佐々木 哲也(ササキ テツヤ)


2021-04 -- 2022-03Experimental training of Kansei, Behavioral, and Brain SciencesDepartment of Kansei, Behavioral, and Brain Sciences, the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
2021-04 -- 2022-03Premium Research Paper Seminar IIDepartment of Kansei, Behavioral, and Brain Sciences, the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
2021-04 -- 2022-03English Journal Club IIDepartment of Kansei, Behavioral, and Brain Sciences, the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
2021-04 -- 2022-03Professional Science English IDepartment of Kansei, Behavioral, and Brain Sciences, the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
2021-04 -- 2022-03Comprehensive excises C of Kansei, Behavioral, and Brain SciencesDepartment of Kansei, Behavioral, and Brain Sciences, the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
2021-02 -- 2021-02Master Thesis Associate ChancellorPhD Program of Neurosciences, Degree Program of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
2021-04 -- (現在)M3 Course#1 Sensory System Anatomy of EarFaculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
2021-01 -- 2021-03Human Biology IICollege of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba
2020-10 -- 2021-03NeuroanatomyCollege of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba
2020-06 -- 2020-08テュートリアル M2#5消化器系I筑波大学 医学群医学類