佐々木 哲也(ササキ テツヤ)
- その他の論文・記事
- Distribution of IL-17RA mRNA in the developing cortex and its changes in animal models of ASD.
Asumi Kubo; Sara Kamiya; Kenyu Nakamura; Koki Higuchi...
Proceeding of The 112th Annual Meeting of the Kanto Branch of the Japanese Association of Anatomists./112(1)/pp.22-22, 2024-12-01 - 乾癬と自閉スペクトラム症:IL-17を介した疾患理解の革新
神谷 沙羅; 左中 彩恵; 久保 明澄; 樋口 浩輝; 中村 賢祐; 佐々木 哲也
アレルギーの臨床/44(12)/pp.70-71, 2024-10 - Neuroanatomical Physiology Linking Structure and Function (Book Review)
Tetsuya Sasaki
IGAKU-SHOIN, 2024-11 - 免疫-神経-環境軸から見る自閉スペクトラム症・アレルギー・乾癬: 異なる疾患群に潜む共通病態メカニズムの探求
樋口浩輝; 神谷沙羅; 久保明澄; 中村賢祐; 左中彩恵; 佐々木 哲也
臨床免疫・アレルギー科/82(6)/pp.16-20, 2024-12 - The Interplay of Psoriasis, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Allergic Diseases: An Integrative Review of Pathogenic Mechanisms.
Koki Higuchi; Sara Kamiya; Asumi Kubo; Kenyu Nakamura...
Clinical Immunology/ Allergy/82(6), 2024-12 - The Role of Immune Molecules in Central Nervous System Development and Their Dysregulation in ASD.
Sara Kamiya; Asumi Kubo; Kenyu Nakamura; Koki Higuchi...
DOHad Research/12(3)/pp.186-186, 2025-01 - Expression Dynamics of IL-17RA mRNA in the Cerebral Cortex and Its Changes in Animal Models of ASD.
Asumi Kubo; Sara Kamiya; Koki Higuchi; Kenyu Nakamura...
DOHad Research/12(3)/pp.186-186, 2025-01 - Psoriasis and ASD: Revolutionary Insights into Disease Mechanisms through IL-17
Sara Kamiya; Sae Sanaka; Asumi Kubo; Koki Higuchi; Ke...
The Allergy in Practice/44(12)/pp.70-71, 2024-10 - Anatomia Nova: The Evolution and Prospects of Anatomy in the Era of Human Augmentation Technology - An Integrative Review of Structure, Function, and Ethics
Tetsuya Sasaki; Sara Kamiya; Kenyu Nakamura; Koki Hig...
Jxiv, 2024-10 - From Sensory Quirks to Superhuman Tech: Pioneering Support Strategies for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Kenyu Nakamura; Sae Sanaka; Koki Higuchi; Sara Kamiya...
Jxiv, 2024-10 - Enhanced maternal ROR γt enhances the effect of poly (I:C) in inducing fetal loss
Tetsuya Sasaki; Asumi Kubo; Sara Kamiya; Koki Higuchi...
Reproductive Immunology and Biology/39(1)/pp.16-17, 2024-12 - Prenatal Valproic Acid Exposure and Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Integrative Review of Developmental 5Neurotoxicity Mechanisms and Animal Models
Asumi Kubo; Sara Kamiya; Koki Higuchi; Kenyu Nakamura...
Jxiv, 2024-09 - Fetal Environment and Neurodevelopment: The Role of Maternal Immune System and Microbiota in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Kamiya Sara; Sasaki Tetsuya
Jxiv, 2024-09 - Elucidating the Pathogenic Mechanisms of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Brain Organoids: Assessment of Environmental Factors and Challenges.
Kenyu Nakamura; Koki Higuchi; Sae Sanaka; Asumi Kubo; ...
Jxiv, 2024-09 - Abnormalities in Cytoskeleton and Molecular Motors in Psychiatric Disorders: Focus on Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Koki Higuchi; Kenyu Nakamura; Asumi Kubo; Sae Sanaka; ...
Jxiv, 2024-09 - Neuroimmune IL-17 Axis: Psoriasis and ASD
Kubo Asumi; SASAKI Tetsuya
Jxiv, 2024-09 - Microstructural abnormalities of the cerebral cortex and autism spectrum disorders: from human pathology to animal models
Sae Sanaka; Koki Higuchi; Kenyu Nakamura; Momo Morika...
Medical Sciense Digest, 2024-09 - How Does Maternal Immune Activity Affect Fetal Survival and Brain Development?: The critical roles of IL-17A and microglia
Sara Kamiya; Asumi Kubo; Koki Higuchi; Kenyu Nakamura...
Jxiv, 2024-08 - IL-17:乾癬から自閉症への架け橋
神谷沙羅; 左中彩恵; 久保明澄; 樋口浩輝; 中村賢祐; 佐々木哲也
Precision medicine = プレシジョンメディシン, 2024-09 - IL-17: A Bridge from Psoriasis to Autism.
Sara Kamiya; Sae Sanaka; Asumi Kubo; Koki Higuchi; Ke...
Precision Medicine, 2024-09 - Elucidation of the mechanism of ASD expression in offspring by activation of the maternal intestinal immune system
Tetsuya Sasaki; Sara Kamiya
Report on FY2024 (62nd) Mishima Kaiun Memorial Foundation Academic Research Grants (Research Grants in Natural Sciences)/62/pp.25-27, 2024-11 - Molecular Basis of Neural Circuits Specific to the Prefrontal Cortex in Primates.
Kenyu Nakamura; Sara Kamiya; Tetsuya Sasaki
THE CELL/56(10)/pp.65-66, 2024-08 - 母体免疫が流産に与える影響: RORgtとIL-17Aに着目して
久保明澄; 神谷沙羅; 佐々木 哲也
BIO Clinica/56(1)/pp.50-52, 2024-08 - 医の精神を紡ぐ ―筑波大学医学群における解剖実習と革新的医学教育の融合―
佐々木 哲也
Web_https://www.neurosci.tsukuba.ac.jp/~takeilab/index.php/2024/06/23/20240000-63/, 2024-07 - 解剖学・神経科学研究室における研究室演習-精神疾患の生物学的基盤の解明を目指す-
中村 賢祐; 神谷 沙羅; 佐々木 哲也
桐医会会報/96(1)/pp.65-66, 2024-09 - さらに表示...
- Distribution of IL-17RA mRNA in the developing cortex and its changes in animal models of ASD.