市村 秀夫(イチムラ ヒデオ)
- 論文
- Enlarged mediastinal air cyst in a patient with bronchial diverticula localized in the left main bronchus: a case report with surgical and bronchoscopic findings
Ichimura Hideo; Ozawa Yuichiro; Shiigai Masanari; Shio...
SURGICAL CASE REPORTS/3(1)/p.1, 2017-01 - Reexpansion pulmonary edema after surgery for spontaneous pneumothorax in a patient with anorexia nervosa
Ozawa Y.; Ichimura Hideo; Sakai M.
Ann Med Surg (Lond)/7/pp.20-23, 2016-03 - Steady-State Free-Precession Sequence for Differentiating Bronchogenic Carcinoma from Adjacent Atelectasis
Saida T.; Shiotani S.; Mori K.; Kobayashi T.; Ishikawa H...
OMICS Journal of Radiology/5(1), 2016-03 - Efficacy of first-line erlotinib in non-small cell lung cancer patients undergoing dose reduction and those with a low body surface area: A population-based observational study by the Ibaraki Thoracic Integrative (POSITIVE) Research Group
Inagaki M.; Shinohara Y.; Kaburagi T.; Homma S.; Hizawa ...
Mol Clin Oncol/4(3)/pp.425-428, 2016-03 - Erlotinib for elderly patients with non-small-cell lung cancer: Subset analysis from a population-based observational study by the Ibaraki Thoracic Integrative (POSITIVE) Research Group
Kurishima K; Satoh H; Kaburagi T; Nishimura Y; Shinohara Y; In...
Mol Clin Oncol/1(5)/pp.828-832, 2013 - 肺がん地域連携パス運用への取り組み
市村 秀夫; 小澤雄一郎; 金本幸司; 飯島弘晃; 石川博一; 堀田健一
茨城県立病院医学雑誌/29(2)/pp.7-7, 2013 - 術前呼吸訓練における動画指導の導入効果について
櫻井一江; 北島真弓; 秋田恵子; 根本裕美; 大橋美智子; 斎藤つねみ; 小野瀬俊子; 市村 秀夫; 峯岸忍; 池内準生; 内山俊朗
臨床看護/39(13)/pp.1929-1932, 2013 - 特発性緊張性血胸で発症した後縦隔原発孤立性線維性腫瘍の1例
森田洋平; 市村 秀夫; 菊池慎二; 小澤雄一郎; 井上和成; 内田温; 菊地和徳; 椎貝真成; 塩谷清司
胸部外科/66(11)/pp.1006-1009, 2013 - 縦隔に発症した筋周皮腫(myopericytoma)の1例
井上和成; 内田温; 菊地和徳; 小澤雄一郎; 市村 秀夫; 塩谷清司
診断病理/30(3)/pp.248-252, 2013 - Observational study on the efficacy and safety of erlotinib in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
Kaburagi T; Satoh H; Hayashihara K; Endo T; Hizawa N; Kurishim...
Oncol Lett/5(2)/pp.435-439, 2013 - Definition of local and regional recurrence in the American College of Surgery Oncology Group Z0030 trial
Ichimura Hideo; Ozawa Y
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg/146(5)/pp.1306-1307, 2013 - Cardiac Tamponade Due to Coronary Artery Rupture After Pulmonary Resection
Ozawa Y; Ichimura Hideo; Sato T; Matsuzaki K
Ann Thorac Surg/96(4)/pp.e97-e99, 2013 - Thrombus Formation in the Pulmonary Vein Stump after Left Upper Lobectomy: A Report of Four Cases
Ichimura Hideo; Ozawa Y; Nishina H; Shiotani S
Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2013 - Primary synovial sarcoma of the lung successfully resected under temporary bypass
Ichimura Hideo; Kikuchi S; Ozawa Y; Matsuzaki K
Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg/17(3)/pp.588-590, 2013 - Bevacizumab-containing chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer patients: a population-based observational study by the Ibaraki thoracic integrative (POSITIVE) research group
Nakamura H; Satoh H; Kaburagi T; Nishimura Y; Shinohara ...
Med Oncol/29(5)/pp.3202-3206, 2012 - Aggressive surgical intervention for a patient with unresectable lung cancer complicated by pyothorax with fistula
Ichimura Hideo; Ozawa Y; Masuda M; Ishikawa H; Shimokawa M; Sh...
J Thorac Oncol/7(11)/pp.1735-1735, 2012 - Sternal Osteomyelitis and Abscess Caused by Elbowing during a Basketball Game
Ichimura Hideo; Ozawa Y; Sato T; Matsuzaki K; Yoshii Y; S...
Case Report Med, 2012 - A population-based study of gefitinib in patients with postoperative recurrent non-small cell lung cancer
Furukawa K; Ishida J; Inagaki M; Takabe K; Ishikawa S; Sakai M...
Exp Ther Med/3(1)/pp.53-59, 2012 - 消化器症状を伴う横隔膜弛緩症に同側肺癌を合併した1例
小澤雄一郎; 菊池慎二; 市村秀夫
日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌/25(6)/pp.611-614, 2011 - Caudal Border of Level 2R in the New International Lymph Node Map for Lung Cancer
Ichimura Hideo; Kikuchi S; Ishikawa H
J Thorac Oncol/5(4)/pp.579-579, 2010 - Objective identification of the caudal border of Station 1 for lung cancer surgery
Ichimura Hideo; Kikuchi S; Siotani S
Thorac cardiovasc Surg/57(6)/pp.372-373, 2009 - A population-based study of gefitinib in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
Hayashibara K; Satoh H; Shinohara Y; Inagaki M; Kaburagi T; Ha...
Med Oncol/26(2)/pp.222-227, 2009 - ITF1697, a Stable Lys-Pro-Containing Peptide, Inhibits Weibel-Palade Body Exocytosis Induced by Ischemia/Reperfusion and Pressure Elevation
Bertuglia S; Ichimura Hideo; Fossati G; Parthasarathi K; Leon...
Mol Med/13(11-12)/pp.615-624, 2007 - A pseudoaneurysmal cyst in the pulmonary artery secondary to lung suppuration
Ichimura Hideo; Okazaki H; Kikuchi K; Saitoh T; Haraguchi N; O...
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg/133(6)/pp.1678-1679, 2007 - Lung surfactant secretion by interalveolar Ca2+ signaling
Ichimura Hideo; Parthasarathi K; Lindert J; Bhattacharya J
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol/291(4)/pp.L596-L601, 2006 - さらに表示...
- Enlarged mediastinal air cyst in a patient with bronchial diverticula localized in the left main bronchus: a case report with surgical and bronchoscopic findings