都倉 康弘(トクラ ヤスヒロ)
- 論文
- Negative drag in quantum wires
M. Yamamoto; M. Stopa; Y. Hirayama; Y. Tokura; and S. Ta...
Proceeding of 26th Int. conf. on the Physics of semiconductors, 2003-01 - Effect of multiple charge traps on dephasing rates of a Josephson charge qubit system
Toshifumi Itakura; Yasuhiro Tokura
Journal of Physical Society of Japan/72/p.2726, 2003-01 - LTS SQUID Microscope with Micron Spatial Resolution
J. Anderberg; M. S. Colclough; D. B. Crum; Y. Tokura; D. ...
IEEE Trans. on Applied Superconductivity/13/p.231-234, 2003-01 - Electrical pulse measurement, inelastic relaxation, and non-equilibrium transport in a quantum dot
T. Fujisawa; D. G. Austing; Y. Tokura; Y. Hirayama; and ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter/15(33)/p.R1395, 2003-01 - 量子演算中の結合したキュービットに対する背景電荷揺らぎの効果(確率モ デルの統計力学)
板倉利文; 都倉康弘
物性研究/82(2)/p.293, 2004-02 - Current Noise in a Quantum Point Contact
Yasuhiro Tokura
Physica E/22(1-3)/p.284-287, 2004-04 - Quantum interference effects in the magnetopiezoresistance of InAs/AlGaSb quasi-one-dimensional electron systems
H. Yamaguchi; Y. Tokura; S. Miyashita; and Y. Hirayama
Physical Review Letters/93(3)/p.36603, 2004-07 - Quantum Circuit Simulation Using the Density Matrix Renormalization Group
A. Kawaguchi; K. Shimizu; Y. Tokura; N. Imoto
AIP Conference Proceedings/734/p.187, 2004-01 - Electron transport in magnetic-field-induced quasi-one-dimensional electron systems in semiconductor nanowhiskers
Toshihiro Kubo; Yasuhiro Tokura
Physica E/29(3-4)/p.525-529, 2005-11 - Many-body effects on tunneling of electrons in magnetic-field-induced quasi-one-dimensional systems in quantum wells
Toshihiro Kubo; Yasuhiro Tokura
2005 Proc. Int. Symp. on Mesoscopic Semiconductivity and Spintronics 2004 (MS+S2004), 2005-01 - Many-body effects on tunneling of electrons in magnetic-field-induced quasi one-dimensional electron systems in semiconductor nanowhiskers
Toshihiro Kubo; Yasuhiro Tokura
Journal of Physical Society of Japan/74/p.519, 2005-01 - 量子暗号研究開発の現状
月刊 JADI/703/p.1, 2005-01 - Coherent single electron spin control in a slanting Zeeman field
Yasuhiro Tokura; Wilfred G. van der Wiel; Toshiaki Obata...
Physical Review Letters/96(4)/p.047202, 2006-01 - NTT 物性科学基礎研究所における光科学・光技術の研究動向
森田雅夫; 都倉康弘
NTT 技術ジャーナル/18(2)/p.8, 2006-02 - Negative Coulomb drag in a one-dimensional wire
M. Yamamoto; M. Stopa; Y. Tokura; Y. Hirayama; and S. Ta...
Science/313(5784)/p.204-207, 2006-07 - Electron transport through Aharonov-Bohm interferometer with laterally coupled double quantum dots
Toshihiro Kubo; Yasuhiro Tokura; Tsuyoshi Hatano; Seigo ...
Physical Review B/74(20)/p.205310, 2006-11 - 結合量子細線におけるクーロンド ラック
山本倫久; Michael Stopa; 平山祥郎; 都倉康弘; 樽茶清悟
固体物理/41/p.679, 2006-01 - Ground-state transitions beyond the singlet-triplet transitions for a two-electron quantum dot
Yoshifumi Nishi; Yasuhiro Tokura; James Gupta; Guy Austi...
Physical Review B/75(12)/p.121301, 2007-03 - Microwave band on-chip coil technique for single electron spin resonance in a quantum dot
T. Obata; M. Pioro-Ladriere; Y. Tokura; and S. Tarucha
Review of Scientific Instruments/78(10)/p.104704, 2007-10 - Entanglement generation using silicon wire waveguide
H. Takesue; Y. Tokura; H. Fukuda; T. Tsuchizawa; T. Wata...
Applied Physics Letters/91(20)/p.201108, 2007-11 - On-chip micro-coil technique for single electron spin resonance with quantum dot
T. Obata; M. Pioro-Ladriere; T. Kubo; K. Yoshida; Y. Tok...
Physica E/40(2)/p.351-354, 2007-12 - Spin-charge qubit resonance readout in lateral quantum dots
M. Pioro-Ladriere; Y. Tokura; T. Obata; T. Kubo; K. Yosh...
Physica E/40(2)/p.347-350, 2007-12 - Pseudo-spin Kondo effect in Aharonov-Bohm interferometer containing laterally coupled double quantum dots
T. Kubo; Y. Tokura; and S. Tarucha
AIP Conference Proceedings/893/p.765, 2007-01 - Observation of the singlet and triplet states in a hybrid vertical-lateral double dot
T. Hatano; Y. Tokura; S. Amaha; T. Kubo; and S. Tarucha
AIP Conference Proceedings/893/p.853, 2007-01 - Interference through quantum dots
Yasuhiro Tokura; Hiromasa Nakano; and Toshihiro Kubo
New Journal of Physics/9/p.113, 2007-01 - さらに表示...
- Negative drag in quantum wires