浅井 健彦(アサイ タケヒコ)
- 会議発表等
- イオン導電性高分子アクチュエータの制振システムへの応用可能性の検証
沢田 遼子; 浅井 健彦
Dynamics and Design Conference/2019-8-27--2019-8-30 - Application of the Tuned Inerter Technology to Wave Energy Converters
Inoue Momoka; Haraguchi Ruriko; Sawada Ryoko; Sugiura Ke...
Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2019/2019-6-19--2019-6-21 - 同調回転慣性質量トランスデューサーの解析モデルの導出と地震応答解析
渡辺 悠太; 杉浦 啓太; 浅井 健彦
日本建築学会大会/2018-09-04--2018-09-06 - Experimental Verification of an Oscillating-Body Wave Energy Converter with a Variable Tuned Inertial Mass Mechanism
Sawada Ryoko; Haraguchi Ruriko; Asai Takehiko; Araki Yos...
The Twenty-eighth (2018) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference/2018-06-10--2018-06-15 - Experimental verification of a tuned inertial mass electromagnetic transducer
Watanabe Yuta; Sugiura Keita; Asai Takehiko
SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation/2018-03-04--2018-03-08 - アウトリガー同調慣性質量トランスデューサーの振動制御性能と発電効率
渡辺悠太; 浅井健彦
日本建築学会大会/2017-8-31--2017-9-03 - Numerical Verification of the Tuned Inertial Mass Effect of a Wave Energy Converter
Haraguchi Ruriko; Asai Takehiko
ASME 2017 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS2016)/2017-09-18--2017-09-20 - Nonlinear stochastic control of self-powered variable-damping vibration control systems
Asai Takehiko; Scrugss Jef
2016 American Control Conference/2016-07-06--2016-07-08 - Vibration energy harvesting with polyphase AC transducers
James J McCullagh; Jeffrey T Scruggs; Takehiko Asai
SPIE Smart Structures and Materials+ Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring/2016-03-20--2016-03-24 - Outrigger Tuned Viscous Mass Damping System for High-rise Buildings Subject to Earthquake Loadings
Takehiko Asai; Kohju Ikago; Yoshikazu Araki
6AESE/11ANCRiSST Joint Conference/2015-08-01--2015-08-02 - Vertical Vibration Isolation Device Using Constant Load Supporting Mechanism
Takehiko Asai; Yoshikazu Araki; Takeshi Masui; Nobutoshi Yos...
Structures Congress 2008@ sCrossing Borders/2008 - 直下地震からの文化財保護を目的とした上下動免震装置の開発
浅井 健彦; 荒木慶一; 吉田亘利
歴史都市防災シンポジウム/2007 - 最大応答加速度指定型上下動免震装置の開発
浅井 健彦; 吉田亘利; 荒木慶一
- イオン導電性高分子アクチュエータの制振システムへの応用可能性の検証