西堀 英治(ニシボリ エイジ)
- 論文
- X-ray Electron Density Study of the Chemical Bonding Origin of Glass Formation in Metal-Organic Frameworks
Sarkar Sounak; Gronbech Thomas Bjorn Egede; Mamakhel A...
ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION/61(2), 2022-05 - Ultrafast structural changes in matter induced by intense X-ray free-electron laser pulses
Inoue I.; Inubushi Y.; Osaka T.; Yamada J.; Hara T.; Nish...
ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES/77(S)/pp.C515-C515, 2021-08 - Thermal stability of Glass forming Metal-Organic Framework: Role of metal-ligand bonding
Sarkar Sounak; Mamakhel Aref H.; Bondesgaard Martin; R...
ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES/77(S)/pp.C277-C277, 2021-08 - Experimental Electron Density of Melamine
Vosegaard E. S.; Thomsen M. K.; Mamakhel M. A. H.; Krause...
ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES/77(S)/pp.C1019-C1019, 2021-08 - Structure Factors and Charge Density Description of Aluminum: A Quantum Crystallographic Study
Pal Rumpa; Jayatilaka Dylan; Nishibori Eiji
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A/126(12)/pp.2042-2049, 2022-03 - Reversible and Stepwise Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Transformation of a Platinum(II) Complex with Vapochromic Luminescence
Saito Daisuke; Galica Tomasz; Nishibori Eiji; Yoshida Ma...
Chemistry – A European Journal/28(32), 2022-04 - Complex Structural Disorder in a Polar Orthorhombic Perovskite Observed through the Maximum Entropy Method/Rietveld Technique
Manjon-Sanz Alicia Maria; Surta T. Wesley; Mandal Pran...
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS/34(1)/pp.29-42, 2021-12 - Direct observation of one-dimensional disordered diffusion channel in a chain-like thermoelectric with ultralow thermal conductivity
Zhang Jiawei; Roth Nikolaj; Tolborg Kasper; Takahashi ...
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS/12(1), 2021-11 - Single-Component Molecular Conductors-Multi-Orbital Correlated pi-d Electron Systems
Kobayashi Akiko; Zhou Biao; Takagi Rina; Miyagawa Kaz...
BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/94(10)/pp.2540-2562, 2021-10 - Crystalline boron monosulfide nanosheets with tunable bandgaps
Kusaka H.; Ishibiki R.; Toyoda M.; Fujita T.; Tokunaga T...
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A/9(43)/pp.24631-24640, 2021-10 - Critical Length for Lattice Expansion of SnO2 Nanorods and Nanosheets: Implications for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Nakamura Ryunosuke; Kasai Hidetaka; Fujita Tomoki; Akamin...
ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS/4(9)/pp.9938-9944, 2021-09 - Synthesis of a chiral metallo-capsule composed of concave molecules and chirogenesis upon fullerene binding
Yamamura Masaki; Hasegawa Toru; Nishibori Eiji; Nabeshima...
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS/57(70)/pp.8754-8757, 2021-09 - Atomic-Scale Visualization of Ultrafast Bond Breaking in X-Ray-Excited Diamond
Inoue Ichiro; Deguchi Yuka; Ziaja Beata; Osaka Taito; ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/126(11), 2021-03 - The advanced treatment of hydrogen bonding in quantum crystallography
Malaspina Lorraine A.; Genoni Alessandro; Jayatilaka D...
JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY/54(3)/pp.718-729, 2021-06 - Similarities and Differences between Crystal and Enzyme Environmental Effects on the Electron Density of Drug Molecules
Kleemiss Florian; Wieduwilt Erna K.; Hupf Emanuel; Shi...
CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL/27(10)/pp.3407-3419, 2021-02 - Multiorbital antiferromagnetic metal induced by intramolecular self-doping
Takagi Rina; Gangi Hiro; Miyagawa Kazuya; Nishibori E...
PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH/2(3), 2020-08 - One-step vapour phase growth of two-dimensional formamidinium-based perovskite and its hot carrier dynamics
Erkilic Ufuk; Ji Hyun Goo; Nishibori Eiji; Ago Hiroki
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS/22(37)/pp.21512-21519, 2020-10 - Probing the validity of the spinet inversion model: a combined SPXRD, PDF, EXAFS and MAR study of ZnAl2O4
Sommer Sanna; Bojesen Espen Drath; Lock Nina; Kasai Hide...
DALTON TRANSACTIONS/49(38)/pp.13449-13461, 2020-10 - Selective Formation and SHG Intensity of Noncentrosymmetric and Centrosymmetric 1,1,2,2-Tetramethyl-1-(4-(N,N-dimethylamino)phenyl)-2-(2 '-cyanophenyl)disilane Crystals under External Stimuli
Nishio Masaki; Shimada Masaki; Omoto Kenichiro; Nakae ...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C/124(32)/pp.17450-17458, 2020-08 - Pressure-induced quenching of planar rattling in Cu10Zn2Sb4S13 studied by specific heat and x-ray diffraction measurements
Umeo Kazunori; Suekuni Koichiro; Takabatake Toshiro; N...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/102(10), 2020-09 - Thermosalience in Macrocycle-Based Soft Crystals via Anisotropic Deformation of Disilanyl Architecture
Omoto Kenichiro; Nakae Toyotaka; Nishio Masaki; Yamano...
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY/142(29)/pp.12651-12657, 2020-07 - Control of crystal structure and performance evaluation of multi-piezo material of Li1−xNaxNbO3:Pr3+
Hara Hirotaka; Xu Chao-Nan; Wang Ruiping; Zheng Xu-Gu...
JOURNAL OF THE CERAMIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN/128(8)/pp.518-522, 2020-08 - Ion Product Scale for Phase and Size Selective Crystal Growth of Zirconia Nanoparticles
Fujita Tomoki; Kasai Hidetaka; Nishibori Eiji
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN/20(8)/pp.5589-5595, 2020-08 - Hydrogen atoms in bridging positions from quantum crystallographic refinements: influence of hydrogen atom displacement parameters on geometry and electron density
Malaspina Lorraine A.; Hoser Anna A.; Edwards Alison J...
CRYSTENGCOMM/22(28)/pp.4778-4789, 2020-07 - Characterisation of the temperature-dependent M-1 to R phase transition in W-doped VO2 nanorod aggregates by Rietveld refinement and theoretical modelling
Miao Lei; Peng Ying; Wang Dianhui; Liang Jihui; Hu C...
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS/22(15)/pp.7984-7994, 2020-04 - さらに表示...
- X-ray Electron Density Study of the Chemical Bonding Origin of Glass Formation in Metal-Organic Frameworks