岡根 泉(オカネ イズミ)


  • 菅平産半水生菌Scutisporus属菌の1新種について
    山口 薫; 岡根 泉; 中桐 昭
    日本菌学会第51回大会, 2007
  • カオヤイ国立公園永久保全区域における維管束植物上のクロサイワイタケ科菌類に関する研究-NBRC とBIOTEC カルチャーコレクションにおける共同研究プロジェクト-
    岡根 泉; Prasert Srikitikulchai; Somsak Sivichai; 山口 薫; Nige...
    日本菌学会第51回大会, 2007
  • Collaborative research project between NITE Biological Resource Center (NBRC) and BIOTEC Culture Collection (BCC): Study of xylariaceous fungi in Thailand
    I. Okane; P. Srikitikulchai; S. Sivichai; K. Yamaguchi; N...
    第11回世界微生物株保存会議, 2007-10
  • Taxonomy of an anamorphic xylariaceous fungus from a termite nest found together with Xylaria angulosa
    Okane; I.; Nakagiri; A.; +岡根 泉
    Mycoscience/48/p.240-249, 2007
  • DiscosiaおよびSeimatosporium 属菌の系統と分類
    田中和明; 遠藤茉惟; 岡根 泉; 細矢 剛
    日本菌学会第52回大会, 2008-01
  • NBRC保有糸状菌株のDNA塩基配列データベースの構築
    黛 新造; 朴 珠英; 内海紀子; 横山史絵; 岡根 泉; 中桐 昭; 山口 薫; 伴さやか; 稲葉重樹; 佐藤 元; 大...
    日本菌学会第52回大会, 2008
  • 熱帯植物の生葉から検出された2種のクロサイワイタケ科菌類について
    岡根 泉; Prasert Srikitikulchai; 外山香子; Somsak Sivichai; Nigel...
    日本菌学会第52回大会, 2008
  • タイ産熱帯植物生葉における植物内生性クロサイワイタケ科菌類に関する研究
    岡根 泉; Prasert Srikitikulchai; 外山香子; Thomas Laessoe; Somsak...
    日本微生物資源学会第15回大会, 2008-01
  • A study on biodiversity of xylariaceous endophytic fungi in Thailand: a joint project between NITE Biological Resource Center and BIOTEC Culture Collection
    I. Okane
    Asian Consortium for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Microbial Resources (ACM) シンポジウム, 2008-10
  • Study of endophytic Xylariaceae in Thailand: diversity and taxonomy inferred from rDNA sequence analyses with saprobes forming fruit bodies in the field
    Okane I. Srikitikulchai P. Toyama K. Læ ss&osl...
    Mycoscience/49/p.359-372, 2008
  • Production of bioactive compounds based on phylogeny in the genus Penicillium preserved at NBRC
    Nakashima; T.; Mayuzumi; S.; Inaba; S.; Park; J.-Y.; Anzai; K.; Suz...
    Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem./72/p.3051-3054, 2008
  • Taxonomic characterization of Shiraia -like fungi isolated from bamboos in Japan
    Morakotkarn; D.; Kawasaki; H.; Tanaka; K.; Okane; I.; Seki; T.; +岡根 泉
    Mycoscience/49/p.258-265, 2008
  • Preliminary study on diversity of Aero-aquatic fungi in the rainy season at Khao Yai and Doi Inthanon National Parks, Thailand
    C. Chuaseeharonnachai; N. Boonyuen; K. Yamaguchi; I. Oka...
    International Conference on Fungal Evolution and Charles Darwin: From Morphology to Molecules, 2009
  • Study on the host preference of xylariaceous endophytes
    I. Okane; P. Srikitikulchai; K. Toyama; S. Sivichai; A. ...
    International Conference on Fungal Evolution and Charles Darwin: From Morphology to Molecules, 2009
  • The JSCC Catalogue of Cultures - an integrated on-line database of microbial strains preserved by the Japan Society for Culture Collections member BRCs
    I. Okane; M. Ichihara; H. Sugawara
    アジア国際菌学会議2009, 2009-11
  • 半水生菌Pseudaegerita matsushimaeはTrichodermaなのか?
    山口 薫; 鶴海泰久; 鈴木里江子; Charuwan Chuaseeharonnachai; Veera Sri-...
    日本菌学会大54回大会, 2010
  • 利尻島と西表島の植物内生菌相の比較
    岡根 泉; 外山香子; 田渕由希子; 山口 薫; 伴さやか; 中桐 昭
    日本菌学会大54回大会, 2010
  • Taxonomic studies of Pseudaegerita matsushimae, an aero-aquatic fungus, isolated from Thailand
    K. Yamaguchi; Y. Tsurumi; R. Suzuki; C. Chuaseeharonnach...
    第9回国際菌学会議, 2010
  • Quality control and reidentification of NBRC filamentous fungal collection based on molecular data
    I. Okane; S. Ban; K. Yamaguchi; A. Nakagiri; S. Mayuzumi...
    第9回国際菌学会議, 2010
  • Re-identification of Hypocrea/Trichoderma strains preserved at the NBRC collection
    Ban; S.; Yamaguchi; K.; Okane; I.; Nakagiri; A.; Tabuchi; Y.; Genra...
    Microbiol. Cult. Coll./26/p.119-124, 2010
  • Ecology and Taxonomy of Endophytic Fungi
    I. Okane
    Kick off meeting of JICA-JST-LIPI: Project for Development of Internationally Standardized Microbial Resources Center to Promote Life Science Research and Biotechnology and International Symposium on the Conservation of Tropical Microbial Resources and its Sustainable Use, 2011
  • Diversity and host preference of endophytic xylariaceous fungi in Thailand
    I. Okane
    アジア国際菌学会議2011, 2011
  • Newly found teleomorph-anamorph relationships of Cordyceps s. l. and their taxonomic implication
    S. Ban; T. Sakane; I. Okane; A. Nakagiri
    アジア国際菌学会議2011, 2011
  • Phylogeny of the anamorphic genera Discosia and Seimatosporium; Adisciso gen. nov., an ascomycetous teleomorph of and Immersidiscosia gen. nov., a segregate of Discosia
    Tanaka; K.; Endo; M.; Hirayama; K.; Okane; I.; Hosoya; T.; Sato; T.; ...
    Persoonia/26/p.85-98, 2011
  • Trichoderma matsushimae and T. aeroaquaticum: two aero-aquatic species from Thailand and Japan with Pseudaegerita-like propagules
    Yamaguchi; K.; Tsurumi; Y.; Suzuki; R.; Chuaseeharonnachai; C.; S...
    Mycologia/104/p.1109-1120, 2012
  • さらに表示...