早川 幹人(ハヤカワ ミキト)
- 論文
- 適正なワルファリン管理下で心原性脳塞栓症を発症し胸腔鏡下左心耳切除術を行った1例.
菊野 宗明; 古賀 政利; 久米 悠太; 大塚 俊哉; 早川 幹人; 豊田 一則
臨床神経/58/pp.1-8, 2018 - Embolic Stroke due to Carotidynia Potentially Associated with Moving Carotid Artery Caused by Swallowing.
Y Yamaguchi; Hayakawa M; N Kinoshita; C Yokota; T Ishiha...
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis/27(3), 2018 - 急性期脳主幹動脈閉塞の画像診断update
早川 幹人
脳神経外科ジャーナル/28(12)/pp.768-776, 2019 - 脳卒中診療update
早川 幹人
内科/123/p.6, 2019 - 超急性期脳梗塞に対する再開通療法の現在
早川 幹人
脳神経外科/47(6)/pp.607-617, 2019 - 急性期脳梗塞に対する血栓回収療法のエビデンスと適応
早川 幹人
臨床神経/59/pp.77-83, 2019 - Vascular wall components in thrombi obtained by acute stroke thrombectomy: Clinical significance and related factors.
Funatsu Naoko; Hayakawa Mikito; Hashimoto Tetsuya; Yamaga...
J Neurointerv Surg/11/pp.232-236, 2019 - 超急性期脳梗塞に対する再開通療法の現在.
早川 幹人
脳神経外科, 2018 - 急性期脳梗塞に対する血栓回収療法のエビデンスと適応.
早川 幹人
臨床神経, 2018 - 日本脳卒中学会、日本脳神経外科学会、日本脳神経血管内治療学会. 経皮経管的脳血栓回収用機器 適正使用指針 第3版
岩間 亨; 飯原弘二; 小笠原邦昭; 豊田一則; 長谷川泰弘; 大畑建治; 塩川芳昭; 野崎和彦; 山上 宏; 早川 幹人
脳卒中/40/pp.285-309, 2018 - The randomized study of endovascular therapy with versus without intravenous tissue plasminogen activator in acute stroke with ICA and M1 occlusion (SKIP study).
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Int J Stroke, 2019 - Prospective registry of embolization of intracranial aneurysms using HydroSoft coils: Results of the Japanese HydroSoft Registry.
H Imamura; N Sakai; Y Ito; C Sakai; A Hyodo; S Miyachi; M...
World Neurosurg,/127/pp.E631-E637, 2019 - Effectiveness of staged angioplasty for avoidance of cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome after carotid revascularization.
M Hayakawa; K Sugiu; S Yoshimura; T Hishikawa; H Yamagam...
J Neurosurg, 2019 - Efficacy and Safety of REVIVE SE Thrombectomy Device for Acute Ischemic Stroke: River JAPAN (Reperfuse Ischemic Vessels with Endovascular Recanalization Device in Japan).
N Sakai; S Ota; Y Matsumoto; R Kondo; T Satow; M Kubo; T ...
Neurologia medico-chirurgica/58(4)/pp.164-172, 2018 - Effectiveness of staged angioplasty for avoidance of cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome after carotid revascularization.
M Hayakawa; K Sugiu; S Yoshimura; T Hishikawa; H Yamagam...
J Neurosurg 2019 Jan 18 [Epub ahead of print], 2019 - Treatment outcomes of cerebral aneurysms presenting with optic neuropathy: A retrospective case series.
Hirata Koji; Ito Yoshiro; Tsuruta Wataro; Takigawa Tomoj...
Asian journal of neurosurgery/14(2)/pp.499-505, 2019 - Treatment outcomes of cerebral aneurysms presenting with optic neuropathy: A retrospective case series.
H Hirata; Y Ito; W Tsuruta; T Takigawa; A Marushima; M S...
Asian J Neurosurg/14(2)/pp.499-505, 2019 - Significance of Nonfocal Symptoms in Patients With Transient Ischemic Attack
Ishihara Toshiya; Sato Shoichiro; Uehara Toshiyuki; Oh...
Stroke/49(8)/pp.1893-1898, 2018-08 - Vascular wall components in thrombi obtained by acute stroke thrombectomy: clinical significance and related factors
Funatsu Naoko; Hayakawa Mikito; Hashimoto Tetsuya; Yamaga...
Journal of neurointerventional surgery/11(3)/pp.232-236, 2019-03 - Small vessel occlusion is a high-risk etiology for early recurrent stroke after transient ischemic attack
Ohara Tomoyuki; Uehara Toshiyuki; Sato Shoichiro; Haya...
International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society, 2019-03 - The randomized study of endovascular therapy with versus without intravenous tissue plasminogen activator in acute stroke with ICA and M1 occlusion (SKIP study)
Suzuki Kentaro; Kimura Kazumi; Takeuchi Masataka; Mori...
International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society/Epub, 2019-03 - Prospective registry of embolization of intracranial aneurysms using HydroSoft coils: Results of the Japanese HydroSoft Registry
Imamura Hirotoshi; Sakai Nobuyuki; Ito Yasushi; Sakai ...
World neurosurgery/Epub, 2019-04 - Effectiveness of staged angioplasty for avoidance of cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome after carotid revascularization
Hayakawa Mikito; Sugiu Kenji; Yoshimura Shinichi; Hishika...
Journal of neurosurgery/132(1)/pp.51-61, 2019-01 - 急性期脳梗塞に対する血栓回収療法のエビデンスと適応
Hayakawa Mikito
臨床神経学/59(2)/pp.77-83, 2019-01 - 脳卒中速報 Big Debate 内科医×外科医「頭痛のみを契機に発見された椎骨動脈解離―内科治療で乗り切る?ステント留置を勧める?」-内科医の見解-.
早川 幹人
脳神経外科速報/27/pp.1266-72, 2017 - さらに表示...
- 適正なワルファリン管理下で心原性脳塞栓症を発症し胸腔鏡下左心耳切除術を行った1例.