佐々木 哲也(ササキ テツヤ)


Elucidation of the mechanisms of neural circuit formation and reorganization that form the basis of autistic behavior2021-12 -- 2022-11Tetsuya SasakiPublic Interest Incorporated Foundation SENSHIN medical research foundation/2021 Grant for research in the field of psychopharmacology
Abnormalities in cortical synaptic reorganization in psychiatric disorders2021-07 -- 2022-03Tetsuya SasakiNational Institute of Natural Sciences/NINS Inter-University Cooperative Association
Analysis of Endophenotype of animal models for psychiatric disorders2021-04 -- 2022-03Tetsuya SasakiLife Science foundation of Japan/Research and Development Grant 2020
Effects of immune systems on cortical development and their abnormality on ASD2021-06 -- 2022-06Tetsuya SasakiKawano Masanori Memorial Public Interest Incorporated Foundation for Promotion of Pediatrics/2020
Disorganization of neocortical areas in psychiatric disorders2021-08 -- 2022-03Tetsuya SasakiNational Institute of Natural Sciences/NINS Inter-University Cooperative Association
The role of immune-related molecules in cortical neural circuits and their abnormality in psychiatric disorders2021-04 -- 2024-03Tetsuya SasakiThe Nakatomi Foundation/33rd Research Grant
Cortical abnormality due to interleukin 17A and its involvement in pathophysiology of ASD2020-09 -- 2021-06Tetsuya SasakiBiolegend/LEGEND Research Grant Program 2020(the first term of 2020)
Elucidation of neural circuit formation mechanism underlying autistic behavior: approach using model animals2020-10 -- 2021-09Tetsuya SasakiThe Ichiro Kanehara Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Sciences and Medical Care/35th Basic Medical Science Research Grant
Neocortical area organization and the abnormality in psychiatric disorders2020-08 -- 2021-03Tetsuya SasakiNational Institute of Natural Sciences/NINS Inter-University Cooperative Association
Analysis of synaptic abnormalities in model animals of Psychiatric disorder2020-04 -- 2021-03Tetsuya Sasaki文部科学省/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas