近藤 裕也(コンドウ ユウヤ)
- 論文
- Recurrent Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease Successfully Treated by the Concomitant Use of Hydroxychloroquine and Corticosteroids
Honda Fumika; Tsuboi Hiroto; Toko Hirofumi; Ohyama Ayako...
Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)/56(24)/pp.3373-3377, 2017-10 - Clinical and functional significance of STEAP4-splice variant in CD14(+) monocytes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Ebe Hiroshi; Matsumoto Isao; Kawaguchi Hoshimi; Kurata I...
Clinical and experimental immunology/191(3)/pp.338-348, 2017-10 - IgG4関連疾患の病因―分子生物学的アプローチ―
坪井 洋人; 飯塚 麻菜; 高橋 広行; 浅島 弘充; 廣田 智哉; 近藤 裕也; 中井 雄治; 阿...
臨床リウマチ/29(2)/pp.128-139, 2017 - Association of ETS1 polymorphism with granulomatosis with polyangiitis and proteinase 3-anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive vasculitis in a Japanese population
Kawasaki Aya; Yamashita Keita; Hirano Fumio; Sada Ken-ei...
Journal of Human Genetics/63(1)/pp.55-62, 2018-01 - Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of parotid glands before and after abatacept therapy in patients with Sjögren's syndrome associated with rheumatoid arthritis: Utility to evaluate and predict response to treatment
Takahashi Hiroyuki; Tsuboi Hiroto; Yokosawa Masahiro; Asa...
Modern rheumatology/28(2)/pp.300-307, 2017-07 - cDNA microarray analysis identifies NR4A2 as a novel molecule involved in the pathogenesis of Sjögren's syndrome
Takahashi Hiroyuki; Tsuboi Hiroto; Asashima Hiromitsu; Hi...
Clinical and experimental immunology/190(1)/pp.96-109, 2017-06 - 関節リウマチとサイトカイン
金子 駿太; 近藤 裕也; 横澤 将宏; 住田 孝之
日本臨牀/74(6)/pp.913-918, 2016-06 - Usefulness of MR imaging of the parotid glands in patients with secondary Sjogren's syndrome associated with rheumatoid arthritis
Yokosawa Masahiro; Tsuboi Hiroto; Nasu Katsuhiro; Hagiya ...
MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY, 2015-05 - The effectiveness of upfront pulmonary vasodilators combination therapy in addition to corticosteroids for pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with systemic lupus erythematosus: two successful cases utilizing both corticosteroids and an upfront combination of vasodilators.
Abe Saori; Tsuboi Hiroto; Toko Hirofumi; Honda Fumika; Oh...
Modern Rheumatol Case Reports/1(2)/pp.1-6, 2017-01 - Interferon signature genes are differentially expressed between microscopic polyangiitis and systemic lupus erythematosus peripheral blood transcriptomes.
Kawasaki Aya; Tsukui Daisuke; Kondo Yuya; Kimura Yoshita...
Arthritis Rheumatol, 2016-10 - 日本人全身性エリテマトーデスとHLA-G多型の関連
川﨑 綾; 八谷 有紀; 古川 宏; 近藤 裕也; 伊藤 聡; 松本 功; 草生 真規雄; 天野 浩文; 須田 ...
第60回日本リウマチ学会学術集会抄録集, 2016-04 - IFN signature遺伝子発現における顕微鏡的多発血管炎と全身性エリテマトーデスの相違.
Kawasaki Aya; 津久井 大輔; 近藤 裕也; 木村 佳貴; 浅子 来美; 古川 宏; 河野 肇; 住田 孝之; Ts...
第61回日本リウマチ学会学術集会抄録集, 2017-04 - 単純血漿交換が有効であった成人スティル病(adult-onset Still’s disease:ASD)に 合併した血栓性微小血管症の 1 例
清水達也; 金子修三; 臼井丈一; 西久保愛里; 角田亮也; 河村哲也; 永井恵; 藤田亜紀子; 甲斐平康; 森戸直記; 斎藤知栄; 近...
