三盃 亜美(サンバイ アミ)


  • Accuracy and fluency in Kanji word spelling: Japanese Speaking children in 5th Grade
    Mio Yokoi; Noriko Akashi; Ami Sambai; Akira Uno
    East Asia Joint Symposium on Reading and Spelling/2015-03-07--2015-03-08
  • How is the orthographic lexicon influenced by visual analyses and the feedback pathway from the non-lexical route for the Kanji writing system of Japanese?
    Ami Sambai; Max Coltheart; Akira Uno
    The 15th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages/2014-10-24--2014-10-26
  • The effects of word attributes, lexical knowledge, and cognitive abilities to spelling of kanji words in Japanese normal adults
    Ami Sambai; Noriko Akashi; Akira Uno; Junichiro Kawahara; Max...
    9th International Conference of the British Dyslexia Association/2014-03-27--2014-03-29
  • An investigation on the relationship between problems in the orthographic lexicon and reading deficits for Hiragana and Katakana words in Japanese adults with developmental dyslexia: Insights from length effects in reading aloud and lexical decision tasks
    Ami Sambai; Akira Uno; Noriko Haruhara; Max Coltheart
    9th International Conference of the British Dyslexia Association/2014-03-27--2014-03-29
  • An investigation into lexical and sub lexical spelling processes for the writing system of Japanese Kanji in Adults
    Noriko Akashi; Ami Sambai; Akira Uno; Max Colhteart
    East Asia Joint Symposium on Reading and Spelling/2014-02-22--2014-02-23
  • Lexical and non-lexical processing of Japanese adults with developmental dyslexia in word recognition and reading aloud for the Kana writing system
    Ami Sambai; Akira Uno; Noriko Haruhara; Max Coltheart
    East Asia Joint Symposium on Reading and Spelling/2014-02-22--2014-02-23
  • スペシャル・セッションⅡ「コントロバーシャル:読みのモデル-DRC vs. PDP-」
    三盃 亜美; 伊集院睦雄
  • A non-lexical reading processing occurs serially for the Kanji writing system?
    Ami Sambai; Max Coltheart; Akira Uno
    19th Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading/2012-07-11--2012-07-14
  • The underlying cognitive deficits of Kana reading deficits: Insight from simulation and empirical studies
    Ami Sambai; Akira Uno; Noriko Haruhara; Masato Kaneko; Noriko...
    8th International Conference of the British Dyslexia Association/2011-06-02--2011-06-04
  • The effects of length and lexicality on Kana reading in Japanese normal reading and dyslexic children
    Ami Sambai; Suzuko Kurokawa; Akira Uno; Noriko Haruhara; Masa...
    28th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics/2010-08-22--2010-08-26
  • 発達性読み書き障害児における視機能、視知覚、視覚認知及び視覚性記憶機能について
    後藤多可志; 宇野彰; 三盃 亜美
  • 小学校高学年の定型発達児と発達性読み書き障害児の仮名音読における単語長と語彙性が及ぼす影響
    三盃 亜美; 宇野彰; 後藤多可志
  • 音読年齢基準値の作成および音読年齢を合わせた発達性dyslexia 児と定型発達児の認知機能の比較
    春原 則子; 宇野 彰; 金子 真人; 粟屋 徳子; 辰巳 格; 三盃 亜美; 伊集院 睦雄; 後藤 多可志; 狐塚 順子; 孫入 里英
  • 小学校6年生の漢字二字熟語音読における配当学年及び規則性の効果について
    三盃 亜美; 宇野彰; 伊集院睦雄; 春原則子; 金子真人; 粟屋徳子; 後藤多可志; 狐塚順子
  • 発達性読み書き障害児の漢字単語および非語音読における一貫性効果と語彙性効果の検討-定型発達児との比較-
    鈴木香菜美; 宇野彰; 伊集院睦雄; 三盃 亜美; 春原則子; 金子真人; 粟屋徳子; 狐塚順子; 後藤多可志; 近藤公久
  • 発達性読み書き障害児の仮名音読における文字長、語彙性効果に関する検討
    三盃 亜美; 宇野彰; 春原則子; 金子真人; 粟屋徳子; 狐塚順子; 蔦森英史; 辰巳格
  • Simulation study for underlying mechanism of Japanese children with developmental dyslexia from connectionist approach
    Ami Sambai; Akira Uno; Mutsuo Ijuin; Noriko Haruhara; Masato ...
    67th International Conference of the International Dyslexia Association/2009-09-11--2009-09-14
  • バイパス法を用いたひらがな書字訓練に関するシミュレーション研究の試み-発達性読み書き障害児への適用を想定して-
    三盃 亜美; 宇野彰; 伊集院睦雄; 春原則子; 金子真人; 粟屋徳子
  • A trial model of reading in Japanese primary school children by simulation study
    Ami Sambai; Mutsuo Ijuin; Akira Uno; Itaru Tatsumi
    7th International Conference of the British Dyslexia Association/2008-03-27--2008-03-29
  • シミュレーションによる発達性dyslexiaの障害メカニズムに関する検討
    三盃 亜美; 伊集院睦雄; 宇野彰; 春原則子; 金子真人; 辰巳格