山際 伸一(ヤマギワ シンイチ)


  • Exploiting Execution Order and Parallelism from Processing Flow Applying Pipeline-based Programming Method on Manycore Accelerators
    Yamagiwa Shinichi; Ryo Jozaki; Shixun Zhang; Ryo Zaizen; Dewe...
    Sixth International Workshop on Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for High-End Computing (P2S2)/pp.708-717, 2013-10
  • Space Perception by Acoustic Cues Influences Auditory-induced Body Balance Control
    Yamagiwa Shinichi; Naka Gotoda; Yuji Yamamoto
    icSports: International Congress on Sports Science Research and Technology Sports 2013,, 2013-09
  • Scenario-based Execution Method for Massively Parallel Accelerators
    Yamagiwa Shinichi; Zhang Shixun
    The 12th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA-13)/pp.1039-1048, 2013-07
  • CarSh: A Commandline Execution Support for Stream-based Acceleration Environment
    Yamagiwa Shinichi; Shixun Zhang
    The International Conference on Computational Science 2013/18/pp.601-610, 2013-06
  • Operation Synchronization Technique on Pipeline-based Hardware Synthesis Applying Stream-based Computing Framework
    Yamagiwa Shinichi; Ryoyu Watanabe; Koichi Wada
    15th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models/IPDPS2013, 2013-05
  • A Study of Parallelizing O(N ) Green-Function-Based Monte Carlo Method for Many Fermions Coupled with Classical Degrees of Freedom
    Shixun Zhang; Yamagiwa Shinichi; Seiji Yunoki
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)/454, 2013
  • Kernel Polynomial Method on GPU
    Shixun Zhang; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Masahiko Okumura; Seiji ...
    International Journal of Parallel Programming/41(1)/pp.59-88, 2013-02
  • O-05 Development of a training support system based on a sound feedback converting integrated senor data(The Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 28・29,(Tsukuba))
    YAMAGIWA Shinichi; GOTODA Naka; KADOTA Koji
    Advances in exercise and sports physiology/18(4)/p.84, 2013-02
  • Invitation to a Standard Programming Interface for Massively Parallel Computing Environment: OpenCL
    Shinichi Yamagiwa
    International Journal of Networking and Computing/Vol 2(No 2)/p.188-205, 2012-01
  • Parallelizing Kernel Polynomial Method Applying Graphics Processing Units
    Shixun Zhang; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Masahiko Okumura; Seiji ...
    International Journal of Networking and Computing/Vol.2(No.1)/p.41-55, 2012-01
  • Improving Stream Buffer Management of Stream-based Computing Platform on GPU
    Masahiro Arai; Koichi Wada; Shinichi Yamagiwa
    Proc. of Int. Conf. on Networking and Computing 2011/p.307-312, 2011-12
  • Invitation to OpenCL
    Pablo Lamilla Alvarez; Shinichi Yamagiwa
    Proceeding of ICNC '11 Proceedings of the 2011 Second International Conference on Networking and Computing/p.8-16, 2011-12
  • Prototyping GPU-based Cloud System for IODP Core Image Database
    Takaaki Nishiyama; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Toshio Hisamitsu
    In Proc. of ICNC/CMPP, 2011-11
  • Performance Impact Applying Compression Format to Sparse Matrix on Kernel Polynomial Method Using GPU
    Zhang Shixun; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Masahiko Okumura; Seiji ...
    In Proc. of ICNC/CMPP, 2011-11
  • Performance Impact on Resource Sharing among Multiple CPU- and GPU-based Applications
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; koichi Wada
    Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems/Vol. 26(Issue 4)/p.313-329, 2011-08
  • A Uniform Platform to Support Multigenerational GPUs for High Performance Stream-based Computing
    Pablo Lamilla Alvarez; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Masahiro Arai; ...
    International Journal of Networking and Computing/1(2)/p.230-243, 2011-07
  • Elimination Techniques of Redundant Data Transfers among GPUs and CPU on Recursive Stream-based Applications
    Pablo Lamilla; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Masahiro Arai; Koichi ...
    Proc. of IPDPS/APDCM11/p.708-715, 2011-05
  • Performance Acceleration of Kernel Polynomial Method Applying Graphics Processing Units
    Shixun Zhang; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Masahiko Okumura; Seiji ...
    In Proc. of IPDPS/APDCM11/p.569-576, 2011
  • Design and Implementation of a Uniform Platform to Support Multigenerational GPU architectures for High Performance Stream-based Computing
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Masahiro Arai; Koichi Wada
    Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and Applications(PDAA2010)/p.703-710, 2010-11
  • 体幹部加速度・角速度から観察されるモーグルターン技術の相違
    1.市川浩(国立スポーツ科学センター); 太田憲(国立スポーツ科学センター); 山際伸一(高知工科大学情報学群; JST...
    日本トレーニング科学会 第23回大会 紀要, 2010
  • Performance Acceleration for Video Synthesizing Software Targeted to Sports Training Using Multicore Processor
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Hiroshi Ichikawa; Chikara Miyaji
    In Proceedings of PDAA/PDCAT 2009, 2009-12
  • Parallel LDPC Decoding on GPUs using a Stream-based Computing Approach
    Gabriel Falcao; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Vitor Silva; Leonel S...
    Journal of Computer Science and Technology/Vol. 24(No. 5)/p.913-924, 2009-09
  • Modeling and Programming Stream-based Distributed Computing based on the Meta-Pipeline Approach
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Leonel Sousa.
    International Journal of Parallel,Emergent and Distributed Systems/Vol. 24(Issue 4)/p.311-330, 2009-08
  • CaravelaMPI: Message Passing Interface for Parallel GPU-based Applications
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Leonel Sousa
    In 8th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC 09), 2009
  • Performance Study of Interference on Sharing GPU and CPU Resources with Multiple Applications
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Koichi Wada
    the 11th Workshop on Advances on Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (APDCM09) / IPDPS09, 2009
  • さらに表示...