加藤 弘亮(カトウ ヒロアキ)
- 論文
- The effect of surface cover on infiltration rate in steep forest plantation
Hiraoka Marino; Onda Yuichi; Kato Hiroaki; Ito Shun; Mizu...
Eos Trans. AGU/p.H53C-1395, 2007-12 - Controlling factors for infiltration on undisturbed hillslopes in unmanaged plantation forests
Hiraoka Marino; Onda Yuichi; Gomi Takashi; Mizugaki Shig...
Geophysical Research Abstracts/p.EGU2017-12364, 2017-04 - Effects of strop thinning on suspended sediment yields using paired-catchment analysis
南 琇娟; 五味高志; 恩田裕一; 加藤弘亮; Dung X. Bui; 平岡 真合乃
平成25年度砂防学会研究発表会概要集/pp.A-230-A-231, 2013-05 - 森林樹冠から林床への放射性セシウム移行量の時間変化
加藤 弘亮; 恩田裕一; 河守歩; 久留景吾
Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity (KEK Proceeding)/pp.294-300, 2013-04 - Determining the initial Fukushima reactor accident-derived cesium-137 fallout in forested areas of municipalities in Fukushima Prefecture
Kato Hiroaki; Onda Yuichi
JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH/23(2:::SI)/pp.73-84, 2017-03 - Effect of canopy openness and meteorological factors on spatial variability of throughfall isotopic composition in a Japanese cypress plantation
Sun Xinchao; Onda Yuichi; Hirata Akiko; Kato Hiroaki; ...
HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES/32(8)/pp.1038-1049, 2018-04 - Effects of slope gradient on runoff from bare-fallow purple soil in China under natural rainfall conditions
Komatsu Yoshitaka; Kato Hiroaki; Zhu Bo; Wang Tao; Ya...
JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE/15(4)/pp.738-751, 2018-04 - Radiocesium concentrations in soil and leaf after decontamination practices in a forest plantation highly polluted by the Fukushima accident
López-Vicente Manuel; Onda Yuichi; Takahashi Junko; Ka...
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)/239/pp.448-456, 2018-04 - Radiocesium migration in the litter layer of different forest types in Fukushima, Japan
Kurihara Momo; Onda Yuichi; Kato Hiroaki; Loffredo Ni...
Journal of environmental radioactivity/187/pp.81-89, 2018-02 - Spatial pattern of atmospherically deposited radiocesium on the forest floor in the early phase of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
Kato Hiroaki; Onda Yuichi; Wakahara Taeko; Kawamori A...
The Science of the total environment/615/pp.187-196, 2017-09 - Estimation of throughfall with changing stand structures for Japanese cypress and cedar plantations
Sun Xinchao; Onda Yuichi; Kato Hiroaki; Gomi Takashi; ...
FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT/402/pp.145-156, 2017-10 - Comparing root water uptake profile estimations from an isotope-calibrated mechanistic model and a mixing model
Yamanaka Tsutomu; Kimura Takeo; Sun Xinchao; Kato Hir...
Hydrological Research Letters/11(3)/pp.161-167, 2017 - Evaluation of radiocaesium wash-off by soil erosion from various land uses using USLE plots
Yoshimura Kazuya; Onda Yuichi; Kato Hiroaki
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity/139/pp.362-369, 2014-07 - Effects of plowing on vertical distribution of radioactive Cs and soil physicochemical properties in temperate pastures
Komissarov Mikhail; Ogura Shin-ichiro; Kato Hiroaki; Sait...
Grassland Sciences/63(4)/pp.265-272, 2017-03 - Change in evapotranspiration partitioning after thinning in a Japanese cypress plantation
Sun X.; Onda Yuichi; Otsuki K.; Kato H.; Gomi T.; Liu X.
Trees/31(5)/pp.1411-1421, 2017-10 - 森林内の放射性セシウム分布と空間線量率の経時変化
加藤 弘亮; 恩田 裕一; Loffredo Nicolas; 久留 景吾; 河守 歩
日本森林学会大会発表データベース/125(0)/p.137, 2014 - 森林からの放射性核種の水循環に伴う移行
恩田 裕一; 加藤 弘亮; NICOLAS LOFFREDO; 久留 景吾; 河守 歩
日本森林学会大会発表データベース/125(0)/p.771, 2014 - 列状間伐がヒノキ人工林の蒸発散量に及ぼす効果
Sun Xinchao; Onda Yuichi; Kato Hiroaki; Otsuki Kyoich...
水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集/27(0)/p.100103, 2014 - 出水時における河川水の溶存態窒素濃度に与える先行湿潤状態と基岩内地下水位の影響
芳賀 弘和; 遠藤 祐子; 佐野 貴洋; 齋藤 隆実; 恩田 裕一; 加藤 弘亮; 大槻 恭一
日本森林学会大会発表データベース/126(0)/p.492, 2015 - 森林環境中の放射性セシウムの移行が林内空間線量率に及ぼす影響
加藤 弘亮; 恩田 裕一; Loffredo Nicolas; 久留 景吾; 河守 歩
日本森林学会大会発表データベース/126(0)/p.844, 2015 - 福島第一原子力発電所事故から3年間の森林環境中における放射性セシウム移行状況について
加藤 弘亮; 恩田 裕一
日本地球化学会年会要旨集/62(0)/p.178, 2015 - Effect of tree thinning and skidding trails on hydrological connectivity in two Japanese forest catchments
López-Vicente Manuel; Sun Xinchao; Onda Yuichi; Kato Hir...
GEOMORPHOLOGY/292/pp.104-114, 2017-05 - Internal exposure to neutron-activated (56)Mn dioxide powder in Wistar rats: part 1: dosimetry
Stepanenko Valeriy; Rakhypbekov Tolebay; Otani Keiko; End...
Radiation and environmental biophysics/56(1)/pp.47-54, 2017-03 - Evaluation of forest decontamination using radiometric measurements
Cresswell A.; Kato H.; Onda Y.; Nanba K.
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity/164/pp.133-144, 2016-06 - Effect of stand structure and climatic factors on throughfall isotopic composition in a Japanese cypress plantation
Xinchao Sun; Yuichi Onda; Akiko Hirata; Hiroaki Kato; Takashi...
日本森林学会大会発表データベース/127(0)/p.614, 2016 - さらに表示...
- The effect of surface cover on infiltration rate in steep forest plantation