山際 伸一(ヤマギワ シンイチ)


  • Design and implementation of a tool for modeling and programming deadlock free meta-pipeline applications
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Leonel Sousa
    10th Workshop on Advances on Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (APDCM/IPDPS)/p.1-8, 2008
  • Design and Implementation of a Graphical User Interface for Stream-based Distributed Computing
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Diogo Ricardo Cardoso Antao; Leonel S...
    the IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN 2008), 2008
  • 泳動作観察のための映像ビューアーの開発
    市川浩; 山際伸一; 宮地力
    日本体育学会第59回大会, 2008
  • Development and Evaluation of Message Passing Library for Maestro2 Cluster Network
    Keiichi aoki; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Koichi Wada; Masaaki Ono
    Electronics and Computers in Japan, Part II/vol. 90(n. 11)/p.109-121, 2007-10
  • Caravela: A Novel Stream-Based Distributed Computing Environment
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Leonel Sousa
    Computer/vol.40(no.5)/p.70-77, 2007-05
  • Data Buffering optimization methods toward a uniform programming interface for GPU-based applications
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Leonel Sousa; Diogo Antao
    Proceeding of ACM Intl' Conference on Computing Frontiers/p.205 - 212, 2007
  • Design and implementation of a stream-based distributed computing platform using graphics processing units
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Leonel Sousa
    Proceeding of ACM Intl' Conference on Computing Frontiers/p.197 - 204, 2007
  • Caravela: A Distributed Stream-Based Computing Platform
    Leonel Sousa; Shinichi Yamagiwa
    3rd HiPEAC Industrial Workshop, IBM Haifa Labs, Israel, 2007
  • Stream-Based LDPC Decoding on GPUs
    Gabriel Falcao; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Vitor Silva; Leonel S...
    In First Workshop on General Purpose Processing on Graphics Processing Units, 2007
  • Meta-Pipeline: A new execution mechanism for distributed pipeline processing
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Leonel Sousa; Tomas Brandao
    6th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC 2007), 2007
  • Maestro2: Experimental evaluation of communication performance improvement techniques in the link layer
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Kevin Ferreira; Keiichi Aoki; Masaaki ...
    Journal of Interconnection Networks (JOIN)/7(2)/p.295-318, 2006-07
  • Maestro2クラスタネットワーク向けメッセージパッシングライブラリの開発と評価
    青木圭一; 山際伸一; 和田耕一; 小野雅晃
    電子情報通信学会論文誌D/J89-D(5)/p.919-931, 2006-05
  • On the Implementation and Evaluation of Berkeley Sockets on Maestro2 cluster computing environment
    Ricardo Miguel da Costa Guapo; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Leonel ...
    In The 4th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing/p.317-324, 2005
  • Performance Enhancement of Inter-Cluster Communication with Software-based Data Compression Link Layer
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Keiichi Aoki; Koichi Wada
    PDCS05, 2005
  • High performance message passing library for Maestro2 cluster network
    Keiichi Aoki; Koichi Wada; Masaaki Ono; Shinichi Yamagiwa
    In the proceedings of the 23rd IASTED International Conference on PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING AND NETWORKS(PDCN2005)/p.199-204, 2005
  • Active zero-copy: A performance study of non-deterministic messaging
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Keiichi Aoki; Koichi Wada
    In the proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing/p.325-332, 2005
  • Distributed Shared Memory System based on the Maestro2 High Performance Cluster Network
    Kevin Ferreira; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Leonel Sousa; Keiichi ...
    Proc. of the 3rd Int. Symp. on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC 2004)/p.91-96, 2004-07
  • Maestro2: High Speed Network Technology for High Performance Computing
    Keiichi Aoki; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Kevin Ferreira; Luis Mi...
    Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Communications/Vol.2/p.1033-1037, 2004-06
  • Architecture and evaluation of Maestro2 high speed cluster network
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Kevin Martins Ferreira; Keiichi Aoki; ...
    Technical report in INESC-ID, 2004
  • On the Performance of Maestro2 High Performance Network Equipment, Using New Improvement Techniques
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Kevin Ferreira; Luis Miguel Campos; Ke...
    Proc. of the 23rd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference/p.103-110, 2004-04
  • An Architecture of high performance cluster network: Maestro2
    Keiichi Aoki; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Masaaki Ono; Koichi Wad...
    Proc. of IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing/p.784-787, 2003-08
  • Maestro2: A New Challenge for High Performance Cluster Network
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Keiichi Aoki; Masaaki Ono; Tetsuya Sa...
    Proc. of the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI 2002/p.382 - 387, 2002-07
  • High Performance Network of PC Cluster Maestro
    Koichi Wada; Shinichi Yamagiwa; Munehiro Fukuda
    Cluster Computing/CLUS Vol. 5(No. 1)/p.33-42, 2002-01
  • Design and Implementation of Message Passing Library on Maestro Network
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Koichi Wada
    Proc. of IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing/p.87-90, 2001-08
  • Design and Performance of Maestro Cluster Network
    Shinichi Yamagiwa; Munehiro Fukuda; Koichi Wada
    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Cluster Computing CLUSTER2000/p.35-44, 2000-11
  • さらに表示...