善甫 啓一(ゼンポ ケイイチ)


  • Auditory Uta-KARUTA: Sonificated Card Game towards Inclusive Design
    Miyakawa Haruna; Kuratomo Noko; Salih Hisham Elser Bilal...
    In The 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology Adjunct Proceedings (UIST '19 Adjunct)/pp.90-92, 2019-10
  • Audio Substituting Haptic System to Aware the Sound from Backwards
    Ryota Sakuma; Yuki Fujita; Zempo Keiichi
    In The 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology Adjunct Proceedings (UIST '19 Adjunct), 2019-10
  • Non-contact measurement of bow force and friction force in bowed string in- struments using a camera
    Izaki Ryodai; Wakatsuki Naoto; Mizutani Koichi; Zempo Ke...
    In Proceedings of ISMA2019 (Internal Symposium on Musical Acoustics)/pp.124-129, 2019-09
  • Sensor network to measure MAAI on value co-creation process: feasibility study of MAAI optimization on customer service
    Arai Taiga; Chida Yusuke; Okada Yukihiko; Zempo Keiichi
    In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (UbiComp/ISWC '19)/pp.1-4, 2019-09
  • Integrating a Binaural Beat into the Soundscape for the Alleviation of Feelings
    Kuratomo Noko; Mashiba Yuichi; Zempo Keiichi; Mizutani K...
    In Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science/11749, 2019-09
  • A Haptic Substituting System to Enhance the Auditory Perception of the Direction of Arrival
    Sakuma Ryota; Fujita Yuki; Zempo Keiichi
    In Proceeding of IEEE World Haptics Conference 2019, 2019-07
  • Method of estimating contact force of bone-conducted sound transducer with a two-degrees-of-freedom vibrating model
    Ogiso Satoki; Mizutani Koichi; Zempo Keiichi; Wakatsuk...
  • Automatic discrimination of dietary behavior of swine under flu infection by vision based area segmentation
    Sato Takuya; Mito Misaki; Mizutani Koichi; Zempo Keiichi...
    2019 EFITA-HAICTA-WCCA congress book of abstracts/pp.76-76, 2019-06
  • Automatic measurement of sneezing caused by swine influenza infection
    Mito Misaki; Aoki Takuya; Mizutani Koichi; Zempo Keiichi...
    2019 EFITA-HAICTA-WCCA congress book of abstracts/pp.46-46, 2019-06
  • Metal vibration noise eliminator for aerial propagation sound event detection system in an experimental pigpen
    Watanabe Ikuru; Mito Misaki; Mizutani Koichi; Zempo Keii...
    2019 EFITA-HAICTA-WCCA congress book of abstracts/pp.74-74, 2019-06
  • Sensing beacon network platform with on-line measurable baskets in retail store
    Y.Suda; Arai T.; Fujita Y.; Zempo Keiichi; Okada Yukihiko
    Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference/pp.1-2, 2019-1
  • Indoor positioning by infrared remote control without being adversely affected by metal shelf
    Arai Taiga; Yoshizawa Takahiro; Aoki Takuya ; Zempo Keii...
    Proceedings of the 37th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE ICCE2019)/pp.11-13, 2019-01
  • Evaluation of Indoor Positioning System based on Attachable Infrared Beacons in Metal Shelf Environment
    Arai Taiga; Yoshizawa Takahiro; Aoki Takuya; Zempo Keiic...
    Proceeding of the 37th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics/pp.1-4, 2019-01
  • 金属棚環境における後付け可能な赤外ビーコンの屋内測位精度検証 ~ ICCE2019報告 ~
    善甫 啓一; 荒井 大河; 吉澤 貴拓; 青木 拓也; 岡田 幸彦
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告/118(449)/pp.21-24, 2019-01
  • Shopping Baskets for On-line Beacon Sensor Network in Retail Store
    Suda Yuji; Arai Taiga; Yoshizawa Takahiro; Fujita Yuki; Z...
    Proceeding of the 16th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference/pp.1-2, 2019-01
  • Evaluation of Indoor Positioning System based on Attachable Infrared Beacons in Metal Shelf Environment
    Arai Taiga; Yoshizawa Takahiro; Aoki Takuya; Zempo Keiic...
    Proceeding of the 37th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics/pp.1-4, 2019-01
  • Diet Gamification toward Chewing Amount Control via Head Mounted Display
    Sugita Yuto; Zempo Keiichi; Kakutani Yuya; Ando Yasumasa...
    In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia Posters, 2018-12
  • Ultrasound from Cyber Map: Intuitive Guidance Method using Binaural Parametric Loudspeaker
    Iwaoka Ryunosuke; Moriga Masataka; Salih Hisham Elser Bi...
    Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Space/pp.469-472, 2018-11
  • Detection of the Information Knocked in Pigpen by an Piezoelectric Sensor
    Watanabe Ikuru; Mito Misaki; Mizutani Koichi; Zempo Keii...
    The 15th IEEE Transdisciplinary-Oriented Workshop for Emerging Researchers Programs & Abstracts/pp.29-29, 2018-11
  • Detection of health indicators of swine using images and multiple microphones
    Sato Takuya; Togashi Kota; Kawagishi Takuji; Mizutani Ko...
    In Proceeding of AFITA/WCCA2018 conference, 2018-10
  • Classification of Acoustic Events using Features without tuning in a Pig House
    Mito Misaki; Kawagishi Takuji; Mizutani Koichi; Zempo Ke...
    In Proceeding of AFITA/WCCA2018 conference, 2018-10
  • Retrospective Speech Balloons on Speech-visible AR via Head-Mounted Display
    Kurahashi Tomoki; Sakuma Ryota; Zempo Keiichi; Mizutani ...
    Adjunct Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium for Mixed and Augmented Reality 2018/pp.423-424, 2018-10
  • Phonoscape: Auralization of Photographs using Stereophonic Auditory Icons
    Zempo Keiichi; Yuichi Mashiba; Kawamura Takayuki; Kuratom...
    The 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology Adjunct Proceedings/pp.117-119, 2018-10
  • Acoustic Beacon for Smartphones to Support Optimum Wi-Fi Spot Connection
    Fukuda Riku; Iwaoka Ryunosuke; Ebihara Tadashi; Mizutani ...
    Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 7th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), 2018-10
  • Estimation of Sleep Stage in Higher Order Spectrum Analysis of Sleeping Breath Sounds
    Zempo Keiichi; Araki Mitsuhito; Mizutani Koichi; Wakatsuk...
    Proceedings of the 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 2018-07
  • さらに表示...