金川 哲也(カナガワ テツヤ)


  • Two Types of Nonlinear Pressure Waves in Bubbly Liquids Incorporating Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity
    Kamei T.; Kanagawa T.
    ASME Proceedings Series/5, 2019-11
  • Thermal and Viscous Damping of Propagation Process of Weakly Nonlinear Waves in Bubbly Liquids
    Kanagawa T.; Kamei T.
    INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings/pp.7362-7370, 2019-09
  • Two Types of Evolution Equations for Weakly Nonlinear Waves in Bubbly Flows: Effect of Initial Flow Velocities on Pressure Waves
    Kanagawa T.; Maeda T.
    INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings/pp.7380-7388, 2019-09
  • Theoretical Analysis on Nonlinear Modulation of High Speed Ultrasound in Compressible Liquids Containing Many Microbubbles
    Kanagawa T.; Yoshimoto T.; Akutsu R.
    INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings/pp.7354-7361, 2019-09
  • 多分散気泡流中の弱非線形圧力波を記述するKdV--Burgers方程式
    石塚怜央奈; 金川哲也
    京都大学数理解析研究所講究録/2153/pp.248-253, 2020-04
  • 有限変形を考慮したはりの中を伝播する弾性波の弱非線形理論
    菊地勇成; 内山祐介; 金川哲也
    京都大学数理解析研究所講究録/2153/pp.238-247, 2020-04
  • ポンプの損傷低減のための衝撃波の音響ソリトン変換と高速放出
    サウンド/34/pp.12-14, 2019-01
  • 気泡流中における粘性と熱伝導を伴う音波伝播を記述する2種類の非線形波動方程式
    亀井陸史; 金川哲也
    京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 (RIMS Report, Kyoto)/2128/pp.70-82, 2019-09
  • 初期流速が存在する気泡流中の長波と短波を記述する二種類の非線形波動方程式
    前田泰希; 金川哲也
    京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 (RIMS Report, Kyoto)/2128/pp.58-69, 2019-09
  • 気泡を含む水中を伝わる非線形音波に粘性と熱伝導性が及ぼす影響の理論的研究
    亀井陸史; 金川哲也
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告/119(3)/pp.11-13, 2019-04
  • 気泡を含む圧縮性液体中を高速で伝播する準単色圧力波の弱非線形変調
    金川哲也; 慶本天謹
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告/118(14)/pp.17-21, 2018-04
  • Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation for a Fast Pressure Propagation in Bubbly Liquids
    Kanagawa T.
    AIP Conference Proceedings/1978/pp.210004-1-210004-4, 2018-07
  • Cavitation Bubble Dynamics Based on Keller Equation in Human Joint
    Taira H.; Kanagawa T.
    AIP Conference Proceedings/1978/pp.210007-1-210007-4, 2018-07
  • An Effect of Liquid Compressibility on Acoustic Wave Propagation in Bubbly Liquids
    Kanagawa T.; Yoshimoto T.; Akutsu R.
    Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Cavitation, 2018-05
  • High Speed and Weakly Nonlinear Propagation of Quasi-Monochromatic Acoustic Waves in Bubbly Liquids
    Kanagawa T.; Yoshimoto T.
    INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings/18/pp.192-199, 2018-12
  • Numerical Study on Bubble Dynamics in a Human Joint: Effect of Liquid Viscosity and Surface Tension
    Taira H.; Kanagawa T.
    INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings/18(2)/pp.1545-1551, 2018-12
  • Oscillation of a Rotating Levitated Droplet: Analysis with a Mechanical Model
    Kitahata H.; Tanaka R.; Koyano Y.; Matsumoto S.; Nis...
    Physical Review E/92(6)/pp.062901-1-062901-8, 2015-12
  • 気泡を含む圧縮性液体中を高速で伝播する高周波数圧力波の多重尺度解析
    圷 亮輔; 金川哲也
    京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 (RIMS Report, Kyoto)/2076/pp.100-106, 2018-08
  • 気泡を含む圧縮性液体中における高速準単色波の弱非線形伝播
    慶本天謹; 金川哲也
    京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 (RIMS Report, Kyoto)/2076/pp.88-99, 2018-08
  • 筑波大学理工学群工学システム学類の紹介
    金川哲也; 小野寺隼人
    日本機械学会関東支部関東学生会広報誌『JSME-dia』/115/pp.1-3, 2017-10
  • Theoretical Study on a Fast Propagation of Pressure Waves in Bubbly Liquids
    Kanagawa T.
    Extended Abstract of the 9th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, 2017-10
  • The Effect of Second Viscosity on Calculation of Compressible Flow by Density-Based Method
    Matsuura T.; Takahashi Y.; Kanagawa T.; Yamamoto K.
    Extended Abstract of the Ninth JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, 2017-10
  • Weakly Nonlinear Formulation on Acoustic Waves in Liquids Containing Many Spherical Gas Bubbles
    Kanagawa T.
    Proceedings of the 46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 2017-08
  • Generation of a Cracking Sound in Human Joint: Bubble Dynamics Simulations
    Taira H.; Kanagawa T.
    Proceedings of the 46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 2017-08
  • An Effective Equation for Fast Propagation of Pressure Waves in Compressible Liquids Containing Microbubbles
    Kanagawa T.
    Extended Abstract of 2017 Japan-US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics/pp.25-28, 2017-06
  • さらに表示...