SELLAIYAN Selvakumar(セライヤン セルバクマー)
- 論文
- Disorder induced conductivity enhancement in SHI irradiated undoped and N-doped 6H-SiC single crystals
Sivaji K.; Viswanathan E.; Sellaiyan Selvakumar; Murugaraj R...
Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics/27(11)/pp.11825-11833, 2016-07 - Nanopores formation and shape evolution in Ge during intense ionizing irradiation
Sellaiyan Selvakumar; Uedono A.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2016-01 - Structure and Transport in Coatings from Multiscale Computed Tomography of Coatings—New Perspectives for Eelectrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Modeling?
Hughes A. E.; Trinchi A.; Chen F. F.; Yang Y. S.; Sellaiyan S...
Electrochimica Acta/202/pp.243-252, 2015-11 - Investigation on photoluminescence, electrical and positron lifetime of Eu3+ activated Gd2O3 phosphors
Selvalakshmi Thangaraj; Sellaiyan Selvakumar; Uedono A...
MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS/166/pp.73-81, 2015-09 - Structural and optical characterization of MgO: X (X = Li, Na, and K) by solution combustion technique
Sivasankari J.; Selvakumar S.; Sivaji K.; Sankar S.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS/616/pp.51-57, 2014-12 - Room-temperature ferromagnetism induced by Na co-doping and K co-doping in the rare earth Er doped ZnO nanocrystallites
Sivasankari J.; Sankar S.; Sellaiyan Selvakumar; Sivaji K.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS/615/pp.4-11, 2014-12 - The application of multiscale quasi 4D CT to the study of SrCrO4 distributions and the development of porous networks in epoxy-based primer coatings
Hughes A. E.; Trinchi A.; Chen F. F.; Yang Y. S.; Cole I. S.; ...
PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS/77(11)/pp.1946-1956, 2014-11 - Revelation of Intertwining Organic and Inorganic Fractal Structures in Polymer Coatings
Hughes A. E.; Trinchi A.; Chen F. F.; Yang Y. S.; Cole I. S.; ...
ADVANCED MATERIALS/26(26)/pp.4504-+, 2014-07 - Investigation of defect related photoluminescence property of multicolour emitting Gd2O3:Dy3+ phosphor
Selvalakshmi Thangaraj; Sellaiyan Selvakumar; Uedono A...
RSC ADVANCES/4(65)/pp.34257-34266, 2014 - Electron momentum distribution and singlet-singlet annihilation in the organic anthracene molecular crystals using positron 2D-ACAR and fluorescence spectroscopy,
Sellaiyan Selvakumar; Sivaji Krishnan; Arulchakkaravarthi A...
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS/16(30)/pp.15934-15940, 2014 - Leaching properties of chromate-containing epoxy films using radiotracer, PALS and SEM
Sellaiyan Selvakumar
Prog. Org. Coat./77/p.257, 2014 - Synthesis, structural and optical properties of Er doped, Li doped and Er plus Li co-doped ZnO nanocrystallites by solution-combustion method
Sivasankari J.; Sankar S.; Sellaiyan Selvakumar; Vimaladevi ...
MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS/143(3)/pp.1528-1535, 2014-02 - Raman and Time resolved photoluminescence studies on the effect of temperature on disorder production in SHI irradiated N-doped 6H-SiC crystals,
Sivaji K.; Viswanathan E.; Sellaiyan Selvakumar; Sankar S.; K...
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS/587/pp.733-738, 2014-02 - Dielectric properties and relaxation mechanism of organic trans-Stilbene and p-Terphenyl molecular crystals using impedance spectroscopy
Sellaiyan Selvakumar; Murugaraj R.; Viswanathan E.; Sankar S...
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE/1056-1057/pp.152 -156, 2014-01 - Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy of mechanically milled protein fibre powders and their free volume aspects
Sellaiyan Selvakumar
J. Phy: Conf. Ser./443/p. 012054, 2013 - Electron momentum distribution on trans-stilbene projected along [101] by positron 2D-ACAR
Sellaiyan Selvakumar
Phys. Procedia/35/p.157, 2012 - 2D-ACAR Studies on Swift Heavy Ion Si-Implanted GaAs,
Sellaiyan Selvakumar
Phys. Procedia/35/p.162, 2012 - Using X-ray Tomography, PALS and Raman Spectroscopy to Characterise Inhibitors in Epoxy Coatings,
Sellaiyan Selvakumar
Prog. Org. Coat./74/p.726, 2012 - Low temperature relaxation properties of SHI irradiated N-doped 6H-SiC
Sellaiyan Selvakumar
AIP Conf. Proc./1447/p.927, 2012 - Investigations on the structural and optical properties of the swift heavy ion irradiated6HASiC, Nucl. Instrum
Sellaiyan Selvakumar
Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B/269/p.1103, 2011 - Study of Electrical Properties in SHI Irradiated 6H-SiC Crystals using Low temperature Impedancespectroscopy
Sellaiyan Selvakumar
AIP Conf. Proc./1349/p.991, 2011 - Understanding the effect of nanoporosity on optimizing the performance of self-healing materials for anti-corrosion applications
Sellaiyan Selvakumar
J. Phys: Conf. Ser./262/p.012054, 2011 - Structural and electrical conductivity studies on undoped and copper-doped nanocrystalline zinc sulphide
Sellaiyan Selvakumar
J. Mater. Sci./45/p.6701, 2010 - Structural and electrical conductivity studies on undoped and copper-doped nanocrystalline zinc sulphide
Sellaiyan Selvakumar
J. Mater. Sci./45/p.1242, 2010 - Enhanced energy resolution (22Na, 137Cs and 241Am) and Alpha-Gamma (241Am + 60Co) and Neutron–Gamma (241Am-Be) Pulse Shape Discrimination properties of p-terphenyl crystals prepared by modified selective self-seeded vertical Bridgman technique (SSVBT)
Sellaiyan Selvakumar
Solid State Commun./145/p.482, 2008 - さらに表示...
- Disorder induced conductivity enhancement in SHI irradiated undoped and N-doped 6H-SiC single crystals