松原 正樹(マツバラ マサキ)
- 会議発表等
- Multi-Armed Bandit Approach to Qualification Task Assignment across Multi Crowdsourcing Platforms
Xiao Yunyi; Yamashita Yu; Ito Hiroyoshi; Matsubara Masak...
The 6th IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-Loop Methods and Future of Work in BigData (IEEE HMData 2022)/2022-12-17 - Image Geolocation by Non-Expert Crowd Workers with an Expert Strategy
Kim Seungun; Matsubara Masaki; Morishima Atsuyuki
The 6th IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-Loop Methods and Future of Work in BigData (IEEE HMData 2022)/2022-12-17 - Effects of Increasing Working Opportunity on Result Quality in Labor-Intensive Crowdsourcing
Negishi Kanta; Ito Hiroyoshi; Masaki Matsubara; Morishima...
18th International Conference, Iconference 2023/2023-03-13--2023-03-17 - インターネット学習における学習支援ガイド生成に向けた理解支援関係の自動抽出
高橋 健太郎; 伊藤 寛祥; 松原 正樹; 森嶋 厚行
第15回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM2023/2023-03-05--2023-03-09 - エシカル・ベイズ最適化のためのクラスタを考慮したアプローチ
山﨑 悠人; 松原 正樹; 伊藤 寛祥; 南部 優太; 幸島 匡宏; 蔵内 雄貴; 山本 隆二; 森嶋 厚行
第15回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM2023)/2023-3-5--2023-3-9 - A User-Centered Method to Develop Document Structures for Lay Readers’ Decision-Making
Kagawa Rina; Matsubara Masaki; Miyata Rei; Matsuzaki Tak...
A User-Centered Method to Develop Document Structures for Lay Readers’ Decision-Making/2022-10-06 - 聴けなかった音が聴こえるようになる〜音楽スキル向上のインタラクションデザイン〜
松原 正樹
IPSJ-ONE 2022/2022-03-05 - システム1に駆動された質問生成に基づくヒューマンインザループによるシステム2の構築
清水 綾女; 若林 啓; 松原 正樹; 伊藤 寛祥; 森嶋 厚行
第36回人工知能学会全国大会/2022-06-14--2022-06-17 - Discussion on the development of feedback-based generation system for chord progressions
Matsumoto Yoshiteru; Matsubara Masaki; Ito Hiroyoshi; Ter...
The 3rd Japan-Taiwan Symposium on Psychological and Physiological Acoustics Jointly held with ASJ Auditory Research Meeting/2021-12 - Does Multi-Hop Crowdsourcing Work? A case Study on Collecting COVID-19 Local Information
Zhong Ying; Kobayashi Masaki; Matsubara Masaki; Morishima...
The 5th IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-Loop Methods and Future of Work in BigData (IEEE HMData 2021)/2021-12 - Analysis of Usefulness of Critique Documents on Musical Performance: Toward better Instructional Document Format
Matsubara Masaki; Kagawa Rina; Hirano Takeshi; Tsuji Isao
The 23rd International conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraies/2021-12 - CROCUS: Dataset of Musical Performance Critiques: Relationship between Critique Content and Its Utility
Matsubara Masaki; Kagawa Rina; Hirano Takeshi; Tsuji Isao
The 15th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research/2021-11 - A Crowdsourcing Approach for Deriving Proofs for Uncertain Information
Kida Kai; Ito Hiroyoshi; Matsubara Masaki; Morishima Ats...
iConference 2022 Student Symposium/2022-2-28 - Efficient Estimation of Multi-peak Crowd Preference
Kaihotsu Kotaro; Ito Hiroyoshi; Matsubara Masaki; Morishi...
iConference 2022 Student Symposium/2022-2-28 - Discovering diverse perspectives from large scale time-series documents data
Hirasawa Rei; Ito Hiroyoshi; Matsubara Masaki; Morishima ...
iConference 2022 Student Symposium/2022-2-28 - Making the Ad-Hoc Physical Crowdsourcing Possible with the Coherence Principle
Tanaka Erina; Ito Hiroyoshi; Matsubara Masaki; Morishima ...
iConference 2022 Student Symposium/2022-2-28 - A Document Management System based on Human-in-the-Loop Latent Space Learning
Watanabe Shingo; Ito Hiroyoshi; Matsubara Masaki; Morishi...
iConference 2022 Student Symposium/2022-2-28 - 演奏講評データベースの構築および講評文書の構造と効用の関係
松原正樹; 辻功; 平野剛; 香川 璃奈
音学シンポジウム2021/2021-06-18--2021-06-19 - 文書の内容と構造が書き手の負担と読み手の効用に与える影響の研究:文書記載支援技術の開発に向けて
香川 璃奈; 松原正樹; 宮田玲; 馬場雪乃; 山肩洋子
第35回人工知能学会全国大会/2021-06-08--2021-06-11 - Quality Assessment of Crowdwork via Eye Gaze: Towards Adaptive Personalized Crowdsourcing
Morishima Atsuyuki
INTERACT2021/2021-09 - Task Assignment Strategies for Crowd Worker Ability Improvement
Matsubara Masaki; Borromeo Ria Mae; Amer-Yahia Sihem; Mor...
The 24th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW2021)/2021-10 - Crowd-Worker Skill Improvement with AI Co-Learners
Nakayama Takumi; Matsubara Masaki; Morishima Atsuyuki
The 9th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI2021)/2021-11 - A Skill-based Worksharing Approach for Microtask Assignment
Negishi Kanta; Ito Hiroyoshi; Matsubara Masaki; Morishima...
The 5th IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-Loop Methods and Future of Work in BigData (IEEE HMData 2021)/2021-12-13--2021-12-15 - Human-in-the-loop 潜在空間学習による空間型インタラクティブ⽂献管理システム
渡邉真悟; 伊藤 寛祥; 松原正樹; 森嶋厚行
第14回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2022)/2022/2/28 - Joint Non-negative Tensor Factorization に基づく共通・⾮共通トピックとその時間推移の抽出
平澤嶺; 伊藤 寛祥; 松原正樹; 森嶋厚行
第14回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2022)予稿集/2022-2-28 - さらに表示...
- Multi-Armed Bandit Approach to Qualification Task Assignment across Multi Crowdsourcing Platforms