金川 哲也(カナガワ テツヤ)
- 論文
- Jet Breakup and Droplet Formation in Immiscible Liquid-Liquid System
Saito S.; Abe Y.; Kaneko A.; Kanagawa T.; Iwasawa ...
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering/p.ICONE24--60634, 2016-06 - Two-Phase Flow Structure and Operating Characteristics of Supersonic Steam Injector
Sato K.; Abe Y.; Kaneko A.; Kanagawa T.; Mori M.
Mechanical Engineering Journal/2(5)/pp.1-14, 2015-10 - The Japan-U.S. Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics
The International Information Center for Multiphase Flow NEWSLETTER/(44)/pp.1-2, 2015-09 - Experimental Study on Atomization of Allophane with Micro Bubbles
Inoue Y.; Arai Y.; Kaneko A.; Takemura F.; Ike M.; Kanaga...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, 2016-05 - Contactless Coalescence Technique of Acoustically Levitated Droplets Using Ultrasonic Transducer Array
Watanabe A.; Watahiki S.; Niwa M.; Goda A.; Kanagawa...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, 2016-05 - 音場浮遊液滴の周囲流動場と界面輸送現象
合田 篤; 長谷川浩司; 金子暁子; 金川 哲也; 阿部 豊
混相流/28(5)/pp.539-546, 2015-03 - クラッキング音の原因の流体力学的考察と教育効果への期待(原著講演(IV),大会テーマ「物理をどう教えるか-基礎概念の定着を目指して-」)
平 久夫; 金川 哲也
物理教育学会年会物理教育研究大会予稿集/(31)/pp.51-52, 2014-08 - Development of Prediction Model for CO2 Hydrate Film Growth Incorporating with Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Ma X.; Abe Y.; Yamamoto N.; Kanagawa T.; Kaneko A....
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Power Engineering/2015(12)/pp.ICOPE-15-1169-1-ICOPE-15-1169-10, 2015-12 - Influence of Inner Shape on Thermo-Fluid Characteristics of an Electric Vehicle Motor
Yuasa T.; Hirano S.; Kanagawa T.; Kaneko A.; Abe Y.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Power Engineering/2015(12)/pp.ICOPE-15-1149-1-ICOPE-15-1149-12, 2015-12 - Effect of Inner Shape on Thermo-Fluid Characteristics in an Electric Vehicle Motor
Yuasa T.; Hirano S.; Kanagawa T.; Kaneko A.; Abe Y.
Proceedings of the ASME--JSME--KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015/pp.1370-1375, 2015-07 - Development of Removal Technology Using Ozone Microbubble with a Venturi Tube
Arai Y.; Abe Y.; Kaneko A.; Kanagawa T.; Fujimori ...
Proceedings of the ASME--JSME--KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015/1A/pp.1330-1337, 2015-07 - Mixing Technology of Stratified Density Layer by Gas--Liquid Two Phase Jet
Shimazaki K.; Sato K.; Horiguchi N.; Kanagawa T.; Ka...
Proceedings of the ASME--JSME--KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015/1A/pp.2003-2007, 2015-07 - Numerical Study on Influence of Ohnesorge Number and Reynolds Number Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Iwasawa Y.; Abe Y.; Kaneko A.; Kanagawa T.; Saito ...
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering/2015(23)/pp.ICONE23-1950-1-ICONE23-1950-7, 2015-05 - Numerical Simulation of Self-Priming Phenomena in Venturi Scrubber by Two-Phase Flow Simulation Code TPFIT
Horiguchi N.; Yoshida H.; Kanagawa T.; Kaneko A.; Ab...
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering/2015(23)/pp.ICONE23-1803-1-ICONE23-1803-5, 2015-05 - Development of Prediction Technology of Two-Phase Flow Dynamics under Earthquake Acceleration---(16) Experimental and Numerical Study of Pressure Fluctuation Effects on Bubble Motion
Kato Y.; Yoshida H.; Yokoyama R.; Kanagawa T.; Kanek...
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, 2015-05 - Development of Numerical Simulation for Jet Break up Behavior in Complicated Structure of BWR Lower Plenum---(5)Effect of Complicated Structure on Internal and External Flow Field
Narushima Y.; Abe Y.; Kaneko A.; Kanagawa T.; Suzuki...
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering/2015(23)/pp.ICONE23-1257-1-ICONE23-1257-10, 2015-05 - Aerosol Behavior in Two-Phase Flow during a Pool Scrubbing
Goi T.; Abe Y.; Kaneko A.; Kanagawa T.; Horiguchi ...
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering/2015(23)/pp.ICONE23-1699-1-ICONE23-1699-5, 2015-05 - Development of Prediction Technology of Two-Phase Flow Dynamics under Earthquake Acceleration---(15) Behavior of Gas--Liquid Interface in Bubbly/Plug Flow under Flow Rate Fluctuation
Yokoyama R.; Kato Y.; Monji H.; Kanagawa T.; Kaneko ...
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering/2015(23)/pp.ICONE23-1236-1-ICONE23-1236-9, 2015-05 - Operating Criteria and Mechanisms of Supersonic Steam Injector
Sato K.; Abe Y.; Kaneko A.; Kanagawa T.; Mori M.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering/2015(23)/pp.ICONE23-1650-1-ICONE23-1650-9, 2015-05 - Experimental Study on Jet Instability and Breakup Behavior in Liquid--Liquid System
Saito S.; Abe Y.; Kaneko A.; Kanagawa T.; Iwasawa ...
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering/2015(23)/pp.ICONE23-1886-1-ICONE23-1886-7, 2015-05 - 関節液キャビテーションの非線形現象解明を目指すクラッキング音の気泡力学計算
平 久夫; 金川哲也
数理解析研究所講究録/1946/pp.118-124, 2015-04 - Response Characteristic of Rising Bubble under Structure Vibration
Kato Y.; Kanagawa T.; Kaneko A.; Monji H.; Abe Y.; Yoshid...
Proceedings of the Ninth Korea--Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety, 2014-11 - Visualization and Measurement of Jet Breakup Behavior with Interfacial Fragmentation Using LIF and PIV
Saito S.; Abe Y.; Kaneko A.; Kanagawa T.; Iwasawa Y.; Mat...
Proceedings of the Ninth Korea--Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety, 2014-11 - Development of Evaluation Method of Liquid Flow Rate by Self-Priming Phenomena in Venturi Scrubber
Horiguchi N.; Yoshida H.; Kanagawa T.; Kaneko A.; Abe Y.
Proceedings of the Ninth Korea--Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety, 2014-11 - Finite Amplitude Propagation of Acoustic Waves in Bubbly Liquids Based on Nonlinear Evolution Equations
Kanagawa T.
Extended Abstract of the 9th International Conference on Two-Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications/pp.51-52, 2014-09 - さらに表示...
- Jet Breakup and Droplet Formation in Immiscible Liquid-Liquid System