日本アフェレシス学会雑誌/35(Suppl)/p.174, 2016-11 - Suppression of glucose-6-phosphate-isomerase induced arthritis by oral administration of transgenic rice seeds expressing altered peptide ligands of glucose-6-phosphate-isomerase
Hirota Tomoya; Tsuboi Hiroto; Iizuka-Koga Mana; Takahashi...
Modern rheumatology/27(3)/pp.457-465, 2017-02 - T-bet over-expression regulates aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated T helper type 17 differentiation through an interferon (IFN)γ-independent pathway
Yokosawa M; Kondo Y; Tahara M; Iizuka-Koga M; Segawa S; K...
Clinical and experimental immunology/188(1)/pp.22-35, 2017-04 - ROR gamma t antagonist suppresses M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor-induced Sjogren's syndrome-like sialadenitis
Tahara M.; Tsuboi H.; Segawa S.; Asashima H.; Iizuka-Koga...
CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL IMMUNOLOGY/187(2)/pp.213-224, 2017-02 - 関節リウマチ合併二次性シェーグレン症候群に対するアバタセプトによる新規治療戦略
坪井 洋人; 松本 功; 萩原 晋也; 廣田 智哉; 高橋 広行; 江辺 広志; 横澤 将宏; 柳下 瑞希; 高橋...
臨床リウマチ/28(4)/pp.284-298, 2016 - T-bet過剰発現によるAHR抑制を介したTh17細胞分化制御
横澤 将宏; 近藤 裕也; 金子 駿太; 古山 琴菜; 瀬川 誠司; 坪井 洋人; 松本 功; 住田...
日本臨床免疫学会会誌/39(4)/pp.427b-427b, 2016 - Effectiveness of abatacept for patients with Sjogren's syndrome associated with rheumatoid arthritis. An open label, multicenter, one-year, prospective study: ROSE (Rheumatoid Arthritis with Orencia Trial toward Sjogren's syndrome Endocrinopathy) trial
Tsuboi Hiroto; Matsumoto Isao; Hagiwara Shinya; Hirota T...
MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY/26(6)/pp.891-899, 2016 - Association of anti-Ro/SSA antibody with response to biologics in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Hagiwara Shinya; Tsuboi Hiroto; Honda Fumika; Takahashi ...
MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY/26(6)/pp.857-862, 2016 - The regulatory role of interferon- producing gamma delta T cells via the suppression of T helper 17 cell activity in bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis
Segawa S.; Goto D.; Iizuka A.; Kaneko S.; Yokosawa M.; Ko...
CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL IMMUNOLOGY/185(3)/pp.348-360, 2016-09 - Association of HLA-G 3’ Untranslated Region Polymorphisms with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in a Japanese Population: A Case-Control Association Study
Yuki Hachiya; Aya Kawasaki; Shomi Oka; Yuya Kondo; Satosh...
PLoS ONE/11(6), 2016-06 - Human Leukocyte Antigen and Systemic Sclerosis in Japanese: The Sign of the Four Independent Protective Alleles, DRB1*13:02, DRB1*14:06, DQB1*03:01, and DPB1*02:01
Furukawa Hiroshi; Oka Shomi; Kawasaki Aya; Shimada Kota; ...
PLOS ONE/11(4), 2016-04 - Prevalence of soluble peptidylarginine deiminase 4 (PAD4) and anti-PAD4 antibodies in autoimmune diseases
Naoto Umeda; Isao Matsumoto; Hoshimi Kawaguchi; Yuko Kur...
CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY/35(5)/pp.1181-1188, 2015-09 - A case of refractory Kimura disease with a buccal bulky mass successfully treated with low-dose cyclosporine A: Report and review of the literature
Haruka Miki; Hiroto Tsuboi; Shunta Kaneko; Hiroyuki Taka...
Allergology International/65(2)/pp.212-214, 2015-11 - さらに表示...
- Recurrent Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease Successfully Treated by the Concomitant Use of Hydroxychloroquine and Corticosteroids