MAYERS Thomas David(メイヤーズ トーマス ディビッド)


  • Teaching science and learning English: an introduction to the Molecular Biology Course in Vietnam
    Ho Kiong; Mayers Thomas; Ohneda Osamu
    Journal of Medical English Education/17(1)/pp.7-13, 2018-02
  • Organizing a charity fundraising event: a class project that brought lessons in life
    Mayers Thomas David
    Journal of Medical English Education/17(1), 2018-02
  • An international exchange program for undergraduate medical science students
    Mayers Thomas David; Morikawa Kazuya; Ho C. Kiong; Ohneda...
    Journal of Medical English Education/17(1)/pp.7-13, 2018-02
  • Using Comedy sketches to learn medical English
    Mayers Thomas David
    Journal of Medical English Education/15(3)/pp.105-107, 2017-10
  • Volunteer work in a hospital school as a means to professional development for the EMP instructor
    Mayers Thomas David
    Journal of Medical English Education/14(2)/pp.38-38, 2015-06
  • Teaching Science and leaning English: an introduction to the Molecular Biology Course in Vietnam
    Mayers Thomas David; Purdue Brian; C. Kiong Ho; Ohneda O...
    Journal of Medical English Education/14(3)/pp.87-92, 2015-10
  • EMP at work: University of Tsukuba Faculty of Medicine
    Mayers Thomas David; Flaminia Miyamasu; Brian K. Purdue; Mak...
    日本医学英語教育学会会誌/14(1)/pp.63-69, 2015-02
  • Volunteering as an aid to better EMP teaching: My experience as a hospital interpreter
    Mayers Thomas David
    日本医学英語教育学会会誌/14(1)/pp.11-14, 2015-02
  • 'Shriek'd against his creed': Science, Faith Doubt and the Biblical Language of Tennyson's In Memoriam
    Mayers Thomas David
    茨城キリスト教大学紀要/47/pp.57-71, 2013-12
  • Robinson Crusoe: The Biblical Landscape of Defoe's Spiritual Narrative
    Mayers Thomas David
    大みか英語英文学研究/16/pp.1-14, 2012-10