道喜 将太郎(ドウキ ショウタロウ)
- 論文
- Trial of Stress-Related Index Measurement under Confinement Stress
Oi Yuichi; Hirai Yasuhito; Doki Shotaro; Ohtaki Yuh; Hori...
The ISTS Special Issue of Transaction of JSASS Aerospace Technology Japan/16(6)/pp.476-480, 2017-12 - Characteristics of Telephone Crisis Hotline Callers with Suicidal Ideation in Japan
Ohtaki Yuh; Oi Yuichi; Doki Shotaro; Kaneko Hidetoshi; Us...
Suicide & life-threatening behavior/47(1)/pp.54-66, 2017-02 - Risk Factors for Suicidal Ideation Among Telephone Crisis Hotline Callers in Japan
Doki Shotaro; Kaneko Hidetoshi; Oi Yuichi; Usami Kazuya; ...
Crisis-The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention/37(6)/pp.438-444, 2016-11 - A survey of support systems for return to work in Japanese companies: a cross-sectional study
DOKI Shotaro; SASAHARA Shinichiro; OI Yuichi; MATSUZAKI ...
Industrial Health/54(6)/pp.564-572, 2016-11 - Absenteeism due to mental health problems and systems for return to work: an internet-based unmatched case-control study.
Doki Shotaro; Sasahara Shinichiro; Hirai Yasuhito; Oi Yu...
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health/89(8)/pp.1279-1287, 2016-08 - Relationship between sickness presenteeism and awareness and presence or absence of systems for return to work among workers with mental health problems in Japan: an Internet-based cross-sectional study
Doki Shotaro; Sasahara Shinichiro; Suzuki Shun; Hirai Ya...
Journal of Occupational Health/57(2015)(6)/pp.532-539, 2015-09 - Psychological approach of occupational health service to sick leave due to mental problems: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Doki Shotaro; Sasahara Shinichiro; Matsuzaki Ichiyo
INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH/88(6)/pp.659-667, 2015-08 - 静脈栄養単独から経腸栄養併用への切替により生じた血清リチウム濃度上昇の症例
後藤英和; 富田 隆; 道喜将太郎; 中西利恵; 小島千賀子; 米島美穂子; 吉田 正; 田中勝也; 幸田幸直
YAKUGAKU ZASSHI 薬学雑誌/135(4)/pp.643-646, 2015-05 - メンタルヘルス対策の重要なポイントは承認と周囲とのコミュニケーション (特集 新人看護師のメンタル不調を防ぐためのサポート体制).
道喜 将太郎; 松崎一葉; 宇佐見
看護のチカラ : マネジメント力を高める実践情報誌、/20/pp.28-32, 2015-05 - 肝膿瘍に中心静脈カテーテルが迷入していた1 例
伊藤栄作; 吉田 正; 倉部和義; 道喜将太郎; 松崎靖司; 大木隆生
日本血管外科学会雑誌/23(6)/pp.941-945, 2014-06 - 筑波研究学園都市の労働者を対象とした主観的健康感の実態調査
平井康仁; 鈴木 瞬; 道喜将太郎; 金子秀敏; 小林直紀; 関 昭宏; 商 真哲; 羽岡健史; 大井雄一; 梅田忠敬; 宇佐見和哉; ...
厚生の指標/61(2)/pp.22-28, 2014-02 - A Relationship between Sense of Coherence and Psycho-social Work Characteristics -Validation of Causal Relationship Using Structural Equation Modeling-
Akihiro SEKI; Yusuke TOMOTSUNE; Yuichi OHI; Yasuhito HIR...
Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology/23(2)/pp.64-71, 2013-02
- Trial of Stress-Related Index Measurement under Confinement Stress