津村 義彦(ツムラ ヨシヒコ)
- 論文
- 山岳教育における人材育成ー筑波大学山岳科学学位プログラムー
津田 吉晃; 安立美奈子; 廣田充; 石田健一郎; 津村義彦
國立公園/773/pp.7-10, 2019-05 - Construction of a reference transcriptome for the analysis of male sterility in sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) focusing on MALE STERILITY 1 (MS1)
Wei Fu-Jin; Ueno Saneyoshi; Ujino-Ihara Tokuko; Saito ...
PloS one/16(2), 2021-04 - Identification and genetic diversity analysis of a male-sterile gene (MS1) in Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don)
Hasegawa Yoichi; Ueno Saneyoshi; Wei Fu-Jin; Matsumoto...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/11(1), 2021-01 - Recent clonal reproduction of Cryptomeria ja-ponica in a snowy region revealed by a survey of small-sized ramets
Kimura Megumi K.; Nagashima Takashi; Kamitani Tomohiko...
SILVAE GENETICA/69(1)/pp.152-157, 2020-01 - Population Genetic Diversity and Structure of Ancient Tree Populations of Cryptomeria japonica var. sinensis Based on RAD-seq Data
Cai Mengying; Wen Yafeng; Uchiyama Kentaro; Onuma Yun...
FORESTS/11(11), 2020-11 - Contact zone of two different chloroplast lineages and genetic guidelines for seed transfer inQuercus serrataandQuercus crispula
Onosato Kataru; Shitara Takuto; Matsumoto Asako; Matsu...
PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY/36(1)/pp.72-83, 2020-10 - 特集「林木育種の視点からみたコンテナ苗の現状と課題」について
津村 義彦
森林遺伝育種/8(4)/pp.162-163, 2019 - 大庭喜八郎先生を偲んで
津村 義彦
森林遺伝育種/9(2)/pp.40-41, 2020 - Multivariate detection of hybridization using conifer terpenes I: Analysis of terpene inheritance patterns in Cryptomeria japonica F1 hybrids
Adams Robert P; Tsumura Yoshihiko
Phytologia, 2012-08 - Male fecundity and pollen dispersal in hill dipterocarps: significance of mass synchronized flowering and implications for conservation
Tani Naoki; Tsumura Yoshihiko; Fukasawa Keita; Kado Tomo...
Journal of Ecology, 2012-03 - Twenty-four additional microsatellite markers derived from expressed sequence tags of the endangered tropical tree Shorea leprosula (Dipterocarpaceae)
Ohtani Masato; Ueno Saneyoshi; Tani Naoki; Lee Leong Soo...
CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES, 2012-07 - Fruiting behavior of dipterocarps in two consecutive episodes of general flowering in a Malaysian lowland rain forest
Numata Shinya; Suzuki Ryo O; Nishimura Sen; Naito Yoko; K...
Journal of Forest Research, 2012-08 - Original Article Published: 06 June 2012 Impact of negative frequency-dependent selection on mating pattern and genetic structure: a comparative analysis of the S-locus and nuclear SSR loci in Prunus lannesiana var. speciosa
Shuri K; Saika K; Junko K; Michiharu K; Nagamitsu T; Iwat...
Heredity, 2012-06 - Identification of QTLs associated with male strobilus abundance in Cryptomeria japonica
Tokuko Ujino-Ihara; Hiroyoshi Iwata; Yuriko Taguchi; Yos...
Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2012-06 - Single nucleotide polymorphisms in Cryptomeria japonica: their discovery and validation for genome mapping and diversity studies
Uchiyama Kentaro; Ujino-Ihara Tokuko; Ueno Saneyoshi; Tag...
Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2012-05 - Genome scanning for detecting adaptive genes along environmental gradients in the Japanese conifer, Cryptomeria japonica
Tsumura Yoshihiko; Uchiyama K; Moriguchi Y; Ueno S; Ihara...
Heredity, 2012-08 - Single nucleotide polymorphisms in Cryptomeria japonica: their discovery and validation for genome mapping and diversity studies
Kentaro Uchiyama; Tokuko Ujino-Ihara; Saneyoshi Ueno; Yur...
Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2011-05 - High-throughput linkage mapping of Australian white cypress pine (Callitris glaucophylla) and map transferability to related species
Sakaguchi Shota; Sugino Takeshi; Tsumura Yoshihiko; Ito ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2015-10 - Genetic diversity and the origin of commercial plantation of Indonesian teak on Java Island
Prasetyo Eko; Widiyatno; Indrioko Sapto; Matsui Tetsuya; M...
Tree Genetics & Genomes/16(2), 2020-03 - Potential of Genome-Wide Association Studies and Genomic Selection to Improve Productivity and Quality of Commercial Timber Species in Tropical Rainforest, a Case Study of Shorea platyclados
Sawitri; Tani Naoki; Na’iem Mohammad; Widiyatno; Indrioko ...
Forests/11(2), 2020-02 - Effects of the last glacial period on genetic diversity and genetic differentiation in Cryptomeria japonica in East Asia
Tsumura Yoshihiko; Kimura Megumi; Nakao Katsuhiro; Uchiya...
Tree Genetics & Genomes/16(1), 2020-01 - Mapping quantitative trait loci for growth and wood property traits in Cryptomeria japonica across multiple environments
Mori Hideki; Ueno Saneyoshi; Ujino-Ihara Tokuko; Fujiw...
TREE GENETICS & GENOMES/15(3), 2019-06 - Scanning RNA-Seq and RAD-Seq approach to develop SNP markers closely linked to MALE STERILITY 1 (MS1) in Cryptomeria japonica D. Don
Ueno Saneyoshi; Kanamori Hiroyuki; Katayose Yuichi; Ts...
Breeding Science/69(1)/pp.19-29, 2019 - 特集「次世代シークエンサー利用のための基礎から応用まで」について
津村 義彦
森林遺伝育種/8(1)/pp.15-16, 2019 - Approximate Bayesian computation analysis of EST-associated microsatellites indicates that the broadleaved evergreen tree Castanopsis sieboldii survived the Last Glacial Maximum in multiple refugia in Japan
Aoki K; Tamaki I; Nakao K; Ueno S; Kamijo T; Setoguchi H...
Heredity/122(3)/pp.326-340, 2019-03 - さらに表示...
- 山岳教育における人材育成ー筑波大学山岳科学学位プログラムー