佐々木 哲也(ササキ テツヤ)


  • 解剖学・神経科学研究室のこれまでとこれからー新しい解剖学を追い求めてー
    佐々木 哲也; 神谷沙羅; 中村賢祐
    桐医会会報/96(1)/pp.61-64, 2024-09
  • Formation of functional cortical areas and their disruption in the development of psychiatric disorders
    Tetsuya Sasaki; Sara Kamiya
    Report on the results of the 2023 grant (Life Science Foundation of Japan)/24(1)/pp.25-26, 2024-07
  • Effects of Maternal Immune Activation and IL-17A on Abortion
    Asumi Kubo; Sara Kamiya; Tetsuya Sasaki
    BIO Clinica/39(10)/pp.38-40, 2024-09
  • IL-17A mRNA expression in the cerebral cortex during postnatal development and its alternations in an animal model of ASD
    Sara Kamiya; Yosuke Takei; Suguru Iwata; Tetsuya Sasaki
    Tsukuba Journal of Biology/23(1), 2024-02
  • Effects of constitutive increase of IL-17A in serum on central nervous system.
    Tetsuya Sasaki; Sara Kamiya
    Medical Sciense Digest/50(16)/pp.1-2, 2023-2
  • Cortical IL-17RA expression during postnatal development and its changes in an ASD model animal
    Yoshitoku Watabe; Tetsuya Sasaki; Suguru Iwata; Haruka K...
    Japanese Association of Anatomists 110th Kanto Branch Academic Meeting/110(1)/pp.13-13, 2022-10-01
  • Neonatal immune challenge-induced changes in KIF gene expression in the brain
    Yohei Soga; Suguru Iwata; Tetsuya Sasaki; Haruka Kanamar...
    Proceeding of the 110th Kanto Branch Academic Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists/110(1)/p.14, 2022-10
  • Myosin Id, an ASD-risk gene product preferentially localize to dendritic spines of neurons
    Tetsuya Sasaki; Haruka Kanamaru; Suguru Iwata; Yoshitoku ...
    Proceeding of the 110th Kanto Branch Academic Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists/110(1)/pp.21-21, 2022-10
  • Myosin Id, an ASD-risk gene product preferentially localize to dendritic spines of cultured hippocampal neurons.
    Tetsuya Sasaki; Haruka Kanamaru; Suguru Iwata; Yosuke Takei
    Structure and Function/21(1)/pp.18-18, 2022-09
  • Immune systems on cortical development and their abnormality on ASD
    Tetsuya Sasaki
    Business Report for FY2021 "Climb" Kawano Masanori Memorial Public Interest Incorporated Foundation for Promotion of Pediatrics/21/pp.10-10, 2022-07
  • Elevated maternal RORγt enhances the effect of polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid in inducing fetal loss.
    Sasaki Tetsuya
    Proceeding of the 127th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists./127/pp.163-163, 2022-03
  • Expression of IL-17RA in the cerebral cortex of mice during postnatal development and its alteration by maternal immune activation.
    Sasaki Tetsuya
    Proceeding of the 127th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists/127/pp.148-148, 2022-03
  • An example of pseudo-bait (for trout) with an exhilarating casting sensation
    佐々木 哲也
    Forest of Trout/288/pp.54-54, 2010
  • Effects of immune systems on cortical development and their abnormality on ASD
    Sasaki Tetsuya
    Proceeding of FY2021 Research Grant Presentation of Kawano Masanori Memorial Public Interest Incorporated Foundation for Promotion of Pediatrics/32(1)/pp.10-10, 2022-03
  • Introduction of Laboratory: Laboratory introduction: Laboratory of Anatomy and Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba.
    Tetsuya Sasaki; Suguru Iwata; Yosuke Takei
    Structure and Function/20(2)/pp.76-78, 2022-03
  • Molecular motor Myosin Id localize to dendritic spines
    Sasaki Tetsuya; Ohtsuka Masae; Iwata Suguru; Takei Yosuke
    Proceeding of the Japanese Association of Anatomists 109th Kanto Branch Academic Meeting, 2021-12
  • Elevated maternal retinoic acid-related orphan receptor-γt enhances the effect of poly(I:C) in inducing fetal loss.
    Tetsuya Sasaki; Masae Ohtsuka; Satoru Takahashi; Yosuke ...
    DOHad Research/9(2)/pp.78-78, 2021-09
  • Cytokine imbalance affects microglial activity in corticogenesis.
    Sasaki Tetsuya; Takei Yosuke
    Proceeding of the 126th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists. / the 98th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan/1(1)/pp.152-152, 2021-03
  • Effects of RORγt overexpression on the central nervous system and behaviors.
    Sasaki Tetsuya; Takahashi Aki; Takahashi Satoru; Takei Y...
    Proceeding of the 126th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists. / the 98th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan./1(1)/pp.146-146, 2021-03
  • Effects of RORγt overexpression on the murine central nervous system
    Tetsuya SASAKI; Rei Nagata; Satoru TAKAHASHI; Yosuke TAKEI
    Neuropsychopharmacology Reports, 2021-02
  • 光変換蛍光タンパク質プローブを用いた神経活動依存的な樹状突起内局所翻訳イメージング
    Suguru Iwata; Tetsuya Sasaki; Yosuke Takei
    Medical Science Digest/46(6)/pp.64-65, 2020-06
  • How to guide the hand out using the priming effect
    Naoya Zushi; Kaguya Iwasaki; Tzu-Yang Wang; Kansuke Hasu...
    Report of the Comprehensive Seminar of the Department of Kansei, Behavioral, and Brain Sciences/1/pp.141-143, 2021-02
  • 血清中の恒常的IL-17A過剰は海馬歯状回のミクログリア活性に影響を及ぼす
    佐々木 哲也; 武井 陽介
    日本生物学的精神医学会誌 = Japanese journal of biological psychiatry/32(2), 2021-06
  • COVID-19パンデミック下における筑波大学の解剖学講義・実習の取り組み
    佐々木 哲也; 矢部 一徳; 瀬谷 祐一; 首藤 文洋; 武井 陽介
    形態・機能/19(2)/pp.33-36, 2021-03
  • コロナ禍における解剖生理学オンライン講義の取り組み
    佐々木 哲也; 野村 由美; 木名瀬 久美子; 伊藤 浩美; 堤 朝子
    形態・機能/19(2)/pp.37-40, 2021-03
  • さらに表示...