大山 恵弘(オオヤマ ヨシヒロ)


  • An Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Language with Fine-Grain Thread Creation on Shared Memory Parallel Computer
    Oyama Yoshihiro; Taura Kenjiro; Yonezawa Akinori
    Proceedings of 1998 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS '98), 1998-10
  • An Efficient Compilation Framework for Languages Based on a Concurrent Process Calculus
    Oyama Yoshihiro; Taura Kenjiro; Yonezawa Akinori
    Proceedings of Euro-Par '97 Parallel Processing, 1997-8
  • An Efficient Compilation Framework for Languages Based on a Concurrent Process Calculus
    Oyama Yoshihiro; Taura Kenjiro; Yonezawa Akinori
    Technical Report TR97-07, Department of Information Science, University of Tokyo, 1997-7