西山 博之(ニシヤマ ヒロユキ)


  • Evaluation for surrogacy of end points by using data from observational studies: tumor downstaging for evaluating neoadjuvant chemotherapy in invasive bladder cancer
    Teramukai S; Nishiyama H; Matsui Y; Ogawa O; Fukushima M.
    Clin Cancer Res./12(1)/p.139-43, 2006-01
  • Biweekly paclitaxel and gemcitabine for patients with advanced urothelial cancer ineligible for cisplatin-based regimen
    Takahashi T; Higashi S; Nishiyama H; Segawa T; Nakamura ...
    Jpn J Clin Oncol./36(2)/p.104-8, 2006-02
  • Association of the PIG3 promoter polymorphism with invasive bladder cancer in a Japanese population
    Ito M; Nishiyama H; Watanabe J; Kawanishi H; Takahashi T...
    Jpn J Clin Oncol./36(2)/p.116-20, 2006-02
  • DBC1 re-expression alters the expression of multiple components of the plasminogen pathway
    Louhelainen JP; Hurst CD; Pitt E; Nishiyama H; Pickett H...
    Oncogene/25(16)/p.2409-19, 2006-04
  • Dicoumarol potentiates cisplatin-induced apoptosis mediated by c-Jun N-terminal kinase in p53 wild-type urogenital cancer cell lines
    Watanabe J; Nishiyama H; Matsui Y; Ito M; Kawanishi H; Ka...
    Oncogene/25(17)/p.2500-8, 2006-04
  • Management of concomitant ureteral carcinoma in situ at radical cystectomy
    Nakanishi S; Nishiyama H; Ito M; Yoshimura K; Kamoto T; O...
    Int J Urol./13(5)/p.524-8, 2006-05
  • High throughput comparative genomic hybridization array analysis of multifocal urothelial cancers
    Kawanishi H; Takahashi T; Ito M; Watanabe J; Higashi S; K...
    Cancer Sci./97(8)/p.746-52, 2006-08
  • Protocol consisting of cisplatin, etoposide and irinotecan induced complete pathological remission of primary small cell carcinoma of the bladder.
    Kawahara T; Nishiyama H; Yamamoto S; Kamoto T; Ogawa O.
    Int J Urol./13(9)/p.1251-3, 2006-09
  • <症例報告>鼠径部腫瘤を契機に発見されたMyxoid liposarcomaの1例
    吉田健志; 中村英二郎; 河原貴史; 井上高光; 澤崎晴武; 神波大己; 吉村耕治; 高橋 毅; 清川岳彦; 西山博之; 伊藤哲之; ...
    泌尿器科紀要/52(9)/p.727-31, 2006-09
  • Genotyping of congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency presenting as male infertility: case report and literature review.
    Sugino Y; Usui T; Okubo K; Nagahama K; Takahashi T; Okuno...
    J Assist Reprod Genet./23(9-10)/p.377-80, 2006-10
  • <症例報告>出血性副腎皮質腺腫に骨髄脂肪腫を合併した1例
    澤崎晴武; 清川岳彦; 吉田健志; 河原貴史; 井上高光; 宗田 武; 神波大己; 吉村耕治; 高橋 毅; 中村英二郎; 西山博之...
    泌尿器科紀要/52(10)/p.785-8, 2006-10
  • Surgical treatment for urethral recurrence after ileal neobladder reconstruction in patients with bladder cancer
    Yoshida K; Nishiyama H; Kinoshita H; Matsuda T; Ogawa O
    BJU Int./98(5)/p.1008-11, 2006-11
  • 精巣類表皮嚢胞の1例
    澤崎晴武; 清川岳彦; 吉田健志; 河原貴史; 井上高光; 宗田 武; 神波大己; 吉村耕治; 高橋 毅; 中村英二郎; 西山博之...
    西日本泌尿器科/68(11)/p.541-3, 2006-11
  • <症例報告>皮下腫瘤で発見されたびまん型黄色肉芽腫性腎盂腎炎の1例
    澤崎晴武; 清川岳彦; 吉田健志; 河原貴史; 井上高光; 宗田 武; 神波大己; 吉村耕治; 高橋 毅; 中村英二郎; 西山博之...
    泌尿器科紀要/52(11)/p.875-8, 2006-11
  • <症例報告>陰嚢内高分化炎症性脂肪肉腫の1例
    澤崎晴武; 中村英二郎; 星 昭夫; 西澤恒二; 吉村耕治; 高橋 毅; 清川岳彦; 西山博之; 伊藤哲之; 山本新吾; 賀本敏行...
    泌尿器科紀要/52(12)/p.961-3, 2006-12
  • 手術手技標準化による体腔鏡下手術コストの削減
    西澤恒二; 伊藤哲之; 高橋毅; 吉村耕治; 中村英二郎; 清川岳彦; 西山博之; 賀本敏行; 小川修
    Japanese Journal of Endourology and ESWL/19(2)/p.220-224, 2006-01
  • 回腸新膀胱造設術後の排尿管理指導法の現状調査
    三富陽子; 西山博之; 小川修
    日本創傷・オストミー・失禁ケア研究会誌/10(2)/p.40-43, 2006-01
  • Sensitizing effect of galectin-7 in urothelial cancer to cisplatin through the accumulation of intracellular reactive oxygen species
    Matsui Y; Ueda S; Watanabe J; Kuwabara I; Ogawa O; Nishiy...
    Cancer Res./67(3)/p.1212-20, 2007-02
  • Genomic characterization of multiple clinical phenotypes of cancer using multivariate linear regression models
    Matsui S; Ito M; Nishiyama H; Uno H; Kotani H; Watanabe ...
    Bioinformatics/23(6)/p.732-8, 2007-03
  • <症例報告>術後11年目に両側上顎洞転移で再発した腎細胞癌の1例
    澤崎晴武; 清川岳彦; 吉田健志; 河原貴史; 井上高光; 宗田 武; 神波大己; 吉村耕治; 高橋 毅; 中村英二郎; 西山博之...
    泌尿器科紀要/53(4)/p.231-4, 2007-04
  • Genetic analysis of multifocal superficial urothelial cancers by array-based comparative genomic hybridisation
    Kawanishi H; Takahashi T; Ito M; Matsui Y; Watanabe J; It...
    Br J Cancer./97(2)/p.260-6, 2007-07
  • Solitary upper ureteral malakoplakia successfully diagnosed by ureteroscopic biopsy and treated conservatively.
    Inoue T; Nishiyama H; Yoshimura K; Ito N; Kamoto T; Habuc...
    Int J Urol./14(9)/p.859-61, 2007-09
  • P21-activated kinase 1: a new molecular marker for intravesical recurrence after transurethral resection of bladder cancer
    Ito M; Nishiyama H; Kawanishi H; Matsui S; Guilford P; Re...
    J Urol./178(3 Pt 1)/p.1073-9, 2007-09
  • Health-related quality-of-life after external beam radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer: intensity-modulated radiation therapy versus conformal radiation therapy
    Yoshimura K; Kamoto T; Nakamura E; Segawa T; Kamba T; Tak...
    Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis./10(3)/p.288-92, 2007-09
  • Prostate specific antigen nadir determined using ultra-sensitive prostate specific antigen as a predictor of biochemical progression after radical prostatectomy in Japanese males.
    Kinoshita H; Kamoto T; Nishiyama H; Nakamura E; Matsuda ...
    Int J Urol/14(10)/p.930-4, 2007-10
  • さらに表示...