津村 義彦(ツムラ ヨシヒコ)


  • Population differentiation and gene flow within a metapopulation of a threatened tree, Magnolia stellata (Magnoliaceae)
    Setsuko Suzuki; Ishida Kiyoshi; Ueno Saneyoshi; Tsumur...
    American journal of botany/94(1)/pp.128-136, 2007-01
  • Conservation of the Lake Kasumigaura population of Nymphoides indica (L.) Kuntze based on genetic evaluation using microsatellite markers
    Shibayama Yuki; Uesugi Ryuji; Tsumura Yoshihiko; WASHITANI I...
    Limnology/7(3)/pp.193-197, 2006-12
  • Contrasting patterns of DNA variation in natural populations of two related conifers, Cryptomeria japonica and Taxodium distichum (Cupressaceae sensu lato)
    Kado Tomoyuki; Ushio Yutaka; Yoshimaru Hiroshi; Tsumur...
    Genes & genetic systems/81(2)/pp.103-113, 2006-04
  • Characterization of genes for novel thaumatin-like proteins in Cryptomeria japonica
    Futamura Norihiro; Tani Naoki; Tsumura Yoshihiko; Naka...
    Tree physiology/26(1)/pp.51-62, 2006-01
  • Selfing and inbreeding depression in seeds and seedlings of Neobalanocarpus heimii (Dipterocarpaceae)
    Naito Yoko; Konuma Akihiro; Iwata Hiroyoshi; Suyama Y...
    Journal of plant research/118(6)/pp.423-430, 2005-12
  • Comparative analysis of expressed sequence tags of conifers and angiosperms reveals sequences specifically conserved in conifers
    Ujino-Ihara Tokuko; Kanamori Hiroyuki; Yamane Hiroko; ...
    Plant molecular biology/59(6)/pp.895-907, 2005-12
  • Population and genetic status of Primula kisoana var. kisoana, a local endemic of the northern Kanto region, Japan
    Plant species biology/20(3)/pp.209-218, 2005-12
  • Microsatellite markers reveal high allelic variation in natural populations of Cryptomeria japonica near refugial areas of the last glacial period
    Takahashi Tomokazu; Tani Naoki; Taira Hideaki; Tsumura...
    Journal of plant research/118(2)/pp.83-90, 2005-04
  • Gene flow and inbreeding depression inferred from fine-scale genetic structure in an endangered heterostylous perennial, Primula sieboldii
    Ishihama Fumiko; Ueno Saneyoshi; Tsumura Yoshihiko; Wa...
    Molecular ecology/14(4)/pp.983-990, 2005-04
  • Genetic Relationship among East and South Asian Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Revealed by AFLP Analysis
    Yashiro Kazutoshi; Iwata Hiroyoshi; Akashi Yukari; Tomita Ke...
    Breeding Science/55(2)/pp.197-206, 2005
  • Study of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) with male-sterility gene using CAPS markers
    SAITO Maki; TAIRA Hideaki; TSUMURA Yoshihiko
    Journal of forest research/10(1)/pp.61-66, 2005-02
  • A consensus linkage map for sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) from two pedigrees, based on microsatellites and expressed sequence tags
    Tani Naoki; Takahashi Tomokazu; Iwata Hiroyoshi; Mukai...
    Genetics/165(3)/pp.1551-1568, 2003-11
  • 18S rRNA gene variation among common airborne fungi, and development of specific oligonucleotide probes for the detection of fungal isolates
    Wu Zhihong; Tsumura Yoshihiko; Blomquist Göran; Wang ...
    Applied and environmental microbiology/69(9)/pp.5389-5397, 2003-09
  • DNA variation in a conifer, Cryptomeria japonica (Cupressaceae sensu lato)
    Kado Tomoyuki; Yoshimaru Hiroshi; Tsumura Yoshihiko; T...
    Genetics/164(4)/pp.1547-1559, 2003-08
  • Cost-effective method to synthesize fluorescently labeled DNA size standards using cloned AFLP fragments
    Ueno Saneyoshi; Tsumura Yoshihiko; Washitani Izumi
    BioTechniques/34(6)/pp.1146-1148, 2003-06
  • 遺伝的変異性を考慮した緑化とは
    津村 義彦; 岩田 洋佳
    日本緑化工学会誌 = / the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology/28(4)/pp.470-475, 2003-05
  • Nuclear gene sequences and DNA variation of Cryptomeria japonica samples from the postglacial period
    Tani Naoki; Tsumura Yoshihiko; Sato Hitoshi
    Molecular ecology/12(4)/pp.859-868, 2003-04
  • Single-strand conformation polymorphism of sequence-tagged site markers based on partial sequences of cDNA clones in Cryptomeria japonica
    Ujino-Ihara Tokuko; Matsumuto Asako; Iwata Hiroyoshi; ...
    Genes & genetic systems/77(4)/pp.251-257, 2002-08
  • Molecular evolution of nuclear genes in Cupressacea, a group of conifer trees
    Kusumi Junko; Tsumura Yoshihiko; Yoshimaru Hiroshi; Ta...
    Molecular biology and evolution/19(5)/pp.736-747, 2002-05
  • 熱帯林の遺伝的多様性と保全
    津村 義彦
    Tropics/11(4)/pp.241-247, 2002
  • バイカル湖とシベリアタイガ, その起源と変遷に関する研究(その2)
    志知 幸治; 吉丸 博志; 陶山 佳久; 津村 義彦; 吉村 研介; 河室 公康; Wang X-R
    水利科学/45(6)/pp.69-90, 2002
  • 拡がる植物のゲノム解析
    大村 三男; 平井 正志; 津村 義彦
    農林水産技術研究ジャーナル/23(10)/pp.43-49, 2000-10-01
  • Segregation distortion for AFLP markers in Cryptomeria japonica
    Nikaido Asako; Yoshimaru Hiroshi; Tsumura Yoshihiko; SUYAMA ...
    Genes & genetic systems/74(2)/pp.55-59, 1999-04
    Tsumura Yoshihiko; Suyama Yoshihisa
    Evolution; international journal of organic evolution/52(4)/pp.1031-1042, 1998-08
  • ヒノキ属の種間雑種にみられた葉緑体DNAとミトコンドリアDNAの父性遺伝
    近藤 禎二; 津村 義彦; 河原 孝行; 岡村 政則
    育種学雑誌/48(2)/pp.177-179, 1998
  • さらに表示...