Takahashi T; Kakehi Y; Habuchi T; Knowles MA
Genes Chromosomes Cancer/26(2)/p.171-5, 1999-10 - Expression of protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP-RL10 and its isoform in the mouse testis
Tokuchi H; Higashitsuji H; Nishiyama H; Nonoguchi K; Naga...
Int J Urol./6(11)/p.572-7, 1999-11 - Effects of ischemia and H2O2 on the cold stress protein CIRP expression in rat neuronal cells
Xue JH; Nonoguchi K; Fukumoto M; Sato T; Nishiyama H; Hig...
Free Radic Biol Med./27(11-12)/p.1238-44, 1999-12 - Squamous cell carcinoma of the prostate without evidence of recurrence 5 years after operation
Imamura M; Nishiyama H; Ohmori K; Nishimura K
Urol Int./65(2)/p.122-4, 2000-01 - Negative regulation of G(1)/S transition by the candidate bladder tumour suppressor gene DBCCR1
Nishiyama H; Gill JH; Pitt E; Kennedy W; Knowles MA
Oncogene/20(23)/p.2956-64, 2001-05 - さらに表示...
- 膀胱全摘後の自然排尿可能な回腸新膀胱の1例