LAZARUS Michael(ラザルス ミハエル)
- 論文
- Basal Forebrain Cholinergic Neurons Primarily Contribute to Inhibition of Electroencephalogram Delta Activity; Rather Than Inducing Behavioral Wakefulness in Mice
Chen Li; Yin Dou; Wang Tian-Xiao; Guo Wei; Dong Hui; ...
NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY/41(8)/pp.2133-2146, 2016-07 - Prostaglandin-dependent modulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission elicits inflammation-induced aversion in mice
Fritz Michael; Klawonn Anna M.; Nilsson Anna; Singh A...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION/126(2)/pp.695-705, 2016-02 - Polygraphic Recording Procedure for Measuring Sleep in Mice
Oishi Yo; Takata Yohko; Taguchi Yujiro; Kohtoh Sayaka; Ur...
JOVE-JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS/(107), 2016-01 - Zinc-containing yeast extract promotes nonrapid eye movement sleep in mice
Cherasse Y.; Saito Hitomi; Nagata Nanae; Aritake Kosu...
MOLECULAR NUTRITION & FOOD RESEARCH/59(10)/pp.2087-2093, 2015-10 - The roles of prostaglandin E-2 and D-2 in lipopolysaccharide-mediated changes in sleep
Oishi Yo; Yoshida Kyoko; Scammell Thomas E.; Urade Yoshi...
BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY/47(SI)/pp.172-177, 2015-07 - Neuroanatomy and transgenic technologies
Jackson Alexander C.; Liu Chen; Fukuda Makoto; Lazarus...
FRONTIERS IN NEUROANATOMY/8, 2015-01 - EP3 receptor deficiency attenuates pulmonary hypertension through suppression of Rho/TGF-beta 1 signaling
Lu Ankang; Zuo Caojian; He Yuhu; Chen Guilin; Piao L...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION/125(3)/pp.1228-1242, 2015-03 - Acute inhibition of a cortical motor area impairs vocal control in singing zebra finches
Yazaki-Sugiyama Yoko; Yanagihara Shin; Fuller Patrick ...
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE/41(1)/pp.97-108, 2015-01 - Concurrent and robust regulation of feeding behaviors and metabolism by orexin neurons
Inutsuka Ayumu; Inui Azusa; Tabuchi Sawako; Tsunematsu...
NEUROPHARMACOLOGY/85/pp.451-460, 2014-10 - delta-Opioid receptor activation stimulates normal diet intake but conversely suppresses high-fat diet intake in mice
Kaneko Kentaro; Mizushige Takafumi; Miyazaki Yuri; Laz...
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-REGULATORY INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY/306(4)/pp.R265-R272, 2014-02 - Prostaglandin D-2 is crucial for seizure suppression and postictal sleep
Kaushik Mahesh K.; Aritake Kosuke; Kamauchi Shinya; Hayai...
EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY/253/pp.82-90, 2014-03 - Cyclical Appearance of African Trypanosomes in the Cerebrospinal Fluid: New Insights in How Trypanosomes Enter the CNS
Mogk Stefan; Meiwes Andreas; Shtopel Swetlana; Schraer...
PLOS ONE/9(3), 2014-03 - Role of the basal ganglia in the control of sleep and wakefulness
Lazarus Michael; Chen Jiang-Fan; Urade Yoshihiro; Huan...
CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY/23(5)/pp.780-785, 2013-10 - A mouse model mimicking human first night effect for the evaluation of hypnotics
Xu Qi; Xu Xin-Hong; Qu Wei-Min; Lazarus Michael; Urad...
PHARMACOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BEHAVIOR/116/pp.129-136, 2014-01 - Projections of nucleus accumbens adenosine A(2A) receptor neurons in the mouse brain and their implications in mediating sleep-wake regulation
Zhang Jian-Ping; Xu Qi; Yuan Xiang-Shan; Cherasse Yoa...
- Basal Forebrain Cholinergic Neurons Primarily Contribute to Inhibition of Electroencephalogram Delta Activity; Rather Than Inducing Behavioral Wakefulness in Mice