松原 正樹(マツバラ マサキ)


  • Revisiting Cadential Retention in GTTM
    Matsubara Masaki; Kodama Takafumi; Tojo Satoshi
    Proceedings of 8th IEEE Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering/pp.218-223, 2016-10
  • An Empirical Study on Short- and Long-term Effects of Self-Correction in Crowdsourced Microtasks
    Kobayashi Masaki; Morita Hiromi; Matsubara Masaki; Shimiz...
    The 6th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP2018)/pp.79-87, 2018-7
  • Skill-and-Stress-Aware Assignment of Crowd-Worker Groups to Task Streams
    Kumai Katsumi; Matsubara Masaki; Shiraishi Yuhki; Wakatsu...
    The 6th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP2018)/pp.88-97, 2018-07
  • CrowdSheet: An Easy-To-Use One-Stop Tool for Writing and Executing Complex Crowdsourcing
    Suzuki Rikuya; Sakaguchi Tetsuo; Matsubara Masaki; Kitaga...
    Advanced Information Systems Engineering. CAiSE 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 10816/pp.137-153, 2018-06
  • Relationships between Abdominal and Around-Lip Muscle Activities and Acoustic Features when Playing the Trumpet
    Satou Megumi; Kitahara Tetsuro; Terasawa Hiroko; Matsubar...
    Proceedings of The 2017 International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA2017)/pp.114-117, 2017-06
  • Collaborative Study of Interactive Seismic Array Sonification for Data Exploration and Public Outreach Activities
    Matsubara Masaki; Morimoto Yota; Uchide Takahiko
    Proceedings of 5th Interactive sonification workshop (ISon2016)/pp.56-60, 2016-12
  • Harmonic Analysis based on Tonal Pitch Space
    Sakamoto Shoki; Arn Sean; Matsubara Masaki; Tojo Satoshi
    Proceedings of 8th IEEE Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering/pp.230-233, 2016-10
  • A Learning System for Environmental Sounds on Tablets: Toward a Teaching Resource for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children
    Hiraga Rumi; Kato Yu; Matsubara Masaki; Terasawa Hiroko; ...
    Proceedings of the Conference Universal Learning Design/pp.31-34, 2016-07
  • Lifelogging by Senior Citizens in a Highly Ageing Society: A Pilot Study
    Joho Hideo; Matsubara Masaki; Uda Norihiko; Donkai Saori...
    Proceedings of the Information Retrieval and Learning with Lifelogging Devices/pp.9-12, 2016-03
  • Music Perception of hearing-Impaired Persons with Focus on One Test Subject
    Hiraga Rumi; Hansen Kjetil F.; Kano Naoya; Matsubara Mas...
    Proceedings of 2015 IEEE international conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEESMC2015)/pp.2407-2412, 2015-10
  • Real-time smile sonification using surface EMG signal and the evaluation of its usability
    Nakayama Yuki; Takano Yuji; Matsubara Masaki; Terasawa Hirok...
    Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2015)/pp.152-156, 2015-07
  • Guiding auditory attention toward the subtle components in electreocardiography sonification
    Terasawa Hiroko; Morimoto yota; Matsubara Masaki; Sato A...
    Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2015)/pp.231-235, 2015-07
  • The effect of musical experience on rhythm perception in hearing-impaired undergraduates
    Matsubara Masaki; Terasawa Hiroko; Hiraga Rumi
    Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEESMC2014)/pp.3487-3490, 2014-10
  • Appreciating Harmony —differences between the hearing-impaired, musically inexperienced, and musically experienced—
    Hiraga Rumi; Matsubara Masaki
    Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEESMC2014)/pp.3464-3469, 2014-10
  • EEG Steady State Response Sonification Focused on the Spatial and Temporal Properties
    Kaniwa Teruaki; Terasawa Hiroko; Matsubara Masaki; Rutkow...
    Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Auditory Display 2014 (ICAD2014), 2014-06
  • The Effectiveness of Auditory Biofeedback on a Tracking Task for Ankle Joint Movements in Rehabilitation
    Matsubara Masaki; Kadone Hideki; Iguchi Masaki; Terasawa ...
    Proceedings of the 4th Interactive Sonification Workshop (ISon2013)/pp.81-86, 2013-12
  • Muscle Activity in Playing Trumpet: The Dependence on the Playable Pitch Region and the Experience of a Non-trumpet Brass Instrument Player
    Matsukata Shogo; Terasawa Hiroko; Matsubara Masaki; Kitah...
    Proceedings of the 4th Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2013 (SMAC2013)/pp.529-534, 2013-08
  • EEG steady-state synchrony patterns sonification
    Kaniwa Teruaki; Terasawa Hiroko; Matsubara Masaki; Rutoko...
    Proceedings of Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2012 (APSIPA ASC 2012)/(OS.6-BioSPS.1-5), 2012-12
  • Sonification of Muscular Activity in Human Movements using the Temporal Pattern in EMG
    Matsubara Masaki; Terasawa Hiroko; Kadone Hideki; Suzuki ...
    Proceedings of Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2012 (APSIPA ASC 2012)/(OS.6-BioSPS.1-2), 2012-12
  • Colorscore - Visualization and Condensation of Structure of Classical Music
    Hayashi Aki; Itoh Takayuki; Matsubara Masaki
    Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Information Visualization/pp.420-425, 2011-07
  • Development of an Automatic Basso Continuo Playing System for Baroque Music Performers
    Niitsuma Masahiro; Matsubara Masaki; Oono Masaki; Saito ...
    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC10)/pp.162-168, 2008-08