竹下 典男(タケシタ ノリオ)
- 論文
- Superresolution and pulse-chase imaging reveal the role of vesicle transport in polar growth of fungal cells
Zhou Lu; Evangelinos Minoas; Wernet Valentin; Eckert Ant...
Science advances/4(1), 2018-01 - Oscillatory fungal cell growth
Takeshita Norio
Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B/110/pp.10-14, 2017-12 - Spatial heterogeneity of glycogen and its metabolizing enzymes in Aspergillus nidulans hyphal tip cells
Masuo Shunsuke; Komatsuzaki Airi; Takeshita Norio; Ito...
Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B/110/pp.48-55, 2017-11 - Microtubule-organizing centers of Aspergillus nidulans are anchored at septa by a disordered protein
Zhang Ying; Gao Xiaolei; Manck Raphael; Schmid Marjor...
Molecular microbiology/106(2)/pp.285-303, 2017-08 - Pulses of Ca(2+) coordinate actin assembly and exocytosis for stepwise cell extension
Takeshita Norio; Evangelinos Minoas; Zhou Lu; Serizawa T...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America/114(22)/pp.5701-5706, 2017-05 - 独方見聞録
竹下 典男
日本微生物生態学会誌/32(1)/pp.12-15, 2017 - Coordinated process of polarized growth in filamentous fungi
Takeshita Norio
BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY/80(9:::SI)/pp.1693-1699, 2016-09 - Super Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy and Tracking of Bacterial Flotillin (Reggie) Paralogs Provide Evidence for Defined-Sized Protein Microdomains within the Bacterial Membrane but Absence of Clusters Containing Detergent-Resistant Proteins
Dempwolff Felix; Schmidt Felix K.; Hervas Ana B.; Stro...
PLOS GENETICS/12(6), 2016-06 - Dynamics of Actin Cables in Polarized Growth of the Filamentous Fungus Aspergillus nidulans
Bergs Anna; Ishitsuka Yuji; Evangelinos Minoas; Nienhaus ...
FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY/7, 2016-05 - Superresolution microscopy reveals a dynamic picture of cell polarity maintenance during directional growth
Ishitsuka Yuji; Savage Natasha; Li Yiming; Bergs Anna; Gr...
Science advances/1(10), 2015-11 - Genetic evidence for a microtubule-capture mechanism during polarised growth of Aspergillus nidulans
Manck Raphael; Ishitsuka Yuji; Herrero Saturnino; Take...
JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE/128(19)/pp.3569-3582, 2015-10 - Functional Analysis of Sterol Transporter Orthologues in the Filamentous Fungus Aspergillus nidulans
Buehler Nicole; Hagiwara Daisuke; Takeshita Norio
EUKARYOTIC CELL/14(9)/pp.908-921, 2015-09 - Transportation of Aspergillus nidulans Class III and V Chitin Synthases to the Hyphal Tips Depends on Conventional Kinesin
Takeshita Norio; Wernet Valentin; Tsuizaki Makusu; Gruen ...
PLOS ONE/10(5), 2015-05 - The Vip1 Inositol Polyphosphate Kinase Family Regulates Polarized Growth and Modulates the Microtubule Cytoskeleton in Fungi
Poehlmann Jennifer; Risse Carmen; Seidel Constanze; Po...
PLOS GENETICS/10(9), 2014-09 - F-Box Protein RcyA Controls Turnover of the Kinesin-7 Motor KipA in Aspergillus nidulans
Herrero Saturnino; Takeshita Norio; Fischer Reinhard
EUKARYOTIC CELL/13(8)/pp.1085-1094, 2014-08 - Interdependence of the actin and the microtubule cytoskeleton during fungal growth
Takeshita Norio; Manck Raphael; Gruen Nathalie; de Vega ...
CURRENT OPINION IN MICROBIOLOGY/20/pp.34-41, 2014-08 - The cell-end marker TeaA and the microtubule polymerase AlpA contribute to microtubule guidance at the hyphal tip cortex of Aspergillus nidulans to provide polarity maintenance
Takeshita Norio; Mania Daniel; Herrero Saturnino; Ishi...
Journal of cell science/126(Pt 23)/pp.5400-5411, 2013-12 - The role of flotillin FloA and stomatin StoA in the maintenance of apical sterol-rich membrane domains and polarity in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans
Takeshita Norio; Diallinas George; Fischer Reinhard
Molecular microbiology/83(6)/pp.1136-1152, 2012-03 - On the role of microtubules, cell end markers, and septal microtubule organizing centres on site selection for polar growth in Aspergillus nidulans
Takeshita Norio; Fischer Reinhard
Fungal biology/115(6)/pp.506-517, 2011-06-01 - The Aspergillus nidulans CENP-E kinesin motor KipA interacts with the fungal homologue of the centromere-associated protein CENP-H at the kinetochore
Herrero Saturnino; Takeshita Norio; Fischer Reinhard
Molecular microbiology/80(4)/pp.981-994, 2011-05-01 - Screening for antifungal peptides and their modes of action in Aspergillus nidulans
Mania Daniel; Hilpert Kai; Ruden Serge; Fischer Reinh...
Applied and environmental microbiology/76(21)/pp.7102-7108, 2010-11 - The cell end marker protein TeaC is involved in growth directionality and septation in Aspergillus nidulans
Higashitsuji Yuhei; Herrero Saturnino; Takeshita Norio...
Eukaryotic cell/8(7)/pp.957-967, 2009-07 - Myosin motor-like domain of the class VI chitin synthase CsmB is essential to its functions in Aspergillus nidulans
Tsuizaki Makusu; Takeshita Norio; Ohta Akinori; Horiuc...
Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry/73(5)/pp.1163-1167, 2009-05 - Morphology and development in Aspergillus nidulans: a complex puzzle
Harris Steven D; Turner Geoffrey; Meyer Vera; Espeso ...
Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B/46 Suppl 1/p.S82-S92, 2009-03 - The 2008 update of the Aspergillus nidulans genome annotation: a community effort
Wortman Jennifer Russo; Gilsenan Jane Mabey; Joardar V...
Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B/46 Suppl 1/p.S2-13, 2009-03 - さらに表示...
- Superresolution and pulse-chase imaging reveal the role of vesicle transport in polar growth of fungal cells